#dev 2022-11-12
2022-11-12 UTC
[Tim_Nolte] and gRegor joined the channel
barnaby ash[m]: looks like it’s a microblog.pub thing rather than specific to your site template (and very minor), but mb.p is wrapping mention links in an unnecessary <span class="h-card">, the class="h-card" could be on the <a class="mention"> and it’d work exactly the same with one less element
bterry1, asatree, jacky_, gRegor, rubenwardy, gRegorLove_ and lqdev[m] joined the channel
gRegor barnaby, re: indiewebify.me, I haven't gotten too far with it, but I did start locally on https://github.com/indieweb/indiewebify-me/issues/82 a while back
kushal, walkah, aaronpk, KatherineMoss[m], kandr3s[m], Zagura[m], sciamp[m], gRegor, mro, mouse[d], IWDiscordRelay and petermolnar joined the channel
ash[m] <barnaby> "ash: looks like it’s a microblog..." <- Nah that's a bug with the changes I've been making. Thanks for the catch
mro and barnaby joined the channel
barnaby ash[m]: re extraneous <span> element: I’m a little confused about them because I first noticed it in your repost of this https://dj.je/o/72d9e74ad17a4bfa9fac024161bdd5b3 where each embedded h-card has a single u-url element (not ideal as the explicit u-url property means that p-name is not implied, so the parsed entry only has a url property!) but when I look at the repost of it from https://microblog.pub/ or on your site, there are extra <span
@TiimB I published a new blog post:
IndieWebifying my Website Part 1 - Microformats and Webmentions
#indieweb #microformats #webmentions #golang (twitter.com/_/status/1591417020557525003)
mro joined the channel
[jacky] interesting development https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/pull/16080
ash[m] ooooh
mro joined the channel
[timothy_chambe] Is there an #indieweb solution we should recommend to him? https://twitter.com/davewiner/status/1591440964329037827?s=46&t=m3xQep6zSwbyL9o8uvBqTg
@davewiner I could retool and write an email identity system. I actually have it mostly written. (twitter.com/_/status/1591440964329037827)
IWDiscordRelay <capjamesg#4492> Interesting re: the name.
IWDiscordRelay <capjamesg#4492> aaronpk Is WebAuthn easier to implement yet?
IWDiscordRelay <capjamesg#4492> Ah there is a Python library. Interesting.
bterry and mro joined the channel
IWDiscordRelay <Lunarequest#0122> Is there a list of end points and the data they should return for the indieweb?
barnaby hi Lunarequest! gotta go in a minute so hopefully others will expand, but: generally indieweb technologies use microformats2 to mark up data within HTML (reducing the need for extra endpoints to get, say, JSON copies of the same data) and link-based discovery for everything else (e.g. webmention for cross-site notifications, indieauth for authentication, micropub for client->server publishing etc)
barnaby the best place to start is adding microformats 2 markup to your existing blog, and checking it using tools like https://indiewebify.me/ and https://indieweb.org/feed#How_To_Test
barnaby and exactly what you do after that depends on what functionality you want, but most people tend to go: 2) sending outgoing webmentions (testable using https://webmention.rocks/), 3) setting up a webmention endpoint at your site to handle incoming webmentions and display them as responses (see https://indieweb.org/Webmention) 4) setting your site up as an indieauth identity provider, 4) getting a micropub endpoint working so that you can use
barnaby but as I said, it’s up to you! take a look at the building blocks https://indieweb.org/Category:building-blocks and see what appeals to you
IWDiscordRelay <Lunarequest#0122> Thanks this sounds perfect. I'll go through this and figure out what i want
[KevinMarks]1 Calling tweets toots was Merlin Mann's shtick
mro, IWSlackGateway1 and [keithjgrant] joined the channel
[keithjgrant] I’m trying to use this lib to setup my micropub server using Netlify Hooks, but I’m running into an error where it returns “invalid request” when my token is in both the header and the request body, which is what Quill is sending. Is there a valid reason it should do this? I’m tempted to edit that out of my fork https://github.com/keithjgrant/micropub/commit/475238df778147b4a39245f046440cf1664edc74
geoffo joined the channel
[keithjgrant] maybe I could edit it to return invalid if they mismatch
[manton] joined the channel
[schmarty] 😈
slyduda, gRegor, mro, jonnybarnes, geoffo and [eddie] joined the channel
AramZS, apk_test and apk_test_2 joined the channel
[snarfed] hey aaronpk just checking, target_not_found in https://webmention.io/gitlab.com/webmention/KZu6DxYqz3yIODcur6-j means the target domain gitlab.com isn't signed up, not that the target URL wasn't found in the source page, right?
[snarfed] same if I URL-encode the unicode char, `curl https://snarfed.org/2022-11-12_python-mode-devs-python-mode-%C2%B7-gitlab | grep https://gitlab.com/python-mode-devs/python-mode`
@typelogdev @_davideast @JohnRodkey is there a way to do dynamic headers for pages served via an spa on hosting? I want to do Link header for webmentions for /u/:username/posts/:postid (twitter.com/_/status/1591572645983973377)
[jacky] wonders if I should make this a configurable option for /Lighthouse
mro joined the channel