#dev 2022-11-21

2022-11-21 UTC
geoffo joined the channel
oops my deduping code isn't deduping bridgy fed
gRegor joined the channel
heh i was starting on a mechanism for my micropub endpoint to stop myself accidentally making multiple likes of the same URLs. turns out i had only made 11 dupes out of ~1250 likes over 6 years.
superkuh joined the channel
so, uh. imaginary itch i guess.
also i don't even think that's a bad thing
you can like something more than once!
i like my cat every day!
aaronpk: more than half were clearly double-taps in my micropub client or times i thought my site had issues. only like 3 were actually liked more than a day apart, i think.
ah yeah i have done that before, mostly when iOS shortcuts lags for a second and I tap it again thinking it didn't work. then I get two notifications of the result. then i have to go delete a post
whoa snarfed++ for the new bridgy fed onboarding flow
i thought it was just a home page update
Do folks know what this is referring to?
[˗ˏˋ wakest ˎˊ˗] @tbeseda @chrisaldrich @tchambers There are some recent developments in the area of Indieweb/Fediverse overlap you might be interested in: @dev just added #Webmention support to #MicroBlogPubThis is not to be confused with a totally different networ...
[angelo] has anyone implemented a device flow on their indieauth server? https://www.oauth.com/oauth2-servers/device-flow/authorization-request/ starts with what looks like a POST to the auth server's token endpoint. would it be correct to kick off the flow w...
[timothy_chambe], https://dev.to maybe?
what is dev.to
DEV or dev.to is a silo-based community of software developers that uses their platform for discovery, publishing articles and networked learning about programming and development topics https://indieweb.org/dev.to
speaking of micro.blog, does micro.blog have a way to syndicate to twitter?
the microblog.pub part? I don’t know tsileo but they seem to be doing very cool work wiht MBP, supporting both AP and a lot of indieweb protocols
ash[m] has first-hand experience with it
thanks, barnaby. Merging that does seem to resolve https://github.com/indieweb/indiewebify-me/issues/109. I wonder if it was the rel-me update that fixed it. I think I had updated that rel-me dep on my test site but it hadn't made it into the last merge/deploy somehow.
[snarfed] #109 h-card validator should prefer representative h-card
angelo: omg that should not say `/token` there 🙈
that's just an example URL, so it *might* be `/token` but that is in fact the special device endpoint
i had a feeling!
gRegor++ for the iwfy.me deploy, checking the URL from that original issue seems to find the correct h-card now
gRegor has 22 karma in this channel over the last year (77 in all channels)
thanks aaronpk!
oops karma fail [snarfed]++
[snarfed] has 41 karma in this channel over the last year (75 in all channels)
Think I've found a way to check what my posts look like in Mastodon without setting up an actual account. Follow someone, then after posting and sending the Bridgy Fed webmention, visit their Mastodon profile. Find yourself on their Followers tab, click on it, then click on "Posts".
Ohh that's new in 4 I think
This works for now, I think because the links on Mastodon are doing JS stuff and not following redirects. Vs just accessing my "profile" page there will redirect to my site, which makes sense: https://indieweb.social/@gregorlove.com@gregorlove.com
[snarfed] did follow me from indieweb.social too, that might be a pre-req
Otherwise I guess an instance wouldn't have a copy of my post just because I followed someone there
But my photo post came through great. Exciting!
I just realized, I'm not sure I'm sending my ActivityPub replies to the right places. Am I supposed to deliver a reply to all my followers? Or only the person I'm replying to?
file:///Users/ryan/docs/activitypub_20180123.html#inbox-forwarding ?
hah um just a sec
oh so it's the receiving server that forwards them?
i'm confused by this "When Activities are received in the inbox, the server needs to forward these to recipients that the origin was unable to deliver them to"
i'm imagining writing a test suite for this an OH BOY does that sound like a massive project
sounds like everyone converges on some kind of salmon
aka salmentions aka inbox forwarding
i can tell you for sure i am not forwarding messages i receive in my inbox anywhere
it also seems weird that i would do that, because i'd be sending it with *my* httpsig, but the activity would be with a completely different author, so how is that verified?
does the receiving server go fetch the post to verify? or does it just...not? in which case that would be a fun bug to exploit
and if it does go fetch the post to verify it, then why bother sending the post contents at all? wouldn't it be better to just send the URL?
i feel like we probably had these conversations 7 years ago in the w3c socialwg
yeah you are in an unenviable position to be implementing and questioning the spec at this point 😆
well if this is going to work long term these things need to get sorted out and documented
otherwise it's going to turn into a mastodon monoculture
jeremycherfas joined the channel
out of curiosity, in mastodon i typed in the URL to one of my replies to something on twitter which hasn't been sent to the fediverse
it imported the post, and now when i look at the copy of my profile on mastodon, i see that post in the replies section
clicking on it shows only the post, but not the thing i'm replying to (of course, because it's a twitter url)
Zegnat joined the channel
ok, feeling a bit better about how activities are rendered in the Bridgy Fed UI. eg https://fed.brid.gy/recent , https://fed.brid.gy/user/tantek.com
(may need a shift-refresh)
still need to de-dupe, but that should be straightforward
oodani, [jeremycherfas] and gRegor joined the channel
[snarfed]++ wow! The update to https://fed.brid.gy/user/tantek.com is an amazing "Notifications" equivalent from what Twitter was providing!
[snarfed] has 42 karma in this channel over the last year (76 in all channels)
bridgyfed has 1 karma over the last year
has anyone posted a photo and seen it propagated via BridgyFed? curious before I try it myself
mro joined the channel
↩️ Maybe there's an information gap there. I've never heared of webmentions before, even as long term webdev! I Also had the idea for a Twitter alternative with rss + a commenting system, but thought we must write that ourselves as proprietary extension to rss.
more thoughts on the BridgyFed "notification" feature, while it's quite handy/useful, I have a feeling that in pretty short order we may need to explore making it private-by-default to the domain owner, to reduce vulnerabilities to harassment
for now I personally am fine with mine being "public" to help demonstrate the feature, but would suggest we consider changing that to "opt-in" to being public, or perhaps "public to anyone signed-in via IndieAuth"
mro joined the channel
Anyone using Bridgy Fed able to find a way to view private content in the browser/social reader? I've had a ping from someone who's private, fortunately I have the full post content through the Bridgy Fed feed, but no other means to view it, and although I'm gonna try replying to it later, I've no idea if that would work 🤔
mro joined the channel
[Erin] @mcc ActivityPub doesn't actually have a concept of at-mentions! They're entirely a Mastodon implementation detail!(A side effect of this is that the addressing of messages from Non-Mastodon servers can potentially be confusing because it hides the a...
barnaby, petermolnar, IWDiscordRelay and mouse[d] joined the channel
<c​apjamesg#4492> https://xkcd.com/2700/
[jamietanna] ruh roh, I thought I discarded all non-public/unlisted activities in BF. what's the example you saw?
I'm glad to have got it cause its handy to know, just harder to reply / read it 😂
oh yeah unlisted are kept, that's expected
I hopefully block everywhere they show up in the BF UI in robots.txt
[tantek] re BF's recent activities (aka notifications) and harrassment...hmm. maybe? is it different from normal Bridgy's recent activities UI, eg https://brid.gy/twitter/t ?
geoffo, ben_thatmustbeme and [fluffy] joined the channel
@capjamesg There’s a turnkey conference social network thing that a lot of the conferences use, including GDC. One fun thing is that they sort the public name list in ASCII order, and it’s quite possible to inject a NUL at the beginning of your public name. I had to engage in Shenanigans to actually enter it in because it’s only accessible by a native iOS/Android app but they don’t actually validate their input, and copy-past
is totally possible :D
also NUL appeared as a Unicode <?> character, but \001 didn’t, so for much of the conference I was “\001fluffy”
(which still nobody else figured out how to do)
Anyway that’s a fun little bit of input sanitization that’s worth remembering.
Got webmentions pulling into my personal site, have yet to build that out on the front end, but they're in there. Neat! If you're unfamiliar with webmentions check out: https://indieweb.org/Webmention
[aciccarello] and mro joined the channel
snarfed, I think you’re right, they’re similar in that regard, except BF also adds follows which feels a bit more exposed. content interactions are one thing, expression of connections between people is another. of course Twitter itself makes people’s followers/followings "public" so someone could be directly polling those too.
right. I'm a bit reluctant to add eg IndieAuth because I expect only a subset of existing and new users actually have it
but if we see concrete harms that come out of the new BF user pages, I'm definitely open to doing something!
I could also just hide follow activities
I'd expect nearly every BF user has IndieAuth
I personally like seeing all the activities on the BF page (well done with the update), and I'm ok having them be shared.
Having had conversations with people who have been stalked, it's public streams of stuff like this that tends to be somewhere between concerning to a barrier to usage (because it feels "unsafe").
yup, understood. and yeah they are all public, and I don't know whether this exposes them meaningfully more, but I'm open to discussing
(continuing discussion from #indieweb) and then there's non-technical aspects of the fediverse
would definitely be interesting to get some numbers on how many BF users have some sort of indieauth link on their homepage (indieauth-metadata or individual endpoint links)
the whole concept of instance-blocking and blocklist-sharing to ensure that only well-moderated instances make it to your federated timeline
that's something that really has no IW equivalent. the closes we have is "vouching" which again is a very individual-centric way to do this
as opposed to an "interlinked community" way.
basically most of what makes the fediverse special isn't exactly developery/technical stuff, it's the social aspect
so i feel like a "fediverse + indieweb guide" should probably lead with that
the protocol is just an implementation detail
the real defining traits of IW and Fedi from a user's perspective are the very different community dynamics. IW builds a network from personal websites; Fedi builds a network from communities.
from a user point of view, yes
ok moving the convo back to #indieweb bc it's non-technical from here
the plumbing differences are interesting and worth discussing too, but probably different posts
also IW can and does have lots of features like blocking that are implemented inside individual personal sites. not everything has to be in one of the cross-site protocols
Seirdy, one key aspect that is very much developer related is the difference in standardization approach of building blocks vs a monolithic spec
that led to a lot of other decisions
arguably AP is non-monolithic in that you also have to read the mastodon source code if you want to figure out how some stuff works
yes but the whole model of blocking is very different. fedi instances curate blocklists to create a specific type of community. anti-capitalist instances define themselves by blocking corporate-friendly instances or instances with cops. queer instances block instances that fail to moderate queermisia. it sends a strong signal that "this is what the instance is about, and these are the people
who can feel safe here."
sure! and to your point, more of an emergent cultural feature than a new technology
"have to read the mastodon source code if you want to figure out how some stuff works" <-- nah, that's OSS monoculture
still mono-* of a sort
(we have prior art of blocking/accepting wms by domain, but since indieweb sites are generally individual, that culture didn't emerge here)
[tantek] kind of yes, but also because the AP standard is significantly incomplete
snarfed, indeed, which is always the problem when you try to have a monolithic spec. there's no way it's ever complete
tbf IW sites need to consider a lot of unspecified things once they grow past a certain size.
Seirdy, I suspect we're going to see some non-trivial fallout from the growth of Mastodon usage across more people and the "instances blocking instances" model
s/going to see/are seeing/
instances are going to get overblocked because of a few bad actors
[tantek]: imo this is a feature, not a bug
which is going to spiral out of control into a lot of isolation / blocking
this incentivizes instances to moderate properly
blocks get lifted all the time
it's a bug when someone you follow / mutually even "disappears" for no reason
instance blocks? huh that's good to know
I rarely see individual blocks get lifted
[tantek]: thing is, others on your instance might not be okay with sharing an instance with a mutual of that person
again, it's individual/community
[tantek]: to clarify, “having to read the source code” was intended as a criticism, not suggesting that AP is building-block based!
it's not really though, it's a lowest common denominator of offensiveness
this is also why instances should avoid getting "too big to moderate".
or rather, ironically, a social conservative approach: if anyone on an instance is offended by anyone on another instance, it gets blocked
this is also a problem of shared blocklists that are in particular blindly shared
that's why the first step is to observe the admins' behavior; if the admins seem chill, contact them about it
if the admins refuse to moderate that person, then block the instance
yes at least there is some sort of appeal/escalation path like that
this is also why blocklist-curators include "receipts"
and a strong culture against automatic shared blocklists
and when receipts aren't applicable, an explanation
I mean they should. the shared block lists I've seen don't have receipts.
AKA citations
[tantek]: they typically don't share them publicly bc of harassment/retaliation
you have to ask
this really should be part of basic "block" functionality, that you can choose a link / post at the time of blocking to log as a "receipt" for yourself so if you ever want to re-evaluate a block, you can see why you did it
esp. since kiwifarms made that blocklist-scraper and that other instance made a user-block detector/notifier
I'd heard about the scraper. Didn't know about the user-block notifier wtf. also kiwifarms--
kiwifarms has -1 karma over the last year
basically, moderation requires a lot of very thick skin given how determined the trolls can be.
which sucks to burden people with
like the admin of l****.*ro has a bunch of shared IPs that are used for legitimate purposes by other instances, and runs scrapers on them
and publicizes the blocking without doing more "direct" forms of harassment
but federates with communities that do harass
so they see his notifs
and then jump on
some communities also try to "frame" others
basically offloading all this absolute soul-eating toxicity onto the few people ready to deal with it seems like the right move, esp. when the people on your instance are used to that being their day-to-day and need a fucking *break* from it
good post [schmarty]++
[schmarty] has 17 karma in this channel over the last year (37 in all channels)
offloading all the soul-eating toxicity onto a few people is a great way to burn out (or, as laid out in that article, legally entangle) those few people.
(this is why people often get angry when people complain about fedi moderation creating "snowflakes who can't be offended"; the people making those complaints often haven't experienced getting doxxed, dogpiled, email-flooding, mass-gaslighting, and copypastas designed to trigger specific individuals)
[schmarty]: yes, but i really don't see an alternative way to create a space where people get a break from having to do it all themselves
networks are socially hostile by default
i just want to push back on the phrasing "the right move". i don't think it's actually sustainable at all. and a lack of alternatives doesn't excuse that.
once they grow enough
so yeah it takes a robust system of manual and aggressive blocking in order to protect the most at-risk people, because the amount of effort people spend on making their lives a living hell is absolutely mind-boggling.
gRegor joined the channel
and that's why full transparency isn't always the default; often, it takes a certain level of trust for admins to share their receipts or even their blocklists with you.
yeah I'm agreeing with a lot of that
Mastodon << Warning: if you’re considering running an instance, beware of the concerns/hazards documented in: 2022-11-21 [https://webdevlaw.uk/2022/11/21/a-quick-hypothetical-situation-or-your-crash-introduction-to-the-real-world/ A quick hypothetical situation, or, your crash introduction to the real world] / <blockquote>When you are running a Mastodon server, you are the public policy team, and you are the legal team. Whether you
realise it or not, whether you want to be it or not.</blockquote>
ok, I added "Warning: if you’re considering running an instance, beware of the concerns/hazards documented in: 2022-11-21 [https://webdevlaw.uk/2022/11/21/a-quick-hypothetical-situation-or-your-crash-introduction-to-the-real-world/ A quick hypothetical situation, or, your crash introduction to the real world] / <blockquote>When you are running a Mastodon server, you are the public policy team, and you are the legal team. Whether you" to the "See Also" section of /Mastodon https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=84531&oldid=84526
i've seen a similar phenomenon on Matrix
with homeserver ACLs
lagash joined the channel
but those are done by-room
or by-space
mro joined the channel
ehehe this quote from that 11/18 akkoma dev log: "the curse of activitypub can be spread to more people instead of remaining esoteric knowledge"
[snarfed], open to h-feed / h-entry markup for https://fed.brid.gy/user/tantek.com pages?
looks at https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/blob/main/templates/activities.html to see if there's enough elements / info to put the right class names
sure! not a high priority right now, I don't know of any automated tools consuming those pages, but I'm definitely open to PRs
cool. I was figuring it might be an interesting publishing use of 'u-follow-of'
are you hoping to read it in a reader as a source of notifications? separate from the "HTML" link which has posts from your following?
yes, social reader consumption was the thinking!
start with that "HTML" link and see how you like it
oh but you'd have to follow someone first 😁
do you post follows on your site yet?
I both would be useful, but notifications seemed like a good place to start
I don't post follows yet because I feel a "follow" would imply some degree of consistently reading posts from that person which I don't have setup yet
or rather, I've setup readers and fallen out of reading habits so I'd need to figure that out separately from a user-flow perspective
watching notifications is interesting in its own right though
ah just seeing https://fed.brid.gy/user/tantek.com/feed which I see already has h-feed got it
yup. that's obviously a separate set of content though, posts from your following, but still yes
oh but those are "only" mentions though
no follows, likes, reposts
right, it's effectively your timeline
I'm open to mf2 on the user page!
really? seems like a subset of notifications, perhaps that's my particular view though since I haven't added "followings" yet
yeah I guess timeline plus mentions
mro joined the channel
[snarfed], how much delay is there on posts showing up on https://fed.brid.gy/user/gregorlove.com/feed? I've followed a handful and one person posted 2 hours ago
Loving the iterations on the user pages btw
delay probably mostly depends on the sending instance
right, no delay after BF receives a post at an inbox. happy to look for a specific one if you want
Would those inbox posts show up on /recent too?
which I do see that on /recent
[Tim Chambers] #Admin #Indieweb.socialThis instance now has 9,347 people with this as their home base...With being so busy on admin work, I missed us crossing that line.From instnaces.social: this makes us 0.15% of total 6,150,381users they scan on the whole #Fediv...
maybe I need to normalize AP actor URLs/ids more, I can look
jonnybarnes joined the channel
to confirm my understanding of AP, it doesn't specify response bodies for eg inbox delivery requests, right?
tbbrown and mro joined the channel
https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/#delivery specifies the request body, and mentions one specific case of 405 response, but that's it
jonnybarnes, mro, geoffo and [jacky] joined the channel
so I saw this mentioned and wanted to highlight it https://jacky.wtf/2022/11/awG0
I think I'm going to down the route of tags (like `u-category p-name` realm) to point to a fixed URL describing what kind of content would be mentioned or seen (which I'll prob define on my site and point to a Wikipedia page since that feels more 'stable') so that'd be something one could filter automatically in a /reader
what purpose does the 'p-name' server there? maybe I'm missing the context
serve* there
I think it was a mistake to overload 'summary' as 'content warning'
plain text representation of the content warning (for presentation and translation), the URL would point to something that'd be either known or recognizable by the consumer (be it one's site or a reader) to help with disambiguation (and can serve as a fallback)
'content warning' has sufficiently different/sensitive semantics that I'm starting to feel it's worth its own property
yeah from what I'm seeing it, it 100% was (even upstream)
what is cw
content warning is a feature of a post create UI where an author can hide by default some or all of the primary content of a post due to some concern about the nature of the content https://indieweb.org/cw
I think that giving content warning its own property is a pretty good idea and might give some semblance of uniformity to a lot of different sites that use different mechanisms to accomplish the same ends
it reminds me a bit of /audience
in terms of splitting it out but being context-/content-specific
It also could be used to cover "spoiler warnings" as well, which while perhaps less serious is arguably a content warning and users use content warning tooling to handle spoiler warnings
Indeed, the need of "affordability" can be put to the reader which is something tools _kinda_ give but not in a cross-platform way
tbh I think I need to also speak to people who do abuse work and ask for their thoughts on this (and aggressively mention that this is not something that'll be implemented - just explored)
Yeah, and a uniform format could empower browser plugin makers to do useful / interesting things with it as well. Like right now CW is basically enabled on Tumblr via browser plugins commonly used across the community. One could imagine a uniform setup would allow a site owner to prefer hiding CW-encased content while a browser plugin user would get a uniform experiance regardless of site owner preference, allowing both users and site
owners to make the most of a cw feature.
what is a content warning
content warning is a feature of a post create UI where an author can hide some or all of the primary content of a post due to concerns about negative impacts of the content upon viewers, and typically provide a text warning (eponymously named) with the nature of the concerns, which is initially displayed instead of the post content https://indieweb.org/content_warning
^ how's that for an improved definition, to start with?
AramZ-S[m]: that's precisely my "secret" agenda
there's new interest in this in Bridgy/Bridgy Fed too, https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/952#issuecomment-1321209446
that works for me [tantek]
[pdcawley] This seems to have sat for a couple of years with no serious objections. Is there anything that can be done to move it forward (or backward – out of limbo, anyway)? In the mean time, I'm going to start marking my blog up with `p-content-warning...
Ah good point in that thread
if anything does come up on my end in terms of it, I'll be sure to leave a link for p. art
jacky, would a "simple" text property suffice? and if folks want more structure they can nest (hash)tags in the text?
I haven't followed deeply. afaik there's no mf2 consensus yet, and little to no published examples in the wild
Tumblr uses content tags, A lot of bloggers use tags as well while youtube descriptions often have it in text. Mastodon has it's own format that wraps the text I believe? I haven't looked at how it does it.
I think text _can_ but I'm also trying to consider language barriers (like saying "cw: notes of violent r*pe, etc), I can see the lever of having linked content help with disambiguation there (in our attempts of doing better than what's out there)
https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/issues/20117 <- the mastodon CW renameing proposal I mentioned earlier
[leahoswald] #20117 Rename content warning (CW) to content notice (CN)
[jk-na] #19 p-content-warning proposal
I'd assume that any incoming tag or hashtag with `#cw` includes a content warning.
Looking at Mastodon, their format in their account feeds is:
`<p><strong>Content warning:</strong> Content Warning Description</p><hr />`
what markup is that inside?
Sucks that it isn't encompasing the warned content in a tag, that would have made more sense to me
Just inside the RSS feed `description` tag sadly.
on the site itself Mastodon handles it like this:
AramZ-S[m], that's not surprising though, since RSS so coarse grained that it is to be expected that RSS feeds of modern social content are lossy
the natural HTML for it is <details><summary> CW: description</summary> Content to be hidden</details>
it's kinda like hey this thermal-printed fax of this text book is not the most readable
Yeah, though it is weird b/c the social site post above does encase it in a tag.
Interesting that instead of an `hr` on the Mastodon UI there's an empty `div`
that expander looks like a fake `<details>` , interesting
mro joined the channel
how would one add microformats to an atom feed entry to get webmentions to work when there is no html
you can make Atom have xhtml in, like tantek does
mro, in theory there can be non-HTML webmention consumers. in practice no one has bothered because on the web you have to always at least publish HTML
we did have one example with an archiving site iirc
[tantek] have a look at https://l.mro.name
not sure that is valid atom - the relative links look wrong
mro joined the channel
the microformats parsers should pick up class attributes on the XML elements without any problem
i don't know if adding class attributes makes it not a valid atom feed
mro, yup, and there were lots of attempts to make XML it's own" thing" in the early to mid 2000s, XHTML2 etc. It didn't really get much uptake on the web so there's not a lot of incentive to work on it, when it doesn't seem to provide much (if any) marginal benefits
yes, there are neat tricks one can do with XSLT, but that's kinda where it ended
aaronpk indeed it feels a bit odd to add semantics that's already there.
posting atom has the benefit of being the raw data as TimBl once advocated for. The content can be immutable while the look (incl the rendered markup) may see redesigns.
it's a neat idea in theory but i think it's a dead end in practice
alas, it seems so in terms of webmentions.
posting HTML with h-feed and h-entry is also posting the (far richer than ATOM) raw data, and you can reduce DRY by using a mf2 to ATOM conversion service as your ATOM feed URL
that’s what I’ve been doing for years
increasing DRY 😉
mro joined the channel
lol true
and I find the idea neat in practice :-)
how would I subscribe with a feedreader?
ah forgot to link this
https://sele.jalcine.dev/dashboard a sample of the dashboard (pinging [schmarty] for feedback b/c I added some of your thoughts)
either find one that supports h-feed or use granary.io to mung it to Atom
you’d put the link to the HTML page in your feed reader and it should discover the link to the ATOM feed by itself
and yours gRegorLove
so there is a separate feed? Not my idea of dry.
(is slightly obsessed with the button styling, lol)
there is a separate URL for the feed, but no second feed that I have to maintain
oh interesting, owncast doesn't expose a token endpoint
what about the toolchain – static files or server code on read?
I only have to post to and maintain the HTML which I make anyway for people who want to look at my site in a browser, which is the vast majority of them
and as ATOM is lossy compared to h-feed, it makes sense for me to convert in that direction
I have my own h-feed to ATOM endpoint which I use, but afaik you could use granary.io too
fair enough – the browser is what renders the atom+xslt as well.
it's already there.
which would work better for a static site if you don’t want to host the conversion endpoint yourself
the conversioon is in the browser.
what do you use for individual post URLs in an ATOM-only site? do they act as a “feed” with only one item?
but we're wandering. I was courious about webmentions on the first place.
I use granary for h-feed to Atom of notes
no, just <entry> (also valid atom documents)
It's a neat proof of concept, but as aaronpk indicated, a deadend. Atom isn't being iteratively improved and is a frozen state of features from the mid-2000s.
In contrast to both HTML and mf2 are living specifications with active communities evolving both
well https://l.mro.name/o/p/ is definitely the prettiest ATOM feed I’ve ever seen
well living standards and active communities make me think of activitypub and I get the shudders.
there's more than one way to have a living standard :)
barnaby thanks a lot!
Some more context on Atom feed mf2 parsing: https://github.com/indieweb/indiewebify-me/issues/78 php-mf2 can handle it, but won't pass non-HTML documents to the parser
btw, there is a https://demo.mro.name/shaarligo to play with and break.
[mro] #78 false negative testing https://try.gogs.io/issue-5008
(based on content-type, iirc)
if people want to publish purely in ATOM then consumers either need to parse it as-is, or potentially fetch and run associated xslt which might produce HTML with mf2 classes?
machines may digest directly, people rather would read rendered html.
without thinking too hard I’d be more in favour of the former, as the latter would likely only be able to replicate the existing semantics with mf2 classes, and wouldn’t be able to benefit much from the additional properties mf2 gives you
unless they want to use custom additions to ATOM, in which case casting those to mf2 classes could be useful for easy interop with existing webmention implementations
frankly I didn't bother about vcards or events in the feed.
I was thinking more about things like like-of, repost-of, in-reply-to which afaik ATOM doesn’t support? I vaguely remember a reply to extension, but I don’t know if it saw much support?
mro joined the channel
uh, right, sounds like link relations.
no support so far. It's like the proverbial first fax machine.
You can do AS1 stuff with Atom, which granary does but it is less rich than h-feed
[KevinMarks] and some of us do publish AS1 with our Atom 🙂
what is AS1
It looks like we don't have a page for "AS1" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "AS1 is ____", a sentence describing the term)
speaking of completely dead protocols 😂
↩️ It pays to note, while the framing of this proposal may be unique, the concept is not. OpenID federation has automatic registration and IndieAuth has documented a similar mechanism. Also if you look hard enough similar thinking can be traced back to OpenID 2 and SAML.
are link relations not document-scoped in ATOM, as they are in HTML? that would mean you can’t use them in a feed, only on permalink pages
it’s one of the reasons we slowly moved away from link relations for entry-specific properties in mf2
as1 is interesting, unearthed it shortly ago: https://l.mro.name/o/p/ahtgcef/
They're entry scoped and feed scoped, depending
lol no it should be a redirect
[KevinMarks]: oh really? so you can have an ATOM entry in a feed with a link rel and it only applies to that entry?
The reason we went with the json form of AS1 was because parsing atom in client js was bad, and the gdata json wrapper for atom was worse
barnaby I believe that is the case, I think you can have a <link> tag in an <entry>
some day someone needs to dig into how AS1/JSON got hijacked into JSON-LD
mro's atom above has examples
interesting, TIL
thus fulfilling all the feed devs fears back in the early 2000s that W3C would insist on RDFizing Echo/Pie (prior names of Atom) which is why feed devs took their effort to IETF instead
which of course is predated by the RSS RDFizing battles between W3C & DW
who's DW?
oh, git ot, DAve.
hngrr, got it.
The gdata json vs useful json battle inside Google was how I ended up in dev rel, as I had upset too many people in eng by pointing out the nonsense
what was gdata
It looks like we don't have a page for "gdata" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "gdata is ____", a sentence describing the term)
lots of pages of historic events.
Have a look at the json example on this page and weep https://developers.google.com/gdata/docs/json#json
mention json and I weep.
geoffo joined the channel
GData is short for Google Data in the context of Google Data Protocol, a largely defunct "REST-inspired technology for reading, writing, and modifying information on the web" invented by Google. See Also: https://microformats.org/wiki/Google_Data https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Data_Protocol and https://developers.google.com/gdata/
ok, midnight here, and I try to follow tanteks rule not to text after midnight :-)
that passed me by completely but I get the impression I did not miss much
lol mro, g'night, now I have to recheck my rules 😂
barnaby, the mid 2000s were kinda wild
$t shows up a lot in those examples, is that an evil gdata-promoting version of @t?
It meant "the text inside the xml element" (as opposed to the attributes on the element)
On the follow web action thinking
“I've got an itch that I want to scratch when it comes how to follow people across Mastodon instance.
I think we can solve it with custom URL schemes via registerProtocolHandler - but it won't be viable unless we know a user can handle the custom scheme. This post explores some options and a solution that could work.”
Paul Kinlan - Modern Web Development with Chrome
i feel like we've been down this road before
what is SubToMe
SubToMe is a button that content publishers can put on their sites which enables users to subscribe to their feed in whatever reader they choose — sort of a universal follow button https://indieweb.org/SubToMe
yeah that’s how /indie-config work(ed) iirc
their solution of using a page with a meta refresh redirect is new though, that’s interesting
sp1ff` joined the channel
jacky++ i like the explanation of ticketing!
jacky has 33 karma in this channel over the last year (83 in all channels)