#dev 2022-06-04

2022-06-04 UTC
I had a relatively open Known install that attracted a lot of spam users who wanted to spam the site. It had an approval flag that required manual verification. Perhaps an "application" form with a honeypot field for the bots may help filter things even if only after the fact?
I'll have to see if mine is in robots txt to see if that helps.
Seirdy and jacky joined the channel
Going to spend tonight working on making a native IndieWeb app for GNOME in Rust. Doesn't have to do anything fancy—baseline logic would be signing in to a site's IndieAuth client, confirming what scopes were approved and showing the provided profile and… https://jacky.wtf/2022/6/i4m_
jacky joined the channel
Just discovered the html tag <details>
I think it might be useful for my Reading page. I can put a general review in the nested <summary> followed by spoiler-type info. Readers have to click to see the non-summary
cybi, jacky, nathan[m]12345, tetov-irc and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
It's my favourite tag.
cjw6k, cybi and ShinyCyril joined the channel
hey aaronpk! after all these years I'm still directly embedding atlas static maps, but it's been throwing an error for a little while.. https://atlas.p3k.io/map/img?marker[]=lat:45.5165;lng:-122.6764;icon:small-blue-cutout&basemap=gray&width=600&height=240&zoom=14
rhiaro: tantek left you a message on 2020-02-12 at 6:25pm UTC: tomorrow is the 2 year anniversary of the closing of the W3C Social Web Working Group! https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg if you have any particular updates regarding SocialWG/IndieWeb specifications that you worked on or implemented, consider this a good time to post about
ShinyCyril joined the channel
I just noticed that too rhiaro
I wonder if the tile server I was using finally changed
Oh yeah maybe
I'll see if I can fix it this morning
so efficient :D
I hope all is well with you!
ShinyCyril and cybi joined the channel
GWG are you still using the static maps API library?
I just realized that it's been 8 years with no commits because I've switched over to using Atlas for everything
i want to just delete that repo since it's so old
aaronpk: I am using my fork.... would you want to transfer it to me?
And I'll maintain my forked version with credit?
It doesn't need much attention
ah sure. you'll want to fix this tile URL issue
aaronpk: I may have in my fork already.
I forget, if you have a repository and someone forked it, then you transfer it to them, what happens?
Also, if you delete, what happens to the fork?
since it's public, if i delete it then all the forks remain
ah i see you already have the https URLs in there
aaronpk: I forget how long ago I made all those changes and backported some stuff, but it was a while ago
i also just got a SSRF report filed on it for accepting URLs as parameters
i'm going to change it to only allow URLs for icons and things if you provide an access token in the request, that way i can lock that down but still have the feature
you'll probably want to do something similar
I was considering adding a token, but I never figured out a nice simple way to do so. I like the simplicity of the code
I'll be following it.
And I'll likely make a few more tweaks.
jacky joined the channel
aaronpk: Is anyone other than me using the old one, do you think? And evne I'm only using a fork of it?
aaronpk: If I'm willing to take the repo, can you merge my PR from my fork, then transfer it? And I'll take full responsibility then?
ShinyCyril and jacky joined the channel
that would work
i assume at least one other person is using it since they filed an issue on it about the broken URLs
GWG: ok I merged your PR, I can transfer it now when you're ready
I'm ready... what do I need to do?
I've never received a repository before
i think maybe just move the current fork out of the way? you should get an email once i click this
I could just delete the fork
sure i guess there's nothing useful in it
You merged it all
Okay. Deleted. Transfer away
ok, request sent, you should see an email to approve it
aaronpk: I promise to treat it like it was my own.
And now, back to Webmentions. I have facepile settings to write
jacky joined the channel
interesting, i wonder what SSRF protections google has in place for their version of this https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/maps-static/start#CustomIcons
you can also provide icon URLs to them
jonnybarnes joined the channel
rhiaro: maps should be all fixed up now!
ShinyCyril joined the channel
thanks aaronpk!!
I'm going to start caching them locally at some point..
that would be preferable yes :)
i actually started doing that myself a while ago. well not "caching" so much as actually storing locally
treating it more like a generator for a map image than a dynamic service
so all the images from my rides and such are actually png files on disk now https://aaronparecki.com/2022/06/01/30/map.png
which does mean that older maps might look different because i used different map tiles https://aaronparecki.com/2017/05/24/17/map.png
i could regenerate them but i think i'm okay with that
cybi joined the channel
yeah that's what I meant
I mean, I've been meaning to do this for years... this might have been enough of a nudge
that is how i feel about a lot of my website's todo list
jacky and sebsel joined the channel
Depending on when new buildings happen older tiles may make more sense too.
Have you seen the CycleOSM tiles? Handy for biking maps as they have very clear contour lines.
oh neat, and they have the bike streets named too
jacky joined the channel
their tile server is very slow
angelo joined the channel
ok aaronpk, fixed some bugs in the granary Instagram scraped endpoint, should be ready now
renamed the granary endpoint to /scraped , and the IG profile JSON you want is https://i.instagram.com/api/v1/users/web_profile_info/?username=...
aaronpk, rhiaro: I actually cache them for days using an nginx fastcgi cache
nertzy, cybi and jonnybarnes joined the channel
whoa messages from before the pandemic!
jacky, [Chase_Reynolds], cybi, jonnybarnes, ShinyCyril and kloenk joined the channel
I set up the initial infrastructure for webmentions on my personal site, but it's hard to test without any mentions? I guess I have to post something on my personal site worth mentioning? But that sounds like work?
cybi, ShinyCyril and jonnybarnes joined the channel
↩️ you may want to look at https://brid.gy/ which counts twitter (and other) mentions of a page as a webmention for it, in the small interim before you get a chance to write something else cool for people to mention directly!
↩️ you may want to look at https://brid.gy/ which counts twitter (and other) mentions of a page as a webmention for it, in the small interim before you get a chance to write something else cool for people to mention directly!
ShinyCyril joined the channel
↩️ Mia, you're over-thinking this. Post an blog post with title "New: Webmentions support!". Content: a 1-2 sentence definition / link to definition of what they are, and "To test it out, link to this post from [list of supporting platforms], and your comment will appear below!"
↩️ Head over to http://chat.indieweb.org and you'll find people ready to send you webmentions
jacky, tetov-irc, cybi, [tw2113_Slack_]1, tbbrown and ShinyCyril joined the channel