#dev 2022-12-07

2022-12-07 UTC
If I can figure it out, I'll update README.md and create a pr. But as of now, my guessing has only gotten me so far.
Would be good to get that merged. I don't know python well enough to review it.
would want to use something like the relation href value format prob
conneg-- before snarfed gets to it
conneg has -14 karma in this channel over the last year (-18 in all channels)
omg lol
datafiend and neceve joined the channel
[jacky] what is the relation href value? What are you using Content-Location for?
eeeeeeexcellent I've trained a whole army of conneg--
conneg has -15 karma in this channel over the last year (-19 in all channels)
geoffo and M0x3b0b[m] joined the channel
I was looking to it in consideration of advertising other forms of a page after I make it via Micropub tbh but I guess emitting info over `Link` using `rel=alternate` might be enough
gxt joined the channel
Hm...so I got my homeserver going, started the process of installing microblog.pub... and now I've just vaguely remembered that as of last night I was reconsidering whether that was still my next target or not, and I don't remember all of why. Shoulda written it down.
gRegor joined the channel
[jacky] I don't think of rel=alternative and content-location as equivalent.
angelo, mro, [tw2113_Slack_] and tiim joined the channel; btrem left the channel
they overlap but they’re different
mcint, gRegor and bterry2 joined the channel
↩️ fundamental idea of #indieweb is great but it doesn't have the required attention from people which it deserved. For now I have to put webmentions aside. (2/2)
↩️ Apart from that, For about 4+ months I got only 1-2 webmentions, so I believe it is not adding much value to me or my readers. In real life When people actually have some comments on my writings they usually just send me an email or ping me on socials. I believe the (1/2)
While I'm redoing my blog's #hugo theme from scratch, I am removing #webmentions support. It requires my site to have #javascript but I am planning to remove any javascript from it. Even the #mastodon share button mechanism will be switched to a specific webapp, which (1/2)
^ interesting. fwiw they set up Bridgy, but looks like they mostly didn't post backlinks or synd links, so Bridgy couldn't do PPD to send them wms
geoffo, btrem, mro and gRegor joined the channel
mute << Brainstorming: mute a branch of responses to a thread, see also the [[canoe]] problem: https://omfg.town/@dansinker/109473148130816296
ok, I added "Brainstorming: mute a branch of responses to a thread, see also the [[canoe]] problem: https://omfg.town/@dansinker/109473148130816296" to the "See Also" section of /mute https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=84932&oldid=78919
^ bunch of interesting replies to that post
snarfed, perhaps Bridgy backfeed needs a fallback of matching hashes of the (spaces removed plain text) of posts across a domain and POSSE destination(s) 😜
tbbrown joined the channel
[tantek] what's the problem that solves? I'm missing context
gRegor joined the channel
@snarfed What you just said. OPD w/o backlinks/syndlinks
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
maybe, but I'd be reluctant. seems brittle and low ROI
I'd probably want to hear at least one user ask for it first 😀
tbbrown and [benatwork] joined the channel
fair. also feels like the kind of thing that could be built on top of a more general "note/comment duplicate detection" library that e.g. webmention receivers could use
that's a good point/idea
So like (to be clear), a Webmention receiver would run OPD on the source URL and handle the incoming Webmention's source to come from the resolved OPD?
Hm, that'd make me want to do that in only some cases (like if the source doesn't have caching headers, it might be hard to prevent them from experiencing a DoS from the receiver if the sender's eager about sending)
jan6 joined the channel
I'm reviewing examples on /photo for this, but asking here as well: are there any published /photo posts using a `name` for the caption and `content` for description? This is for https://github.com/microformats/h-entry/issues/24
[preview] [dshanske] #24 Update the Definition of Draft Property u-photo
* `content` or `summary` for description
I expect most examples I find will have `content` as the caption
setting up the redirects continues to be the hardest part of Bridgy Fed onboarding 🤷 https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/337
the new troubleshooting UI I added definitely helps! still hard though.
[preview] [miklb] #337 Netlify Redirects
I guess those problems are... well-known 😎
[schmarty] joined the channel
well-known-- yyyyeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh++
yyyyeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh has 1 karma over the last year
well-known has -3 karma over the last year
Let me share what redirects I have defined
[aciccarello] has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (11 in all channels)
[aciccarello]++ thanks!
tiim joined the channel
well-known-- and for the lol gRegor++
gRegor has 22 karma in this channel over the last year (78 in all channels)
well-known has -4 karma over the last year
[KevinMarks] posted https://www.robinsloan.com/lab/new-avenues/ in #indieweb which has a lot of user-centric thoughts, it also has a lot of recommendations for developers
I was going to complain about "RSS nostalgia" (which is something I've seen a bunch of elsewhere, e.g. the nostalgia of "why can't we go back to everyone using RSS?" or related, retconning like "RSS already did federation, why do we need [insert newly popular protocol/format x, y, z]?"), however that post is NOT an example of RSS nostalgia, rather, it provides a very specific historical example about RSS and podcasts.
while that example is a bit of a weird historical accident ([KevinMarks] and I tried to get Apple to move in a more standards-based direction (yes like with actual in-person meetings) with further podcasting format improvements but none of that happened), the larger point of "Go digging in the crates" is a very good one even if the metaphor is a bit weird, and the encouragement to explore early RFCs does border on nostalgia, rather
than prior art in general
The next encouragment however is VERY reminiscent of IndieWeb principles: "Make a thing with which you can talk about the thing"
i've always wanted to build a gigantic e-paper display showing posts from people i follow
i imagine it looking like a newspaper layout where each person i follow gets one "story" spot, showing whatever their most recent post is
first step, find a gigantic e-paper display
lmk when you get to step two
2560 x 1440
$1500 epaper and $500 driver board. I need someone to sponsor me making a video about this haha
lol gotta make the homebrew kickstarter thingy
Gigantic LCD displays are a lot cheaper
but less fun
way less fun
I am disappointed at how bad a chromecast is at supporting a big TV display. It should be a natural use case but it isn't
mro joined the channel
[jacky] re python mf parser site: there are no instructions on how to get started. I assumed `pip install -r requirements.txt` then `python app.py` and got an error. IIRC, it was "cannot import Mapping from collections"
A web search turns up several posts saying to change `import Mapping from collections` to `import Mapping from collections.abc`, but I can't find any place where that code exists in the repo. But as I said, I'm hardly an expert.
=> #microformats
oh nm you deliberately moved here, ok
btrem you're right, it's python 2 vs 3. looks like the codebase is python 2 but the pip/python you're using are 3
[snarfed]2 yeah, I thought I'd get a scolding from Loqi if I started talking about pip install etc. :-o So I took the techie talk here.
that's only for #indieweb
[snarfed]2: I think I can run python 2.x in a virtualenv, maybe that's the immediate solution.
aaronpk: so where does this discussion belong? Back in the mf channel?
i haven't been following
btrem probably either channel is fine
aaronpk darn you I really didn’t need to be tempted into *another* home project this year (that e-ink display has SO MUCH potential ✨)
that has so much sci-fi IRL potential I can't even
don't worry it's prohibitively expensive and complicated to get running. nowhere near the state of the usability of LCDs
much more practical would be a 7" version since those panels are pretty affordable and also have esp32 compatible driver boards
(Not to mention off the shelf ebook readers with hackable software)
7" version has very different use-cases than 31" version
31" version is big enough for *across the room* readability
4-bit grayscale is a nice touch
really what i want is an e-reader with a large screen that can run a full-screen web browser
with auto-shutoff disabled
i searched around a couple weeks ago and couldn't find anything
use-case: replace the paper calendar I have hanging on the wall with portrait mode 31" eInk display that auto-updates from my events aggregator of choice
yes plz
use-case: mounted on the back of the door to the toilet (which you face when sitting on the toilet) with news/posts "I care about" (insert personal positive algo here) with a sensor to NOT update the display if the toilet door has been moved in the past ~5 min (avoids the need for actual human "presence" detection which is creepier information)
use-case: mounted on the back of the front door with latest hyper-local information (numbers/charts/maps) of the present and next 12 hours: weather, sunrise/sunset, AQI, hazards/alerts, visiting national dignatories, street closures/events in "Bay Area" (SF / SFO, Marin, East Bay, Peninsula south to San Jose), sorted by proximity, with bright WARNINGS for any particularly dire threats/hazards (AQI > 100, fires in the neighborhood,
power outages, reports of violence / concentrated police activity).
^ bonus: inference engine with shortlist of required & suggested "equipment" annotated with short-codes for which hazards when/where. E.g.
• Rain jacket (🌧 in 1-2hrs)
• Windbreaker (🌬 10+mph on Twin Peaks)
• N95 (AQI > 100)
Oh right. N95 mask. For a second there I was trying to figure out how an old Nokia feature phone was hazard equipment.
ohhh someone did make an HDMI driver for epaper
btrem left the channel
that would simplify things quite a lot. raspberry pi with kiosk browser
The idea reminds me of when I was briefly trying to figure out how I could have my alarm go off 45 minutes earlier if the weather forecast met my criteria for a good day to bike to work.
That's drifting way off topic though, sorry
gRegor joined the channel
if your alarms were a feature of your personal site (alarms are just a special kind of "push notifcation" right?), then that's absolutely an on-topic use-case discussion!
ideally, all your events (alarms, meetings, etc.) would be something your personal website push notifies you about, perhaps even open in a long running tab in your mobile browser with web push notifications enabled
btrem: I could start hacking on that or if you do (much appreciated!), I'd be happy to review
I don't think I have the commit bit to approve + merge it tho
btrem, [jacky] I think capjamesg already has a python3 PR pending
now (so to speak) I'm realizing that all those eInk / epaper large display use-cases "could" be built as variants of /now pages on a personal site, perhaps not public (but actually private), and maybe even worth using an old laptop + mounted LCD display to prototype
[preview] [capjamesg] #5 Enable experimental alt text attribute, bump versions, add new debug mode for local coding
I found a $700 13" epaper monitor with HDMI. that's nearly big enough for some of these use cases. still not as fun as 31"
also frankly a possible /business_model of a paid for location-based service. i.e. if you build this and it works well for you, charge a monthly service to provide a custom page for someone based on their location
yeah 13" portrait would be sufficient for "standing in front of it" use-cases rather than "across the room" use-cases, e.g. the "right before you go out the front door" use-case
13" landscape would be sufficient for a very coarse calendar/events/busy display of "the next 5 weeks"
arggh, like I said, darn you aaronpk for inspiring new home(page) project ideas in December