#dev 2022-11-18

2022-11-18 UTC
↩️ That’s what webmentions could solve
So is the OP on that tweet thread doing his own implementation of bridgy but for his mastodon posts?
↩️ No i did not, will go look.
For those using the #ActivityPub plugin on their #WordPress blogs for #webmention: Replies from Mastodon are coming in with the correct link but as "Anonymous" for a name. I can't seem to find a solution. Any suggestions? I have both AP and webmention plugins installed.
mlncn joined the channel
ugh and trying to do some browser console stuff to extract anything useful from the twitter follow list page is an exercise in futility due to their bizarre CSS and markup
geoffo and slyduda1 joined the channel
[snarfed]: thanks, my tweetdeck js hacking managed to get me >3000 like URLs before tweetdeck refused to load anything else
that’s about half of my entire like count, so if that’s all I can get, I’m okay with that
in the increasingly unlikely event that my archive ever shows up, I’ll fill the rest from that
Saphire, google recognizes a rating meta tag for adult content https://developers.google.com/search/docs/crawling-indexing/special-tags
Oh huh
Sad it isn't used by discord and all then
bterry joined the channel
Been thinking about going back to Blogger or WordPress. Maybe the future could be websockets and webmentions ala IndieWeb
[snarfed]: is 1s a reasonable sleep time between granary.io requests? I’ll be making ~3000 of them, and happy to spread it out over however long is suitable
Nah hammer it, it scales
great, thanks!
downloading photos and videos in between granary requests will slow it down somewhat too
mlncn and [iambismark] joined the channel
Websockets heh
GWG and sebbu2 joined the channel
↩️ Si quieres algo sencillo para crear contenido corto como en Twitter tienes https://micro.blog/ y seguro que más alternativas. Aunque tengas un blog normalito puedes interactuar con otros con medio de las webmentions https://indieweb.org/Webmention
tbbrown joined the channel
↩️ If you put a rel="me" attribute in your links you can make that machine readable, which should help with things like indieauth (small win, but also small price). e.g. <a rel="me" href="https://mastodon.social/@erynofwales">@erynofwales</a> e.g. view-source:https://code.sgo.to/
@aaronpk speaking of indieauth, something that i mentioned to @DickHardt over IIW was that I really really really want to make my handle be @sgo.to. Can't we come up with some form of convention that when you run into a @domain.example we do the indieauth thingy?
mro joined the channel
介紹番 #IndieWeb 有個POSSE的概念,就是貼在自己網站,然後發到其他點上。我的是用wordpress通知http://brid.gy然後共發到twitter和mastodon上。Setup難度中等 https://indieweb.org/POSSE
Dieser Tage entdeckte ich ein neues CSS-Property was mich ein bisschen glücklich mache. Darüber schrub ich einen Blog-Eintrag und jetzt gucken wir mal, ob die neuen Webmentions da auch ankommen. https://martinschneider.me/articles/multi-line-padded-text-and-box-decoration-break/
gRegor, angelo and mro joined the channel
Woop [snarfed] https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/pull/292 is ready for a review 🚀
barnaby joined the channel
<c​apjamesg#4492> What is the #:~:text on URLs I'm seeing?
mro joined the channel
thats Google's fragmention equivalent - #:~:text=text%20to%20search and it highlights the text. see https://highlightpoetry.com/ for abuse of it
[Kevin Marks] Highlight Poetry
mlncn joined the channel
I wonder if I should file an issue on mastodon to support plain domain user IDs...
the ActivityPub spec doesn't require @user@domain
"support" where?
in mentions and such in posts?
mlncn joined the channel
Yeah and federation
ah, because it requires webfinger to exist, right
bterry1 and mro joined the channel
[aaronpk] If you file an issue, link it here and I’ll add a 👍 and comment too.
Although I think Mastodon isn’t likely to change their usernames now.
it would have to support both
AP doesn't define or mention @-@ syntax at all, right? It was carried over from OStatus/WebFinger?
but i suspect single-user instances of mastodon and others are going to become a lot more popular now compared to when mastodon was originally starting
correct, ActivityPub is based on only URLs
even the examples in the spec use root-level domains as actors https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/#actor-objects
stuff like this is why I tend to use the term “mastodon-flavoured activitypub”
By the way, does anyone know how to set a post in ActivityPub to be un-boostable? I’ve heard this is possible but can’t find any documentation for it.
documentation heh
i think that's called read the mastodon source code
huh can't find it
Yeah, I just searched for “Announce” and there’s a lot there to unravel…
Maybe I misunderstood and toots (ugh) can’t be un-boostable, but it’s something with the visibility/privacy.
followers-only cant be boosted
Okay, I guess I misunderstood the Mastodon functionality then, e.g. setting any public post to not be boosted.
I dont think thats possible
Cool, thank you.
from the UI at least - not sure if you could create such a post
Okay… Yeah, I don’t care about from the UI because I have my own UI. 🙂
(i.e. if its just convention that "audience != everyone -> no boost" or if it explicitly signals that somewhere in AP and just sets that by default on such posts
there's unlisted - not sure if they're boostable
they are
geoffo, mro and tbbrown joined the channel
is gotosocial strictly single-userß
<j​acky#7226> I have no idea
<j​acky#7226> actually, I don't think so from what I understand of it
<j​acky#7226> but I know it's meant for "small servers"
slyduda joined the channel
Just added https://indieweb.org/Sele#Protecting_Feeds to kind of expand on what I want Lighthouse to do with TicketAuth
in order to get _there_, I gotta finish some stuff with Sele and then I can make some mocked examples in Lighthouse
The hope is that as people "follow" people on their own site, that slowly builds a passive ACL of people to send tokens too. The only thing that's tricky that'd be the "last" thing I need is to have a way to build a 'list' of people to post to. I think I have an idea for it but it's a bit janky
geoffo and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
aciccarello TIL re: Google's meta-rating content-adult
Saphire, barnaby, following re: xrate etc., the fundamental problem is, all such ratings are country & culture specific. There is no global way to evaluate such things, so there is no way a "standard" could claim to represent whether something is e.g. NSFW or not. But apparently Google decided a binary flag was good enough for them for some sort of global "average"
Yeah, was "hmm" on that one too
My guess is they are able to do that only because they *also* have tons of algorithms doing semantic analysis and image/video analysis to determine whether something is "adult" or not or "safe" or not
such that adding in an opt-in adult flag doesn't harm their results, and if they already have decent algorithmic results, such opt-ins may marginally help them not have to write more code
there is a similar problem of Apple having to apply a global "safe" filter to the content / features of iOS apps in their app store
unfortunately what maybe happening is erring on the side of social conservatism, and in particular since both companies are US-based, US-notions of social conservatism, which, if anyone has watched the news in the past say 5 years or so, is kinda going poorly
and then applying that to the rest of the world. it's a weird form of cultural export / borderline imperialism because say, folks in Europe presumably don't see any *more* content than folks in the US. in some cases, due to local regulations, they may see less of some kinds
and speaking of which, there are different laws in different countries about this kind of stuff, so just wait til every admin of a popular Mastodon instance finds out when they get randos posting all sorts of "interesting" content
I figure [manton] already has an upfront strategy for this challenge/problem
not so much a "just wait" than a "happened years ago"
(specifically about different standards for what's legal in japan vs most of the west)
or at least that was one of the major cases where the "different laws" came to bear
Social standards for what's inappropriate vary so widely I don't know how you'd encode that in a global rating system. I imagine it is possible if an organization had enough of an interest but seems unlikely.
We’re still small enough that most of what we do is manual. Hiding posts, marking specific photos as inappropriate, etc.
640 ratings should be enough for anybody
What are 640 ratings?
It looks like we don't have a page for "640 ratings" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "640 ratings is ____", a sentence describing the term)
haha, joke about the apocryphal quote "640k of memory should be enough for anybody"
[insert joke over head meme here]
Has anyone used https://render.com/ ? I was thinking about fly.io for hosting my micropub endpoint but they seem like a good option too
not used it personally, but seen positive things about it
mro joined the channel
Oh, I hadn't seen that page. Thanks
mro joined the channel
Do any browser extensions indicate which sites support webmentions? Seems like something a micropub client extension might do.
mro joined the channel
Could be a feature to add to omnibear
IWSlackGateway and [tantek] joined the channel
oops well this needs to get removed i guess 😬 https://docs.joinmastodon.org/spec/microformats/
other way around, file a bug saying there's been a regression in 4.0 per the docs and it should be fixed
[snarfed] joined the channel
angelo and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
So, the cross site follow problem on Mastodon feels like exactly what web actions and indie config are designed to solve.
Has anyone looked at a "follow" web action?
[petermolnar] #60 add a "remote follow" page
[chrisaldrich] and [jacky] joined the channel
[KevinMarks] I'd like to even have a popup around web actions
Screw it, why not
I'll throw it on and maybe sort through some of the other ones and see if we can muster some times
Sounds good to me
mro and rubenwardy joined the channel
same same jacky, [KevinMarks]. cc: barnaby
barnaby joined the channel
<j​acky#7226> I'm seeing something as well
<j​acky#7226> instead of having topical servers (like for journalism), a remote platform that can help verify journalists could be used
<j​acky#7226> I can see rel=me being used there
<j​acky#7226> maybe even a precursor to /badges
[schmarty], [benatwork] and [keithjgrant] joined the channel
[aciccarello] The Omnibear popup window has a little webmention icon in the top right if you’re on the reply, like, bookmark, or repost screen
[aciccarello] joined the channel
Oh perfect!
oh, and if the site supports wm of course
i seem to recall it being a little buggy at times and not always showing. If you find that, feel free to report a bug. I’m actively working on updating pretty much all the tooling and core dependencies right now
hoping to get Mastodon interactions up and running for the next release
geoffo joined the channel
<j​acky#7226> that'd be sick (and good prior art of a form of an enhancement towards Web actions)
totertats and mro joined the channel
At 5pm ET/ 2pm PT, @film_girl and I will learn how to use GitHub Pages to federate our Mastodon identities. Imma be honest, I have no clue what most of this means, but learning will be fun. Come hang out with us. @film_girl is so entertaining ☺️ on http://twitch.tv/github https://twitter.com/blackgirlbytes/status/1593688108855447556/video/1
gRegor joined the channel
[KevinMarks] has 14 karma in this channel over the last year (51 in all channels)
[Murray] and geoffo joined the channel
@AtilaFassina Heads up, the code links on your @css article https://css-tricks.com/jumping-into-webmentions-with-nextjs-or-not/ are broken. Are those examples still online?
<c​apjamesg#4492> Oh wow.
"Use GitHub Pages to federate your Mastodon identity" what does it meeeeaaann
can't wait to find ouuuutt
gotta follow github for 10 minutes before you can chat 😂
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
a three-person two-hour livestream to show how to make one bidirectional profile link 😏
omg you're right [schmarty]
😂 😂 😂
that was my guess too, but I wasn’t gonna say it xD
do I dare drop fed.brid.gy in the chat?
heyyyy indieweb shoutout
filmgirl has 1 karma over the last year
tbbrown and kloenk joined the channel
filmgirl++ knows about IndieWeb. [KevinMarks] & I are both pals, she’s been to XOXOfest too. aaronpk you may have even met her
filmgirl has 2 karma over the last year
ash[m], like gRegor said, I suspect 960 is from Bootstrap, due to lots of divisors for different numbers of columns on a page
that makes sense
I was wondering if it was something to do with browser window sizes and common screen resolutions or something
it's all interlinked. 960px happens to fit nicely within a 1024px viewport (fullscreen HD) with a little spacing for browser chrome, whilst offering lots of layout possibilities (2,3,4,5,6,8, and 12 column grids), so it was a good tradeoff.
pharalia joined the channel