#dev 2023-04-27

2023-04-27 UTC
geoffo, gxt__ and [schmarty] joined the channel
just did my first POSSE copy of a big post to bluesky so looking forward to bridgy responses backfeed support there lol.
[snarfed] joined the channel
ooh I think you just volunteered for https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/1453
[preview] [snarfed] #1453 Add Bluesky support
{{lifeofpablo}}, [schmarty]1, [snarfed]1, [snarfed], [schmarty], gRegor, BinarySavior_, [schmarty]2, lockywolf, palle, [marksuth], [marksuth]1, [jeremycherfas] and [tantek] joined the channel
emoji << Issue: pitfalls to consider, especially if considering using emojis in IDs: 2023-04-26 {{schmarty}} [https://martymcgui.re/2023/04/26/bad-web-dev-ideas-emoji-as-ids-in-urls/ Bad web dev ideas: emoji as IDs in URLs]
ok, I added "Issue: pitfalls to consider, especially if considering using emojis in IDs: 2023-04-26 {{schmarty}} [https://martymcgui.re/2023/04/26/bad-web-dev-ideas-emoji-as-ids-in-urls/ Bad web dev ideas: emoji as IDs in URLs]" to the "See Also" section of /emoji https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=87639&oldid=79242
Also that aside about Node deps noise vs PHP has me reconsidering my theory that CASSIS would be unnecessary once Node was widely supported
Code libraries dependencies trust & stability hell is a real issue, pipeline attacks etc.
There's a huge unwritten unspoken *admintax* if your site chooses to depend on libraries that depend on libraries that etc.
even if you touch no code, you have to monitor and be ready to admin your site the moment you get an alert about a lib sec vuln. On vacation? Too bad
Compare with only depending on the language, your web host will likely handle auto updating minor language revisions that fix sec bugs
^ 100%. As grumpy as I might be about language changes from php 7.4 => 8.x, in general the maintainers strive for stability. I update minor releases without fear.
precisely. there is no such similar "contract" with Node libs. It's more like 🐶 🔬
tantek++ I fully agree with being cautious of backend hell. Hence why I encourage everyone to adapt the lightest feasible backend for their services possible (backend-optional even). Frontend quickfixes can be rolled out automatically and immediately (i.e., without bundling and just depending up to the minor version number of a given library, not to a patch level of it).
yeah that's a reasonable approach too bkil
I myself depend on precisely four "frontend" JS libs/fw for my site display/rendering: fragmention, indieconfig, webaction, and /CASSIS — the last of which I control, and is the only lib/fw I depend on for my PHP "backend".
when did web devs collectively decide it was cool to get on library dep updates/reviews hamsterwheel hell?
The Churn is real
libchurn has -1 karma over the last year
[Jo], lanodan and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
I think it's the Jevons paradox. The dependency solution that npm built was so good that it encouraged use of more dependencies, reducing friction.
That and the continuous release model that the web enabled over the previous annual stable release model that system software went with.
[KevinMarks] "so good" might have been lower friction, but feels like code injection / supply-chain attacks were an afterthought at best
Then we got aggressive deprecation of old versions, so the treadmill is real.
Which was a response to the stability problem
^ how to build a website that will die quickly, use some sort of auto-transitive-closure-dependency system that is super frothy and eventually breaks your site with an update
might be worse (more fragile) than the database antipattern
<L​unarequest#0122> Hi, I've been considering making a test suit for local development/ci for webmentions, would people be interested in creating one?
holiday_medley and geoffo joined the channel
sounds interesting! local testing tools have been a bit lacking (people started a few, but unless I'm forgetting one mostly quite limited and nothing really stuck)
holiday_medley joined the channel
<L​unarequest#0122> I'm thinking of mostly creating a set of html templates along with a server that can send a set of webmentions to a server and the user can confirm if the right amount are rejected/accepted
Lunarequest: you may want to check out https://webmention.rocks/ which is hosted, but open source (https://github.com/aaronpk/webmention.rocks)
<L​unarequest#0122> I personally was thing either python or rust of php since rust can run without any host deps and python is preinstalled on most linux distros
You may find the test cases in there to be of use, independent of the programming language. :}
<L​unarequest#0122> php is not my strong suit would you mind pointing out where the test cases are?
btw, another use-case for keeping your pages small & fast, airplane wifi
hm, do we need to do a big run through wiki pages making clear what doesnt work anymore?
[tantek]: We still have a single ~3.6Mb/s 3G modem shared over wifi per carriage on most of our trains. It was top notch when deployed around 2013, but it's not considered very good today and 3G switch-off is also imminent. They started rolling out updates to 4G in 2021-2022 on premium class, but I don't think they are quite finished everywhere.
yes, train wifi is another similar use-case. pretty sure I've posted about it.
Just had a second look, some have been running since 2011 and their maximal link speed is 7.2Mb/s. Considering that both portable device usage and bandwidth requirements had only increased since then, I don't think that hundreds of people sharing ~300Mb/s LTE would allow websites to sit back.
[preview] [Tantek Çelik] #gmail UI feature request: sort smallest first. would cause quicker replying to short emails, and thus shorter emails.
Some of our buses also have it, although only about 40 people need to share it over there and they usually drive by closer to dense, covered areas.
a few posts about it here (click the next arrow to see the follow-ups) https://tantek.com/2011/239/t2/always-slow-connections-minimize-http-and-bytes
Interesting idea of sorting messages by length (word count even). We had a case with payed GitHub support and guess what: their reporting interface tells you that if your inquire is shorter than X characters (a hundred or two?) it will be "starred" and usually responded to faster!
[preview] [Tantek Çelik] there will always be slow connections. minimize HTTP requests from pages and make your bytes count (per Amdahl's law).
Sorry if this comes through as a bit harsh, but having to go through multiple round trips of multiple kilobytes to read 100 byte of your posts at a time, also taking time to decipher when and where a reader needs to click sounds a bit wasteful. Yes, I know this is a cultural thing coming from Twitter, but still feels a bit considering the topic you have chosen.
At the same time, if you offered a side file that assembled such posts fragmented to threads or labels, a single kB of fetch could render the whole thing on screen.
pharonix71 joined the channel
I see you also serve a feed file from the wiki, but it would be nice to also mark this up via alternate links in your HTML https://indieweb.org/feed_file#Inefficient_Representation
it shouldn't be multiple kilobytes with shared cached resources
feed files are not alternates from permalinks
You inline JS and stuff, so it's 2kB gzip'ped. Note that it's still considered very tiny by today's standards, just wanted to highlight the fact that there's always room for efficiency improvements. I also view round-trips & human processing much more processing than a few kB of extra transfer by the way.
more overhead
"you inline JS and stuff" ? less than 100 bytes of maybe? external JS files are shared cached resources, not sure what you're talking about
If you don't wish to mark it up as an alternate, consider just advertising its link in the header perhaps. Otherwise, if I wanted to subscribe to you, I didn't see where to look for (better browsers and addons give you a button if they found it on the given page viewed) - I had to visit the home page.
bkil, what are you using to publish to achieve better efficiency?
it's not a matter of wish or not. semantically a feed file != alternate for a permalink
As I read most web pages through less, I pay close attention to details. There's a little inline CSS for the search form that is not too much. There are these `<indie-action>` tags that are unusable without JavaScript loaded, hence redundant. Then there's JS for select all inlined. Again, this few kB of cruft doesn't bother me at all, just wanted to elaborate now that you've asked.
yeah I have a task to redo the webactions because the fallbacks to tweet actions no longer make any sense.
that part of the post footer is a nearly complete waste right now unfortunately
I'm in the middle of transitioning of my publishing flow from side file-first to a custom HTML-first system and also working towards converging all of my content to a single site.
[kimberlyhirsh] joined the channel
I actually came here with a question today originally. I'm designing my favicon an wanted to know what all of your insights are about this. Already checked https://indieweb.org/icon https://indieweb.org/profile_photo
bret joined the channel
I planned to use it across sites as an avatar as well, but this is complicated by the fact that just within Element itself, the avatar is scaled and showed in various versions simultaneously: 14px, 16px, 30px, 36px, 325.2px and also supporting full size when clicking on it. And this is on a single platform! I'm sure it will process it to further sizes on Retina displays.
Surely HTML makes your job easier that you can specify a separate file for each size. In general, you can choose between: a big photograph, a small mug shot photo of your face, vector art of pixel art. This is especially tricky with pixel art I am working on. I could tweak a single file to be legible in 14px, 16px (desktop favicon) and 32px (favicon on HQ or avatar) at the same time, but the effort seems futile.
Also, when designing a favicon, do you consider that data consumers and renderers may be cutting corners so to speak (i.e., border radius)? If yes, to what extent? I strive to test with the worst case (encirclement) as some platforms are handling avatars that way.
encirclement, roundrectment, hexaclement
Indeed. Interesting that I haven't seen an app or websites that could help you in designing your favicons & avatars with all the above criteria (or if one exists, it's not linked from the wiki).
So I've got a completely flat file website, generated using an SSG; I'd like to add a newsletter as a functionality
What I'd like to do is once a week, generate a template that includes all my posts from the last week, and send that out as a newsletter
Anyone here do something similar already, or have recommendations for hwo to go about it?
[preview] [indieweb] this-week: Weekly newsletter of IndieWebCamp activity
I've also answered my own question from last week. I made a simple site that is 1st on one SERP and 5th on another for two common words. The feat here is that I haven't done _any_ SEO activity at all other than producing semantic and tiny sources. I haven't even **linked to** the website using `<a href=...>` anywhere! I did place a clear text mention of it in UGC on a high PR local site. It seems certain crawlers do follow such references.
that matches a lot of anecdotal experience here
it's a good challenge to minimize page weight overhead compared to content
gRegor, angelo, motheki and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
I seem to remember there used to be a tool or site that measured that. I can't remember or find it offhand though.
oof. depends on determining "content" of an arbitrary web page, which is nontrivial
sure, it's similar to a screenreader needing to determine what's the "content" of an arbitrary web page
I mean if it were easy we wouldn't need h-entry and e-content right?
[jacky] joined the channel
[snarfed] has 91 karma in this channel over the last year (146 in all channels)
gRegorLove_ and [Tim_Nolte] joined the channel
[snarfed] has 92 karma in this channel over the last year (147 in all channels)
gRegorLove__, [lifeofpablo], pharonix71 and geoffo joined the channel
Some good thoughts about who gets to have replies to posts show up when/where in AP-like systems with some mitigations being proposed: https://queer.af/@erincandescent/110271938380622364
Interesting to consider from the Salmention perspective
[preview] [Erin 💽] New blog post: Right of Reply, or: who should be able to reply to your posts on a social network, and how do we technically enforce that?
yeah interestingly blogs and the open web concluded "_you_ control whose replies show up on your posts" way before social media, since everyone ultimately controls their own web server and its logic