#dev 2022-12-09

2022-12-09 UTC
sknebel has 20 karma in this channel over the last year (41 in all channels)
[preview] [Tantek Çelik] 10w ago: 9:29:05 50k PR, hot #trailRace @ScenaPerform #Skyline50k Thanks @bryanting @aeables @dtran320 @vivekgowri pics&support, @corrinemalcolm training me back to an ultra start+finish 3y after #ECSCA. #run #trailRun #trailRunning #ultraRunning #...
ok, *now* that's worth an IndieWeb Gift Calendar entry/post for today!
that was a major team effort haha
yeah updating...
gRegor joined the channel
neceve, geoffo and [schmarty]1 joined the channel
Is there a way that I can change the default port when I run python.microformats.io locally? My 11ty instance is already using 8080. (Or, as an alternative, any 11ty users here? How do I change the default port that 11ty dev server uses? `eleventyConfig.setServerConfig` throws an error "setServerConfig is not a function....").
gRegor, rubywarden and jan6 joined the channel
(could add a flag for that I guess)
That might be nice. As it is, I got the error message: "Port 8080 is in use by another program. Either identify and stop that program, or start the server with a different port." But no indication of *how* to start the server with a different port.
sknebel: I added the flag. I did, however, fork the repo. I cloned the original. I'll fork, clone, push, and create a PR. You can tell me if my work is acceptable.
gRegor and mro joined the channel
s/did, however, fork/did not, however, fork/
neceve, tiim, mro, btrem and gxt joined the channel
<j​acky#7226> Btrem: try changing the port environment variable?
mro, jonnybarnes, neceve, geoffo, gxt, gRegor and barnaby joined the channel
↩️ SSR is live on firebase functions. I almost gave up due to fastboot node_modules and not really understanding it at first. Even tried scrapping ssr on functions and moving to cloud run. Next to figure out why webmentions aren't passing Test 1 #indieweb #webmentions
jacky: I don't know anything about a port environment variable. Is it described on the site? In any case, sknebel pointed out the line in app.py where the port number is assigned.
And I have since added a command line option/flag where the port can be changed, e.g., `python --debug --port=8000`. PR created, but as I'm a python novice, it may need tweaking.
mro, ben_thatmustbeme, neceve, tbbrown, geoffo, [Michelle_Moore], mro_, gxt_ and tiim joined the channel