#dev 2022-06-07

2022-06-07 UTC
jacky and cybi joined the channel
oh no first I've heard of that'
jacky, cybi, [Scott_Jack]1, [KevinMarks]1, [aciccarello]1 and lanodan joined the channel
interesting critical read about experience with webmentions (including UX, user expectations, privacy) https://www.brycewray.com/posts/2022/05/indieweb-experiment-ends/
Bryce Wray
the Bridgy GDPR part is odd. he conflates privacy with GDPR compliance, which...ok, but then he omits all the GDPR legal details we have in the docs, and selectively quotes only the part where we say we're not 100% sure if it complies
(the backfeed user expectation question is fair though! we documented it a bit on https://indieweb.org/backfeed#Discussion . he may be in a vocal minority, but still totally valid, there's a range of opinions in the wild.)
“The steps aren’t simple, and most of my friends are not web developers. So, to me, this all feels like the prototype of an idea – a proof of concept. […] What I would like to see is a tool that helps bring the entire system together in one place.” @TerribleMia about #webmention
mro joined the channel
mro and cybi joined the channel
I just found the perfect place to contribute on the #Webmention plugin by @pfefferle (french in progress). It’s cal… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1534105194744651776
tetov-irc, cybi, mro and mro_ joined the channel
that session needs to be revisited and probably turned into guidelines we agree on
maybe even some level of an extension of webmention fetching/parsin
↩️ Only "originally". Long before it was coopted by crypto the term Web 3.0 was already in use by W3C for semantic web and interoperable protocols. Indieweb, ActivityPub, Webmentions came from that effort. Many people were surprised that term now means crypto. History just repeats.
lol if you're a user and you're concerned about privacy, why are you mentioning a website you don't contorl
i guess if someone ever complains I'll just block them from future comments
jacky joined the channel
Good reminder to put some kind of privacy page up though, I suppose
jacky, cybi and mro joined the channel
+1 [Scott_Jack]1
I'd love to participate in a pop-up on this issue.
jacky joined the channel
Ok so I recently set up FreshRSS
and today I discovered this extension that lets you Like posts over Micropub
Which is cool, because I had been thinking: "what if I could share posts directly from FreshRSS to my WordPress install with a small comment"
jacky joined the channel
What we talk about when we're talking about "Webmentions" #oldaily https://www.downes.ca/post/73801 Way back in 2002 I built something called the Referrer System that found links to your web page and listed them. All you had to do is put a little Javascript snippit on your page.
mro joined the channel
I use Fresh RSS, but not the web interface
mro, jacky and AramZS joined the channel
GWG fair enough ... I probably do use Reeder more
I use feedme on Android as my usual reading method
↩️ when I first integrated it into my site I was lucky my CMS of choice (Perch) had it built in so was minimal effort (thanks @drewm / @rachelandrew). It'd be so nice to have more tools and services support webmention out of the box
cybi joined the channel
<[tantek]> "write code such that it doesn'..." <- I generally agree that it is possible to write code in such a way that it is easier to be adapted into new flows and new languages but occasionally there are quirks of languages that make it easier or harder to read and easier or harder to change into other systems.
jacky and cybi joined the channel
languagequirks has -1 karma over the last year
jacky and AramZS joined the channel
naming << 2022-06-03 [https://thenewstack.io/best-practices-for-naming-variables-what-the-research-shows/ Best Practices for Naming Variables: What the Research Shows]
ok, I added "2022-06-03 [https://thenewstack.io/best-practices-for-naming-variables-what-the-research-shows/ Best Practices for Naming Variables: What the Research Shows]" to the "See Also" section of /naming https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=81826&oldid=81642
gRegor joined the channel
ActivityPub << [https://github.com/dariusk/express-activitypub Sample Express implementation]
cybi joined the channel
Nice to hear from Don Hopkins again. I remember him being ahead of his time on how to use javascript well
jacky joined the channel
“If a variable only holds the values “true” or “false”, end its name with a question mark.” what weird language let's you use a question mark in a variable name?
gRegor, jacky, Feoh, totertats_, saptaks_znc, klez_ and cybi joined the channel
KevinMarks: in the Hacker News source, he only says that it's a great idea, and the context (how Rails uses _at and _on to signify datetime vs date) is about making names more "natural". But ultimately it's not a useful idea, is it? Hopkins' preference of important words at the beginning to make better use of auto-completion is one of the more useful concepts I see here
aaronpk and hacdias joined the channel
ruby lets you do it. a lot of the object database mappers will let you check the value of a boolean columns with a `?` at the end. so like a post table with a `draft` boolean could be checked with `post.draft?`
heh that mannerism took me some time to shake
jacky joined the channel; jacky left the channel
random: do we have a browser extension for something like /webactions?
what are webactions
A web action is the interface and user experience of taking a specific discrete action, across the web, from one site to another site or application, like a reply button on a post, which when activated, allows you to reply using your own site instead of the site you are viewing https://indieweb.org/webactions
I vaguely remember such a thing
[fluffy] joined the channel
ahhh nvm
jacky joined the channel
yes there was a browser add-on that barnaby was maintaining, not sure if it still works
cybi joined the channel
omnibear is still working for me, tho i am not sure how up-to-date it is for recent indieauth spec updates.
i've also had it installed for a long time so idk what its status is on the various browser plugin directories
jacky, cybi, win0err and tetov-irc joined the channel