#dev 2023-01-27

2023-01-27 UTC
silbermm, starrwul1 and [manton] joined the channel
tantek, thank you for the resource
silbermm and starrwul1 joined the channel
Sweet, I got microblogpub's display of Tantek's posts under control
now to try to figure out what this enormous stack trace is telling me about why replying to him didn't work
Aha. Well...the problem is that microblogpub chokes on an actor's url property being a list, which I think most of them on Bridgy Fed will be. I can certainly think of one quick way to fix that, I think, but I'm not sure offhand how to fix it the right way. Might go on and try to quick way for the moment to see if I'm right about where to do it.
Well, it didn't crash, at least.
chenghiz_ and starrwul1 joined the channel
it's grapes
jjuran, mro, starrwul1, jonnybarnes, gRegor, silbermm, IWSlackGateway, [campegg], [KevinMarks] and [tantek] joined the channel
!tell [snarfed] tried sending webmentions for my latest post https://tantek.com/2023/026/t1/indieweb-priorities-balance both from my server and from mention.tech and neither showed any updates in my dashboard. Something stuck?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[preview] [Tantek Çelik] There are many opposing forces in the #IndieWeb that can seem like catch-22s, yet help clarify priorities, and balance present pragmatism & future optimism. * Indie, yet often on corporate infrastructure * Independent, yet dependent on community * ...
Weird and now it’s showing up in my fedbridgy dashboard. Maybe something went wrong in my server (haven’t made any code changes recently though)
caleb left the channel
So my reply last night threaded correctly on my instance, and it threaded correctly on Twitter. I'm also confident that it sent webmentions to Tantek and possibly the "manual until it hurts" wiki page. bridgy++ snarfed++
snarfed has 69 karma in this channel over the last year (113 in all channels)
bridgy++ (Oh, I can't do those both at once, can I) That said, I have realized I don't think I have a point of reference where I can verify it looks like it threaded correctly Fediverse-style for any other instance; it links to the bridgy fed redirect for the @-@; and I don't think the markup of the post I'm replying to is right. Although on further examination I think it's closer than I was thinking at first. I think it just has
u-comment on the reply context container where it should be another u-in-reply-to. That would be a lot less daunting to fix than what I thought at first.
[manton] joined the channel
In case this is helpful to other folks… A couple weeks ago I asked if anyone had experienced sending DMs to Mastodon. After hitting my head against the wall and trying random things, I finally figured out that if the “id” field of an ActivityPub object has a different domain name than your account username, Mastodon just quietly ignores it.
[snarfed] joined the channel
[manton] oh man yeah that was the source of much Bridgy Fed interop debugging woe early on
as you can imagine
[tantek] BF didn't get a wm for your new post last night, the first one it got was this morning, 6:58:51a PT
and then a few more within a couple min
I think the same thing happened with your last 100d post, no immediate wm got sent for it, only later?
great post btw
okay, changed that u-comment to u-in-reply-to...indiewebify.me now says my post is in reply to Tantek's original once and the Bridgy Fed redirect to it twice, where before I'm pretty sure it found it once each, but I think I'd need to make more drastic changes to the markup to avoid that.
[snarfed] I should’ve noticed the problem earlier, but I guess the first time I ran into it was years ago so I had forgotten. The DM URLs are kind of fake anyway and not actually publicly accessible, so I didn’t even think about it.
Also, if I saw that correctly before I refreshed the page, a few moments ago Bridgy Fed was showing my following of Tantek from 15 days ago as being more recent than my reply last night. That's interesting. I wonder if I re-send pending follow requests when I rebuild the site.
[aciccarello] joined the channel
capjamesg, did you take down your webmention endpoint?
lqdev[m] and [jacky] joined the channel; lqdev[m] left the channel
this is a really nice RSS feed https://mina.codes/feed.xml
tbh it's no different than the original site (which is a great case to opt for just /h-feed for dedup-ing0
also a really nice styleguide https://mina.codes/styleguide/
That's really nice. I didn't bother maintaining the same style with my RSS feed. I might try that next time I redesign my site.
I'd probably nudge people to use a /reader (instead of it) as well
what are groups
👥 group in the context of the indieweb (also "indie group" or "indie groups") is a place where people can deliberately share content with each other, not necessarily on their own domain (though likely copied from via webmention etc.) https://indieweb.org/groups
gRegor joined the channel
group << Brainstorming: [[Mastodon]] roadmap for groups, screenshots etc.: https://fediversereport.com/groups-in-the-fediverse
ok, I added "Brainstorming: [[Mastodon]] roadmap for groups, screenshots etc.: https://fediversereport.com/groups-in-the-fediverse" to the "See Also" section of /group https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=86355&oldid=59852
also thanks for the kind words [snarfed]. pieces of this one have been floating around in my head for a while and after I wrote down a few the rest came out, with a little shuffling. rewrote the prose before / after the list a few times
[TMichelleMoore] and gRegor joined the channel
hearthside-mentionable (0.1.0): Webmention sending and receiving for Rails projects. https://rubygems.org/gems/hearthside-mentionable
ooh nice work [Caleb_Hearth]++
[Caleb_Hearth] has 1 karma over the last year
[Caleb_Hearth] joined the channel
oh hey
How’d that happen?
If you’d like to read some extremely rude Reddit comments, I have those rendering on my site now as well. This link is entirely unrelated to indieweb besides that it’s showing Webmentions https://calebhearth.com/fan-out-vs-fan-in
[preview] Design Your Codebase with Low Fan-out, High Fan-in Classes
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
But I am drafting a post announcing Mentionable
In fact, Here that is. https://calebhearth.com/this-gem-is-mentionable. Not sure if this is the place to post about it, but I did develop an Indieweb thing, so I’m hoping it is.
[schmarty] joined the channel
[Caleb_Hearth]++ very exciting!
[Caleb_Hearth] has 2 karma over the last year
Thanks 😄
Is there a way to see when / why the OOM killer was activated?
[Caleb_Hearth]++ nice! Loqi watches Twitter for mentions of indieweb things like webmention, indieauth, etc. so that's how it showed up here
[Caleb_Hearth] has 3 karma over the last year
capjamesg: it logs to dmesg
And definitely the place for it! You can submit it to news.indieweb.org and it will go in the This Week in IndieWeb newsletter
hmm ok I’ll see if I can get an update on the page for the u-syndication before it goes out.
you have ~15MIN
ok donesies