[snarfed][tantek] I vaguely remember a page you wrote or contributed to about standards body best practices and guidelines, personality types/trolls who are attracted to them and cause problems and how to deal with them, etc. any idea where that is?
[tantek]snarfed, I used to have the top result for Troll Taxonomy as well, though I think my page on it has aged out to the 2nd page of G SERPs: https://tantek.com/w/TrollTaxonomy
@tmcwcan a blog be an activitypub server, so i don't have to do some rss->mastodon zapier hook or whatever, you could just follow a website directly in mastodon? (twitter.com/_/status/1593799110280232961)
@tomcritchlow@vgr Ha yeah strong brand alignment 🤣 (Though don't tell anyone that I dislike about 50% of the current indie web implementation - activitypub might be an evolutionary dead end) (twitter.com/_/status/1593837739862282242)
slyduda1, mro, barnaby, jamietanna, gRegor and claudia1 joined the channel
h4kor[m]The micropub.rocks test state that the authentication should be rejected if the token is provided in Header an Body (https://micropub.rocks/server-tests/805), but it looks like https://quill.p3k.io/new is sending the access token in both formats. Is there something I'm missing?
barnabyphp-di has a nice slim integration where it’ll inject dependencies into closure request handlers, so you get IOC dependency injection without having to make classes for absolutely everything
barnabyyep! I like this approach of having every handler start out as a closure, and only “upgrading” groups of related handlers to a class when there’s a clear need for it
[schmarty]lol i did a double-take to make sure this was still actively developer after hitting this quote on their homepage: "[takes] advantages of all the latest features of PHP" (it then lists out 3 features each from php 5.4, 5.5, 5.6)
barnabywho got a duplicate response? receivers deduping responses themselves is the more robust method, as in theory anyone can send a webmention for any page
aaronpki could not send the activitypub post if i've successfully sent a webmention, but that means i have to totally change how my AP replies are sent
barnabyI’d say so, yep. No idea how closely related it is to the webmention plugin, or how they could communicate between them, but hopefully there’s a solution
barnabyyep I just saw simonw post their article about AP. good to see more implementations, hopefully this can nudge AP away from being “whatever mastodon decides to do”
[schmarty]gRegor: found a maybe issue on indiebookclub.biz. when i sign in it tries to show a profile photo but the src URL is `Array` : `<img src="Array" alt="profile photo for" style="height: 1em;">`
barnaby[snarfed]: is it possible with BF to have a single page listing people you follow, and sending BF a webmention whenever you update it? I’d much rather use a blogroll-type approach for managing BF follows than have a channel full of individual follow-of posts for each one
barnabybecause if there’s no precedent or standard approach for fetching “fediverse posts” from their URLs, then how would a “fediverse post viewer” work?
Loqicontacts refers to a set of people, organizations, groups and anything else with one or more addresses (often URLs) for communication https://indieweb.org/contacts
[snarfed]sknebel hmm. if I click the star icon on a post on https://mastodon.art/explore when logged out, I get a pop-up that still lets me type in my instance
barnabyanyone who (semi-?)automatically manages a list of contacts on their site (say, from response contexts and incoming responses): how do you manage contact deduping and aliasing? do you do it at all, or treat, say waterpigs.co.uk and twitter.com/barnabywalters as two different identities?
aaronpki can also add alternate nicknames, so when i type @barnaby in a post, it links to your site. and when that's syndiated to twitter it changes it to your twitter username
barnabyokay, got it. I’m currently trying to design my contact data model based on the ~1000 people I’ve interacted with in one way or another in the history of my website
barnabyso I think either I drop most of that data into a separate moderation rule set (which I need anyway) and start fresh with a manually-managed contacts list
[manton]I should read that discussion because I was surprised by the 4.0 UI change here… First of all not prompting for the instance, but second of all having “Copy” use a URL instead of the username. I think it’s confusing for people to have to mix and match both usernames and URLs.
barnabyin the case we were discussing (remote interactions) it’s a link to a post which is being copied, not something which can be represented as an @-@ ID
gRegor[schmarty], Does your indieauth return info for profile scope? Otherwise it's falling back to representative h-card, maybe there's multiple photos and I just need to use the first one.
barnabyif you were using getPlaintext to get photo properties before then the new version will handle img-alt just fine. If you were requiring ^0.1 you’ll need to change to ^0.2 though
IWDiscordRelay<jacky#7226> I'm thinking that I'd push people to _only_ set up their sites using metadata endpoints with Sele instead of the three (or two, excluding TicketAuth)
IWDiscordRelay<jacky#7226> and I have a skeleton of a 'resource resolver' that leans on the scheme to know _how_ to get info (leaving it open to do things like resolving dweb-esque URLs and read into things like Tor)
barnabyah, interesting. in my case I’m always keeping the true URLs themselves in the raw data, but would be using the normalized versions for querying
barnabyand would mean that, say a http site sent me a webmention, then upgraded to https and updated their response, sending another webmention. I wouldn’t end up with duplicates and the update would be handled correctly(?)
barnabyI can’t think of a better method to avoid that sort of duplication without constantly re-fetching all sorts of stuff and checking the effective URL
barnabyI suppose another method of normalizing URLs *internally for queries* without dropping scheme would be to normalize https to http, and assume that any site serving over https serves redirects over http, which might not apply the other way around
barnabyand I’m already using just the path segment of URLs to refer to local content internally for querying, so heavily normalizing URLs for external content isn’t so weird
IWDiscordRelay<jacky#7226> That page is def a js;dr one (as well as the request consent screen). Thinking about refactoring parts of it into Web Components and what not
gRegorWith webmentions, I use paths only for my URLs so I can accept a wm for http / https of the same URL. I redirect http to https, though I wouldn't assume that for incoming wms, so I use those URLs as-is
gRegorI also create an md5 hash of the source+target URL and use that indexed column instead of source or target. I haven't looked at the implementation in quite a while, but it's been working pretty smoothly
barnabygRegor: I also used to store each individual source+target mention together, but am switching to a model where I have one record for each external piece of content, which can be a response to more than one of my URLs. Mostly to deal with the fact that a response can also be a mention, and I don’t want to end up with two records in that case
barnabyto simplify everything. Say someone replies to one of my notes, mentioning me, and then I like their reply. Previously, the external piece of content would be stored three times in my site: once as a reply, once as a homepage mention and once as a like context
[tantek]aaronpk, could you upload that screenshot of the div pop-up thing saying "Favourite Mastodon • Art ... " etc. ? There's some very interesting UX copy there, as well as the suggested flow, and the suggested copy/paste option that seems very similar to the citation interface on the bottom of my posts