#dev 2022-06-08

2022-06-08 UTC
Anyone have platform/framework recs that are easy to get started with but can be heavily customized if/when needed? Ideally supports comments, RSS feeds, and some kind of social features like webmentions #lazyweb
mro joined the channel
↩️ frontend will have total #indieweb support. #Webmention, #Activitypub, and #Microformats. I've not yet, settled on plaintext or markdown. Specs doesn't yet suggest any text format, but I'm working on that. (2/2)
mro joined the channel
A Ruby gem for sending Webmention notifications. (from 28/05/2020) #twitterbot #ruby #rails #rubyonrails #rubydeveloper #railsdeveloper #programming https://www.rubyonrails.ba/single/a-ruby-gem-for-sending-webmention-notifications
[tw2113_Slack_]1, [snarfed], mro, gRegor, gRegorLove_, [Scott_Jack], win0err, tetov-irc, cybi, mro_, kloenk, capjamesg_ and [aciccarello] joined the channel
RE: the Bryce Wray post... I've also had thoughts about how people might not like their tweets being syndicated to my site. But it seems like they are conflating Bridgy with other use cases for webmentions, specifically when people _do_ want to have mentions sent.
mro, AramZS and chenghiz_ joined the channel
right, it's specifically about unexpected behavior of their tweets. hence my point about considering making tweets in reply-contexts look more like embedded tweets, which people seem to have no problem with
jacky and gRegor joined the channel
It would be great to have better styling to make reply contexts look more like embedded tweets
^ I'm kinda against that
I tried embedding the tweets using Twitter's code and it is a disaster of JS, tracking, and messy code
like I want things to look like they belong on my site
(obvs this is case-by-case)
Like I could make it clear it's from Twitter
Yeah, I do understand the whole 'embed vs putting my text on your site' concerns from people buuuuut
yeah like there's a link to the source
and like tbh, I'm not 100% opposed to removing contexts if they don't want them there
I just need the tooling for that
WordPress actually archives tweets that are embedded too, AND even if you delete the tweet and embedder will usually still have the blockquote on their site
like I'd replace it with just a URL (which, at that point, belongs to Twitter and not them)
So like... this is just how embedding Tweets works IMO
you can do your own tweet styling clone. Also their embedded ones are huge and getting bigger
(I did copy their styling in the preview in noterlive.com but that was a few redesigns ago)
Yeah, I wish someone would share their style tho. Every place I've seen a good fake Twitter embed has had insane CSS attached
And getting it look right is just a big project that doesn't seem super fun
[Ryan Barrett] In reply to https://twitter.com/brianleroux/status/1534552311464218624. (I won't speak for Dorian, but afaik IndieWeb is pretty neutral on AWS. Agreed, all three of the big cloud providers are basically utilities, in many ways. Which is often ...
[Ryan Barrett] In reply to https://twitter.com/brianleroux/status/1534552311464218624. (I won't speak for Dorian, but afaik IndieWeb is pretty neutral on AWS. Agreed, all three of the big cloud providers are basically utilities, in many ways. Which is often ...
not for any of these reasons, or anything else clever, just what I did
(those URLs tho 🤦‍♂️)
native indieweb responses too, eg https://snarfed.org/2022-02-16_indieweb-utils-v0-2-0-is-out-james-coffee-blog , but those aren't quite as distinctive
(both kinds require JS 🤷 )
I did indeed steal their crazy css out of the embedded iframe for that
those are some long slugs yeah 😂
cjw6k joined the channel
Didn't Twitter degrade the embed experience for deleted tweets? I think I saw their JS would hide/remove the blockquote fallback.
i believe they walked it back after complaints
That's good
That was KevinMarks's doing 😄
he elevated it enough to get articles written about it
Nice :)
wow how was that only two months ago: https://www.kevinmarks.com/twittereditsyou.html
Twitter Edits You 2022-04-06
TIL about https://skittish.com/ from Andy Baio. Looks fun. linked in that article^
jacky and mro joined the channel
<sunset> no idea if this is the right place for this but GitHub has announced the sunset of the Atom text editor today https://github.blog/2022-06-08-sunsetting-atom/
well that will help with one less ambiguity
one fewer?
countable ambiguities is a great improv team name, thanks!
jacky, tetov-irc and jjuran joined the channel