#dev 2022-06-05

2022-06-05 UTC
ShinyCyril and jacky joined the channel
Ok, here it is. A slow reply to @chriscoyier's RSS post, and a test of my new webmentions setup. Am I on the IndieWeb Yet? (Even if mentions work, they won't display yet. I wasn't happy doing a theoretical layout of content I don't yet grok.) https://www.miriamsuzanne.com/2022/06/04/indiweb/
cybi, ShinyCyril, jacky and imfelquis joined the channel
aaronpk: Backported your auth key solution for now. Will likely do more tweaks in future, but that at least addresses it for whoever wants to use it still.
Also cited Atlas as the successor project
jacky joined the channel
Sounds great
We'll see, someday I may just set up an Atlas instance, but I already have my own functions for all the other Atlas stuff. So, there may be other people in the same situation
lagash, jacky and cybi joined the channel
tell me again how email is great for notifications: https://twitter.com/antumbral/status/1533262803489783810
Someone tagged literally every person with access to the Unreal Engine github repo in a spam PR and it's generating so many emails per comment (upwards of 380k) that the notification emails are like 15 minutes behind
[fluffy] joined the channel
Emails are good for individual notifications. They fall apart when people don't consider situations like a github org with 400k people in it.
I also have a hard time believing any other technology would have done any better in this situation, because it's the situation that was dumb, not the use of email.
jonnybarnes joined the channel
tech lore needs to be told more
jonnybarnes, hacdias, jjuran, hacdias[m], tetov-irc, cybi, [CrowderSoup], hacdias[m]12, indieweb-visitor and hacdias7 joined the channel
"It's the situation that's dumb, not the use of email" good line
some variation of that was 90% of my IT job
ShinyCyril, cybi and CrowderSoup joined the channel
gRegor Let me check.
capjamesg: gRegor left you a message 1 day, 19 hours ago: did you ever get my webmention for the coffee poll? I didn't see it, wasn't sure if you were moderating.
I don't think I did :(
jonnybarnes and jacky joined the channel
petermolnar I was literally at MS for Bedlam DL3 and was *on that DL* and experienced the email slowdown / unusability in real time. It was a hilarious day
cybi joined the channel
[fluffy] re: "hard time believing any other technology would have done any better in this situation" <-- you know what handles this (today) every day with only occasional hiccups? Twitter, in sending *realtime* messages to everyone who follows the celebrities how have *millions* of followers. So there is definitely existence proof of such technology. It's just not "open"
jacky joined the channel
Completely different use case and notification flow though
like it’s not sending a direct notification to everyone about every message, it’s letting people see stuff when they look at it, and they may or may not see it immediately. GitHub is not a messaging platform, it’s a code collaboration platform.
This was an edge case where someone did a thing that led to a crapton of spurious notifications for a bunch of people in a situation where the system is designed with an expectation of immediacy and urgency, but was configured to just be a big ol’ catch-all for access control.
Like there’s never any legitimate reason for a PR notification or all its subsequent comments to go out to 400K people in the first place.
the woes of the thick push model
People don’t join the Unreal GitHub org to be notified of every change in Unreal Engine (nor is it used that way), they join the org to get source access so they can write plugins and so on.
People might *follow* Unreal on Twitter to get release notifications from Unreal, but those are also way less urgent and also Unreal-using game devs have plenty of other mechanisms for being notified of engine updates, like in the update notifications within the SDK hub.
jacky joined the channel
Indieweb analogy: when you post a blog entry to your website, you’re not immediately notifying every potential reader on the planet that you’ve done so (well, unless you’re a spammer)
yeah the email-notifications-by-default by GitHub is what I'm annoyed at. it's like just because someone added me to a repo does NOT mean I want repo spam by default seriously 🙄
Sure and that’s a completely valid complaint! That’s what everyone’s complaining about.
(this happens to me ALL THE TIME)
The way you phrased it made it sound like it’s email’s fault and not github’s notifications-by-default fault.
it's both's fault
I'd like to see the push-notification numbers for popular Twitter accounts — willing to be there are numerous in the 100k+ range (of accounts with millions of followers)
At a stretch it’s a fault of github’s email implementation not having a “oh shit this message queue just increased by millions, maybe we should shut it down while we investigate” failsafe.
that could be true too
I’d also be really surprised if Twitter’s push stuff could handle millions of notifications going out in a brief time period without it being spread out over a few hours
also tweets are smaller than emails, etc. etc.
also maybe GH should reduce their default notifications to <280chars 😛 (and link for "more info", oh wait, they almost already link to the issue / PR / comment etc. for "view this on GH")
tweets also don’t have the reply-all notification storm problem, which was another issue here
Twitter *in total* is sending out millions (if not 10x, 100x) of notifications per hour
frankly I'm pretty amazed at how much they've scaled realtime notifications
I assume that’s also on the backs of the respective notification systems used by Android and iOS.
like receiving such notifications within seconds (if not within a second) of posts
I’ve never purposefully enabled push notifications for Twitter. One time I accidentally enabled them for someone and then the next time they tweeted a month later I was like “wtf”
personally I feel like people are way too willing to be inundated with push notification distractions.
I enable push notifications for various local emergency accounts.
I just use my cellphone’s “emergency alert” stuff for that… and *that* also runs into scale-fail problems all the time.
lol the cell network "emergency alert" stuff is crap.
unless you live in Hawaii and want to be errantly notified of when missiles ARE NOT launched at you 🙄
2018 Hawaii missile alert
jacky, jonnybarnes, gxt, ShinyCyril and cybi joined the channel
probably not too novel
jacky, ShinyCyril, cybi, [snarfed]1 and tetov-irc joined the channel