#dev 2023-01-28
2023-01-28 UTC
# Dear #IndieWeb http://tantek.comfed.brid.gy
Curious - are #webrings operational right now?
Discovered this webring kit by @mxbck@front-end.social and it looks very cool.
https://mxb.dev/blog/webring-kit/ ( twitter.com/_/status/1619150321044918273)
# ↩️ https://bw3.dev/ (@0x3b0b) your reply mostly worked as intended!
I checked my http://webmention.io:
* 2 replies via Bridgy Fed and Bridgy (backfeed from Twitter), and
* 1 mention directly from your original post permalink.
Your #IndieWeb ...
https://tantek.com/t5P43 ( twitter.com/_/status/1619178658324959235)
angelo, gxt and gRegor joined the channel
gRegorLove_, petermolnar, Skyther[d], IWDiscordRelay, IWSlackGateway, gxt, jonnybarnes, [KevinMarks], [manton], [TMichelleMoore] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
# ↩️ know that your website linked to it.
https://calebhearth.com/m/this-gem-is-mentionable #IndieWeb #Webmention #Ruby
https://dice.camp/@caleb/109763351714943521 (2/2) ( twitter.com/_/status/1619373021889691654)
# Cross-posting from my static blog is now working through Bridgy and Telegraph. Basic webmention support is done, but haven’t gotten to display them yet. Really having fun implementing these. ( twitter.com/_/status/1619375121763803144)
gRegorLove_, gxt, [tantek], [schmarty], [aciccarello], bterry and [jacky] joined the channel