#dev 2022-06-03

2022-06-03 UTC
even if you want to blog recipes
hiyo! XD
jacky joined the channel
interesting approach to /groups in the AP space: https://a.gup.pe/
you'd just have to mention it when posting something and it'll share your post with those following it
share as in "repost"?
kinda like how https://news.indieweb.org or https://indieweb.xyz/ but more explicitly
retoot or whatever
aaronpk: yeah (I refuse to say 'toot' lol)
jacky has 25 karma in this channel over the last year (57 in all channels)
jacky joined the channel
well i'm glad someone figured it out for activitypub. indienews is almost 10 years old now
wonders how old Usenet is
didn't toot get dropped?
thought I saw a post from Gargron about this, about "toot" being an unnecessary linguistic barrier
if only I could search ...
... turns out I can, our own chat/Slack 🙂
that does sound familiar
oh wait that was way more recent than i thought
that's a recent reference, it sounds like the actual dropping of "toot" happened sometime before that
would be interesting to see the actual discussion and conclusion of that though
the github org was called tootsuite for a long time too https://github.com/tootsuite/mastodon
which i always thought was a clever nod to hootsuite
I always thought tootsuite was a clever nod to the French _tout suite_ meaning "right now"?
ooh that's good too
that's actually what I pronounced it as in my head most of the time
I always assumed the French Connection
[hollie] Your application to my Known install was accepted. (I still haven't figured out the error it threw, but at least it's not wholly broken after all this time.) Hopefully there's enough there to give you an idea of some of how it works without having to spin up your own version.
or much more obliquely "zoot suit"?
jacky joined the channel
TIL my posse code fails if I try to reply to someone who limited who can reply to the tweet: "The original Tweet author restricted who can reply to this Tweet."
i guess i should update my posting interface to tell me that ahead of time
hmm there's a way to discern that from the API?
also might be a nudge to see if /audience lists / identifiers can be something to hash out
jacky and Hi joined the channel
↩️ Thank you!
jacky, cjw6k_, cybi, angelo, [echo], mro, old and gRegor joined the channel
[hollie] I use Known as my main micro blogging stream and I get that error all the time. It is a meaningless error, because in fact I am always logged in after I get it. Known is not easy to tweak to get precisely the look you want. The templating system is pretty arcane.
BlackPirateX, Hollie, [fluffy], [chrisaldrich], [echo], [schmarty], [James_Van_Dyne], [Scott_Jack], [aimee] and IWDiscordGateway joined the channel
[tantek] Do you have a webaction handler set up on your website? I'd love for someone to test my demo poll that works with webactions.
The poll vote contents is sent in a ?contents= query string or something like that. It translates to whatever micropublish.net uses (I don't know why I can't remember this haha.)
But that's just an added feature. The function to test is whether clicking a vote does indeed trigger your webaction handler.
(anyone else who has a webaction handler can test too!)
mro, tetov-irc, mro_ and [manton] joined the channel
Late reply to [tantek]’s comment yesterday… Micro.blog now does support tweet replies via Bridgy. For example, you can see it on the replies in this post: https://davidcel.is/2022/05/08/going-out-to.html
Did a write-up about the #IndieWeb proof of concept I built for my website. I still need to figure out how I'll SEND webmentions (and syndicate to other locations) but it's certainly a good first step! https://crowdersoup.com/posts/projects/indieweb/indieweb-proof-of-concept/
cybi joined the channel
I wrote more details ^ about the proof-of-concept I built w/ a serverless function in Vercel. I’m excited it worked as I expected. Now I “just” need to start implementing on my site 😄
jacky joined the channel
jacky joined the channel
cambridgeport90 joined the channel
[hollie] see the message above from [manton]. You can use micro.blog for all your posts, and have people not on micro.blog comment on your posts via Twitter, which seems reasonably accessible, and a 280char limit also seems reasonable for comments
mro, cybi and jacky joined the channel
That's a great feature for sure, but that makes it accessible for Twitter users. The vast majority of crafters, sewists, and artists I know aren't on Twitter. The same reasons that I want to own my stuff, to feel like I have a little house on the internet where I can share all my hobbies and interests, are also why I want that house accessible to everyone who might want to comment. It feels incongruent for me to say, "I'm doing all
this to stay off silos, and maybe inspire you to stay off silos, but you have to be a member of one of those silos to participate in a discussion here."
I was playing around with my micro blog last night and I really love the design, but even when I'm logged in, I can't figure out how to respond to people if I'm just looking at an individual's site. There are no "reply" links at the bottom of posts unless I'm viewing a post from my own feed, logged into my account. If I am still logged in but view someone else's micro blog via their domain (so for instance www.choosendomain.com vs.
micro.blog/username), then I don't see any way to comment at all. One user I really like, Miraz, she has an email link at the bottom of her posts, which is cool! But then when I click that, it of course auto-opens my Mail app, which I loathe and don't use. And even then, I don't see any comments on any of her posts (I assume they're only available if you're inside your feed, viewing her posts? or do the email comments show up at all?
it's very unclear).
right, Twitter is the backstop for people owning their own sites to comment
interesting re: no "reply" links. [manton] I wonder if there's an opportunity here to explore using web action links/buttons on micro.blog to help encourage peer-to-peer replies?
also manton++ (again) for adding backfeed support!
This might be part of my ongoing confusion. If I see something in the Discover feed, there are Reply and Conversation options: https://micro.blog/mangochutney/12977600 -- but nothing when I view the post itself: https://www.mangochutney.me/2022/06/03/i-just-love.html or in that micro.blog's own home stream https://www.mangochutney.me/ -- is it just a theme thing that these options don't exist where I, at least, would most want
jacky joined the channel
[Chris_Lott] we're big micro.blog fans here, but not many of us are deep users. maybe check out https://help.micro.blog/ or ask on m.b itself!
jacky joined the channel
Yeah, this reply confusion is a longstanding issue… There is a Micro.blog plug-in called “Conversation on Micro.blog” that adds a link back to Micro.blog from your blog post. I have plans to make something like that built in, with a way to reply directly from a blog post.
I think in the early days I was worried about putting Micro.blog links all of your own blog, because it’s your space, but having a simple option for this would make things easier and more comparable to WordPress comments.
jacky joined the channel
[hollie] To clarify for Miraz’s site, the email link is really just sending a private email, it isn’t automatically tied back into Micro.blog at all. Definitely room for improvement here, so I appreciate the feedback!
jacky, angelo, cybi and gRegor joined the channel
↩️ IndieAuth is pretty slick. Feels very right to use my own domain as my identity. I spread the functionality over 8 or so cloud functions but none where more than 50 LOC. They'll scale forever up, and down. More than likely always within free tier. Pretty big upside over WP.
[manton] Oh you're so welcome, thank you so much for doing all this work! Micro.blog is so cool! On Miraz's site, I feel like the email option is a legit option by itself. As in, I could see wanting a site where I made it easy for people to quickly send me a comment privately, a note in email, but not want comments fed back to the post. I see that as "private blogging" in a way - like maybe I want to connect with people individually,
but I don't want to host big discussions. But it'd also be neat to have an option for them to be fed back and nested, too.
jacky joined the channel
[manton] I think your concerns about putting links on people's blogs are spot on. I think the key here it make it opt-in in some fairly "easy" way to at least put a "Reply ↩" link if people want to make it easier for other micro.blog folks (or other IndieWeb folks) to reply to their posts.
IndieAuth is pretty slick. Feels very right to use my own domain as my identity. I spread the functionality over 8 or so cloud functions but none where more than 50 LOC. They'll scale forever up, and down. More than likely always within free tier. Pretty big upside over WP.
!tell capjamesg did you ever get my webmention for the coffee poll? I didn't see it, wasn't sure if you were moderating.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[manton] is there anywhere on micro.blog where it shows the number of microblogs?
micro.blog++ for https://micro.blog/discover which is quite nice and welcoming
micro.blog has 2 karma over the last year
discover << Good example of a discover page: https://micro.blog/discover
ok, I added "Good example of a discover page: https://micro.blog/discover" to the "See Also" section of /discovery https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=81811&oldid=81608
[tantek] Nope. We get a lot of spam blogs created, so the total number of blogs is not very meaningful right now… Working on some new tools to better clean things out.
ah interesting, is that due to the free trial aspect?
jacky joined the channel
Yeah. One change I made this year is to not allow Google to index free trial blogs, which I’m hoping will negate any benefit these folks think they’ll get by creating a 1-page spammy blog of links.
I’m curious how Tumblr and WordPress.com handle this. I expect at their scale they don’t have a complete handle on this kind of issue either. It’s a little more manageable for us but still not perfect.
cybi joined the channel
might be worth capturing some techniques for mitigating bad actors in free trials
that could be a bit chicken-and-egg-y
documenting mitigation techniques could help bad actors find a way around them
jacky joined the channel
I mean, the whole notion of open security protocols is based on the opposite assumption, that documenting the protocols openly helps *strengthen* them against bad actors
you're right!
ShinyCyril, cybi, tetov-irc and jacky joined the channel