#dev 2023-02-21

2023-02-21 UTC
j12t and geoffo joined the channel
!tell prologic you noted that twtxt supports WebSub, but I didn't see any mention of that on indieweb.org/twtxt nor in https://indieweb.org/WebSub#Consuming_Implementations — any chance you could add statements about how twtxt supports WebSub to those wiki pages? E.g. does it publish/notify, act as a hub, and/or consume notifications? If you’re not sure, try testing twtxt with websub.rocks
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
j12t and gRegor joined the channel
I said no such thing did I? 🤔
prologic: [tantek] left you a message 1 hour, 31 minutes ago: you noted that twtxt supports WebSub, but I didn't see any mention of that on indieweb.org/twtxt nor in https://indieweb.org/WebSub#Consuming_Implementations — any chance you could add statements about how twtxt supports WebSub to those wiki pages? E.g. does it publish/notify, act as a hub, and/or consume notifications? If you’re not sure, try testing twtxt with websub.rocks
Yarn.social pods support WebSub not Twtzt itself which is just a spec file format
what is yarn.social?
It looks like we don't have a page for "yarn.social" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "yarn.social is ____", a sentence describing the term)
I also don't see yarn.social on https://indieweb.org/WebSub so I think the question is still valid :D
Okay illl update and crate said pages
yes it would be great to have a page documenting yarn.social!
thanks for the clarification prologic, appreciated!
AramZS joined the channel
No worries 👌
Yarn.social pods use Twtxt as their underlying feed
But pods also employ the use of WebMentions, WebSub, IndieAuutj and micro formats
prologic: I'm keeping an eye on your progress because if you actually end up with full-featured federation I'd be moderately tempted to spin up a pod to replace my microblog.pub. And even if you don't, or I don't, it's interesting.
Oh really? 🤔😆
What is it about Yarn.social that's attractive to yo? 🤔🤗
A comment on one of your recent yarns, although from what I've seen so far it wouldn't surprise me if you're already taking this into account - keep in mind in considering that "publicly accessible or internal" question that some of what's federated to you will be meant to be seen by either only the actor's followers, or only the actors mentioned
...I gotta admit, it's mostly that the idea of being a direct participant in Fediverse, Indieweb, and a third thing all at the same time is just cool. Before I made up my mind what I was going to be doing, when I was considering going fully static and writing everything entirely by hand, I was toying with the notion of trying to maintain a twtxt.net mirror manually while I was at it. But there's also a good chance that between momentum
and personal fit, I'm just gonna stick with what I've got.
...I should look at fewer things while I'm typing, I'd make fewer typos
Haha I'm famous for typos 😆
So it's just the "cool" factor that there's a 3rd option at play here?
Your comment Re public vs. whatever coming from actors is interesting -- Um not yet sure how to deal with this at all really
From Yarn/Twtxt it's all Public there is no other controls
Just like a blog on your website -- once published, visible to the web
Mostly. It did strike me as an interesting concept back when I first came across it, but didn't really fit what I was looking for.
j12t1 and cel[m]1 joined the channel
Guest14, gxt, moose3331, [tantek]1, IWSlackGateway, [aciccarello], [manton], [KevinMarks]1, [dave], lagash_, [tantek]2, [manton]1, IWSlackGateway1, [aciccarello]1, [KevinMarks]2, [dave]1, mro, [aciccarello]2, [tantek], [KevinMarks] and moose333 joined the channel
Five years ago last Monday, the @W3C Social Web Working Group officially closed^1. Operating for less than four years, it standardized several foundations of the #fediverse & #IndieWeb: #Webmention #Micropub #ActivityStreams2 #ActivityPub Each of ... https://tantek.com/t5PU1
mro, IWSlackGateway2, [KevinMarks]3, [tantek]3, [aciccarello], [dave] and [manton] joined the channel
↩️ 사이트에 Webmentions 추가하는 방법 Adding Webmentions to Your Site https://bit.ly/3EpHhrw
mro and sp1ff joined the channel
starrwulfe joined the channel
that's very cool
starrwulfe and AramZS joined the channel
yeah, neat effect
mro joined the channel
That is cool
starrwulfe, mro and AramZS joined the channel
It fails really well too. The information is still there and readable even if it doesn't form diamonds.
That's some sweet progressive enhancement.
CSS has 2 karma over the last year
jkli joined the channel
[snarfed] it looks like the Bridgy Fed dashboard stopped reporting reposts
e.g. https://xoxo.zone/@tantek.com@tantek.com/109902114967226481 shows 16 reposts but none reported in https://fed.brid.gy/user/tantek.com (and I imagine most of the new followers since that post are coming from reposts)
They are on vacation right? Might be worth opening a GitHub issue that can be followed up on later.
oh yeah
6 days until !tell snarfed it looks like the Bridgy Fed dashboard stopped reporting reposts. e.g. https://xoxo.zone/@tantek.com@tantek.com/109902114967226481 shows 16 reposts (as of 2/21) but none reported in https://fed.brid.gy/user/tantek.com
I added a countdown scheduled for 2023-02-27 5:56pm UTC (#7012)
[preview] Five years ago last Monday, the @W3C Social Web Working Group officially closed¹. Operating for less than four years, it standardized seve...
AramZS and mro joined the channel
the Bridgy Fed / reposts problem might be more than a display problem, I'm not seeing any webmentions from BF of Mastodon reposts either, e.g. https://webmention.io/api/links.jf2?perPage=1000&target=https://tantek.com/2023/051/t1/five-years-ago-w3c-social-web
Has anyone else using Bridgy Fed seen any reposts this week? I can look back to see when I last saw one
[schmarty] joined the channel
I haven't seen any reactions for a while but I also don't expect any 😅
I should test using my mastodon account
Loqi why can't you test if for us?
aciccarello, I see plenty of likes, just zero reposts, which is unusual
I reposted your last two
on xoxo.zone? hmm, looking
I see them. Hmm.
Did they show up on bridgy?
IWSlackGateway joined the channel
Maybe I should try it. I'm weird.
[snarfed] joined the channel
thanks for reporting [tantek]! looks like a straightforward bug, I may have time to fix soon
AramZS_ joined the channel
Oh, by the way, Tantek, another data point for you on how your footnotes render. Your superscripts come through to microblog.pub with the links in both directions intact...but not the IDs. So they're rendered as links...to fragments that aren't there. Since I just found that out, I haven't looked to try to figure out whether I can fix that on my end.
^ we've discussed this a fair amount recently, whether mf2 parsers should automatically convert fragment links in content to absolute links, or keep them fragments in the hope that they "just work" when embedded elsewhere, like microblog.pub
it's a great idea in spirit, this is yet another example of HTML sanitizing breaking it in practice
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
[preview] [Ken Schwencke] Does anyone on here work on the Twitter API or know someone who does? Because it looks like with recent Twitter API changes, @ProPublica can't track deleted tweets from politicians anymore w/ Politwoops -- https://projects.propublica.org/politwoops/ ...
the correct answer is, "no one works on the Twitter API any more, they all got fired. any changes are now being done by engineers from all the way across the org who don't know it much, if at all, and will probably break more than they successfully change."
[tantek] joined the channel
[snarfed]++ thanks for taking a look at that! (BF repost handling)
[snarfed] has 73 karma in this channel over the last year (117 in all channels)
0x3b0b interesting about microblogpub and dropping the ID attributes on links. Do you have a reference to how microblogpub sanitizes HTML before displaying? E.g. see other entries here: https://indieweb.org/sanitize#Software_Examples
Not really, as that's the first time I've had occasion to notice it.
I'll certainly keep that page in mind when I try to dig into it, though.
Can't guarantee I'll figure out anything beyond whether the project has it documented and that I don't know Python that well, but...
either way that kind of code spelunking would be useful, both for documenting its existing HTML sanitizing, and considering a very small PR to allow ID on <a href> elements
I'm definitely curious what various classic feed readers are doing with these links
Yeah, I've got a short stack of things to offer to contribute back upstream already. But because it's on Sourcehut and takes git-send-email and I'm used to Gitlab merge requests, and also because some of it I need to explain why I was changing it and some of it I need to ask whether they'd actually want (for example, the configurable switch to newbase60ed-timestamp IDs rather than UUIDs), I haven't gotten that far yet. :D
They work in monocle, but I'm following your h-feed there. What's the Atom url?