#dev 2022-11-13

2022-11-13 UTC
[snarfed]: I think [KevinMarks]1’s https://mention.tech/ was built to receive mentions for anyone. That might be the better target than wm.io? Though maybe double check with Kevin :D
IWSlackGateway, apk_test, [tantek] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
It does that and passes them through to any webmention endpoint it finds, yes. Though it is stuck in yak shaving land to get it off old Python and AppEngine versions
It does that and passes them through to any webmention endpoint it finds, yes. Though it is stuck in yak shaving land to get it off old Python and AppEngine versions
It does that and passes them through to any webmention endpoint it finds, yes. Though it is stuck in yak shaving land to get it off old Python and AppEngine versions
apk_test, [Ovi_Demetrian_], IWSlackGateway and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
It does that and passes them through to any webmention endpoint it finds, yes. Though it is stuck in yak shaving land to get it off old Python and AppEngine versions
[Ovi_Demetrian_], [aaronpk], IWSlackGateway and [tantek] joined the channel
yakshaving has -1 karma over the last year
<L​unarequest#0122> Does one have to implement web sign in for the indieweb? I don't even have regular sign in setup
[aaronpk], [jacky], IWSlackGateway and [tantek] joined the channel
<L​unarequest#0122> depends! What user-level functionality are you trying to implement on your personal site?
[aaronpk] joined the channel
<L​unarequest#0122> Well right now just reading the blog
<L​unarequest#0122> Comments are handled by disquis
<L​unarequest#0122> And there's no real way to register users and stuff
geoffo and [tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
hmm i am apparently not handling incoming activitypub mentions well
at all in fact
jjuran and slyduda joined the channel
I'm more curious about favorites and boosts
that part i have working fine. i just discovered a conversation thread i was tagged in by looking at my main inbox feed which is full of all sorts of things
i'm realizing i'm also not properly filtering *out* replies to posts from people i follow, which is getting pretty noisy having that in my main feed
the more volume i'm seeing the more i'm realizing it was a big mistake trying to treat activitypub as a way to sync the state of an entire segment of a network in real time
[jacky] joined the channel
snarfed: if a webmention to webmention io passed from bridgy were to not correctly encode a newer emoji would that be resulting from bridgy's end or webmention.io's end do you think?
guessing i could probably test this in web-utils :thinking:
saw a mention of something similar to channels in microsub https://vancity.social/notes/97ierpy44r
[Chris Trottier] A really cool feature that vancity.social has, not common on the rest of the Fediverse, is support for Channels. This is important for regional instances because people tend to want to discuss common interests, such as favorite restaurants. Here'... https://pool.jortage.com/voringme/public_vancity/webpublic-3a01051e-cfed-4bc3-be15-83497805d642.png
yeah that's it
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
I'm already following people in different channels, it's great
i don't want just one timeline
is that just lists a la Twitter
[snarfed] joined the channel
slyduda bridgy and webmention.io are both pretty good with Unicode, they've been battle tested pretty heavily
What's the URL of the silo post or reply with that Unicode char?
[goblin gorl] 🧠🫡
yeah that^
Thanks, will look
np! let me know if i casn help
Yes lists except then it removes those tweets from the home timeline
aaronpk do wm.io status pages expire?
slyduda that's ^ the wm.io status page for the Bridgy tweet you mentioned
gRegor, [tonz], [pfefferle] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
[snarfed]: yes they expire, I think 24h? The status is just cached in redis
janboddez and mro joined the channel
slyduda I put that tweet into the "Resend for post" box on https://brid.gy/twitter/slyduda, and it's showing up on https://slyduda.com/post/6c9255e6-832e-4632-b7a2-978f30a9046b/ now. not sure why webmention.io didn't have it before!
mro joined the channel
Wattup Indieweb
I'd like to embed albums I'm listening to into some posts I'm writing. When they're on bandcamp this is really easy - when they're on a more propreitary platform, this becomes tricky
Is there any sort of widget that lets me embed an album and auto-redirect to whatever streaming service the user may use?
Failing that, any ideas - only caveat is I have no interest in hosting these albums myself
fun! looks like https://indieweb.org/scrobble has some background
[manton] joined the channel
Mini rant: I think my problem with WebFinger, in addition to the ugly .well-known URLs, is that its whole premise seems like a work-around for not just using domain names for identity.
by design
Just fixing Mastodon compatibility issues, there are so many layers of APIs on top of one another. Makes implementation cumbersome.
thanks [snarfed]!
If anyone else is looking to do this, it appears https://odesli.co/ is a tidy solution.
t0nic feel free to add that to the wiki page!
gRegor and foobar1 joined the channel
[manton]++ 🔔 🔔 🔔
[manton] has 25 karma in this channel over the last year (31 in all channels)
[manton] first IndieWebCamp trivia: no one even mentioned WebFinger because it was completely unnecessary for any of us to do anything with or across our online identities.
[immers-space] activitypub-express: Modular ActivityPub implementation as Express JS middleware to easily add decentralization and federation to Node apps
petermolnar, IWDiscordRelay, mouse[d], gRegor and mro joined the channel
Btw, I’d like to apologize for Twitter being super slow in many countries. App is doing >1000 poorly batched RPCs just to render a home timeline!
geoffo and mro joined the channel
this feels ... _bad_
[Jerry Bell :verified:] The Epyc system is now carrying the load of Infosec.exchange. There are now 112 cpu cores (224 threads) and 1TB of RAM across 6 servers powering the site. Now I can breath.
mro joined the channel
omg that's... a lot
No joke
Sadly they're not showing the usual usage stats on https://infosec.exchange/about . I'd love to get a sense of Mastodon's activities/s per core and GB of memory
I'm sure people have worked that out elsewhere
unless it's like a shared VPS or they just _hate_ any form of lag (which I don't think, outside of underlying code optimizations, that throwing more resources helps, lol)
that feels like an extreme amount of resources for a single server
"21K active users" tho
i can tell you for sure tho, looking at my logs, mastodon is *way* chattier than it needs to be
not to mention protocol-level changes that could improve things
gRegor joined the channel
that criticism by Elon is not wrong. the Twitter website, and their apps are horribly inefficient in terms of network usage
it's something we can do WAY better with indieweb solutions
AramZS, slyduda and geoffo joined the channel
For anyone familiar with how indiewebify.me deploys, I think the Composer dependences might not have updated with the last deploy. Discussion: https://github.com/indieweb/indiewebify-me/issues/109
[snarfed] #109 h-card validator should prefer representative h-card
Might be that it's relying on a dev-master dependency of barnaby's mf-cleaner instead of a version number
it’s probably been ~10 years since I last deployed indiewebify.me so I’m not up to date with where/how it’s hosted now, happy to try to debug issues (especially related to my libraries!) when we can get more info though
I think it's App Engine based on a file in there. It's just magic from my end, merge into main -> poof :)
So no idea if that process is running a fresh install from composer.lock
do we get logs from the installation process? if it’s installing based on composer.lock then it should be exactly the same as a dev install
aaronpk might have access to that
or at least there shouldn’t be any dependency resolution issues
what is indiewebify.me
Indiewebify.me is a service that checks how indieweb-compatible your site is and reports back its results; the verb indiewebify also means the act of making your site more IndieWeb friendly https://indieweb.org/Indiewebify.me
Is the .lock checked in?
i think it's running on the Linode now, not google
yep, checked in, last updated 5 months ago https://github.com/indieweb/indiewebify-me/
only thing I can think of which could cause a version mismatch when installing from a composer.lock is having a different version of PHP installed
app.yaml shows php55, if that config is still used?
5.5? o.o oh dear, I really need to show indiewebify.me some love soon
pretty sure my dev site is 7.4 so probably safe to update (knock on wood)
Heading out for the evening, will check in tomorrow
okay yeah that’s a big improvement, and might end up fixing the installation issue too
We should probably delete the google stuff from it if it's not running there anymore to avoid confusion
it's probably running on 7.4 on the Linode now
ah okay
Yeah, and document any deploy stuff that's helpful
Yeah confirmed it's on Linode
the deploy process does run composer install
but I can check in a little bit to see if there was an error
lagash, [schmarty], AramZS and geoffo joined the channel