#dev 2022-06-06

2022-06-06 UTC
cybi joined the channel
Heh, https://webmention.rocks turns implementing the webmention spec into a sort of video game. (I'm fun at parties.)
aaronpk++ ^ heh
aaronpk has 36 karma in this channel over the last year (126 in all channels)
Gotta catch 'em all
cybi joined the channel
What is a video game?
It looks like we don't have a page for "video game" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "video game is ____", a sentence describing the term)
There's an interesting idea in gamifying IndieWeb "achievements."
I'm not a fan of competition but it would be nice to earn some kind of badge for doing various IndieWeb things.
It wouldn't be for anything other than your personal edification but might offer some encouragement to people who are dipping their toes into new waters.
"Achievement: Configured Webmentions on Your Site" is a leading reward while you wait to actually receive your first webmention (which in itself is such a terrific reward anyway :D).
and this is why we spent a bunch of time on IndieMark with various levels
Did anyone make strides in making IndieMark more approachable?
(with the mindset that not everyone may want to read through a long wiki page)
cybi, mro and tetov-irc joined the channel
I am (sort of) gamifying my IndieWeb work on my own site by putting all the todo's into Habitica capjamesg, haha
pmlnr, [aciccarello] and jacky joined the channel
capjamesg, re: "more approachable", note the stark contrast in the fact that webmention.rocks is very much *only* for developers, whereas "more approachable" usually means to users
and a user can be _anyone_
but not _everyone_ at the same time :)
in this case it's specifically users/owners of indieweb sites, rather than viewers/readers
jacky, cybi, Loqi, jjuran and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
In light of @reading's coming sunset, a few kind users convinced me to finally open source (MIT) the code. Everything is showing its age, but then again aren't we all. Have a look: https://github.com/reading-am
what is reading?
To read or reading is the act of viewing and interpreting posts or other documents; on the IndieWeb, a read post expresses that something has been read, like a book or section thereof https://indieweb.org/reading
reading.am << open sourced at https://github.com/reading-am
[schmarty] and [hollie] joined the channel
Oh yay! I hope someone can keep it running!
cybi joined the channel
ooh nice!
I see what he means about it being somewhat out of date, Ruby and Coffeescript, two things a lot less popular among devs these days
write code such that it doesn't matter how popular the underlying technologies are with devs
as in, rock solid and with few dependencies?
I've dabbled in trying to learn a few languages over the years but I think what I'm missing is process and best practices
scojjac, yes, and I think another long term lesson here is that non-C syntax languages are never going to be dominant, and likely retreat to finding only small community niches. the one exception being Python which is still fighting to hang on. Perl is essentially the COBOL of the web now.
declining popularity of Coffeescript makes sense, as it overlapped a lot with ES6 syntax features and the need for cross-compilers to use them.
Ruby (especially Rails, which is the framework for this reading.am repo) seems to be doing just fine. regular improvements, active community.
I mean yeah, it's doing fine in its community niche. this is more the point I was making: https://insights.dice.com/2020/12/03/10-most-popular-programming-languages-on-github/
Ruby hanging on there by a thread at #10, right behind "Shell" at 9, and in the top 8, the only non-C-syntax language is Python
I would say _Rails_ seems to be doing fine, but I rarely see anything written in Ruby that isn't Rails. Python has data science and automation nerds backing it up (I like python for scripting and automating personally). But like [tantek] mentioned, "C-Style" languages are popular because the syntax is familiar and I don't see that changing in the
foreseeable future honestly.
whoa even longer term, this is a cool chart: https://octoverse.github.com/#top-languages-over-the-years
Oh that is a really cool chart
lol the chart makes it look like Objective-C died in 2016 πŸ˜‚
I mean it pretty much did with the arrival of Swift right?
that chart also shows the longterm decline of Ruby which was part of the point I was making
Looks like Ruby fell the farthest and TypeScript climbed the most
so the whole Ruby vs Python drama/war is now settled right?
anything JS adjacent is gonna be inflated b/c of the web
s/web/web browsers/g
To be fair to typescript though, it is _really_ nice
it's also worth noting that rankings hide a ton of details.
jacky, note which languages Ruby fell relative to. none of them have any web browsers built-in advantage
I typically reach for Go in my personal projects, but TypeScript is great for building front-ends as a team.
sheesh that graph for Ruby is interesting
looks like Ruby'll be more lucrative soon lol
I'm kinda wondering when Rust will poke its way up to 10 to displace Ruby tbh
when RustScript drops ;) lol
https://www.tiobe.com/tiobe-index/ is the other classic one with much more history
i appreciate that their methodology is right there before the rankings, unlike github's πŸ˜‚
visual basic lol
ooof that 2021 to 2022 ranking drop is even worse for Ruby 😬
"number of skilled engineers world-wide, courses and third party vendors" is an odd methodology for sure.
ah, I see why VB is still up there, the methodology https://www.tiobe.com/tiobe-index/programminglanguages_definition/ of using search engine results heavily biases old crap that's been around a long time that has legacy content on the web
that's not really useful "to make a strategic decision about what programming language should be adopted when starting to build a new software system" (from the tiobe-index page itself)
tbh I trust github activity much more than search engine mentions for being any kind of (semi-)accurate view into *current* language relevance
I've done a little JavaScript, TypeScript, and Python so it's kind of nice to see those high on the list. I'm not sure I love that the modern web is so dependent on JavaScript but it doesn't seem to be going anyuwhere
Just recently was trying to get through a .NET Core course but lost interest and haven't been able to get back into it
Objective-C made me not want to develop iOS apps
jacky joined the channel
I'm curious to see how web assembly is going to affect the JS dominance.
I think WASI will be pretty interesting to watch. It could be a new / better JVM.
jacky, gxt, cybi and gRegor joined the channel
↩️ You've got your own site and control your URLs, so you're definitely on it! And you've got Webmentions for additional icing on the cake. Kudos! I'm glad you've managed to get things set up and working for yourself. It definitely helps to… http://stream.boffosocko.com/2022/terriblemia-youve-got-your-own-site-and-control-your-urls
cybi, tetov-irc, [tw2113_Slack_] and gRegor joined the channel