#dev 2023-11-12

2023-11-12 UTC
strugee_, rhiaro, geoffo, [chrisaldrich], oodani, mretka and [sebsel] joined the channel
Oh, interesting point, Zegnat. Your code indeed looks a lot cleaner. I don’t know if we actually got to that file at IWC, we were mostly concerned with changing the tile.js. But I must also admit that my energy levels at that point in the trip were not the highest anymore 😅
what would you peg for a "feed browser"?
(as opposed to a feed reader which often relies on/enforces "subscribing" to feeds)
[snarfed] joined the channel
"There is no news feed. Rather than showing you a massive inbox of new posts to sort through, you see a list of recently active individuals. No one can noisily take over this page, since every follow has a summary that takes up a mere two lines."
↩️ [sebsel] We didn’t get to that file because at that point we didn’t know that the reason we weren’t seeing the map tiles was the upstream error in the identifier.
[aaronpk] you may be interested in https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/issues/27740. amusing odd choice of Mastodon's to garbage collect OAuth clients
[preview] [hugogameiro] #27740 oAuth apps missing in databases - Client authentication failed
Oh god
There's at least a few critical misunderstandings of OAuth in that thread
interestingly if they switched to PAR, client auth can be required on that first step which is pre user interaction, so would stop you from needing to poll the credentials every day like they recommended
the last comment is at least self aware of where they're behind
I'd love it if you could briefly weigh in! not urgent
"tbh, garbage collection of clients is pretty rare in OAuth / OIDC setups" - I think this is the first case I have ever read of ...
Though to be fair, I have not looked at a lot of platforms that allow automatic client registrations
yeah that's the interesting unusual part of Mastodon
With manual registration, it is much easier for platforms to notify owners. E.g. Facebook is currently spamming us for work that it is time for the annual check-up where you click through their questionnaire telling Facebook you are still within the terms of service.
(And then if you do not do that, they will let us know they are shutting off our client.)
aaronpk: Could I trouble you for a review of https://github.com/indieweb/indieauth/pull/129
IWSlackGateway joined the channel
Ok, I just received what I thought was my first non-spam non-bridgy mention, and it was from pingback https://1stgamers.com/steam-deck-lcd-reviewed-by-a-portables-enthusiast/
pretty much every time we think we have real webmention spam, whether bridgy or truly native, it turns out to be pingback or something else similar
this is why i am considering just ripping out pingback from webmention.io entirely
are there any services that tell you of new notable links from websites that don't use webmention?
like, there's ahref and google search console but they don't allow you to filter by notability or get a notification
"notable" is extremely subjective tho
non-spam pretty much
so a site that isn't brand new and has some pagerank
I guess I could monitor referers actually
what is refback?
Refback is a linkback method that works using the standard HTTP Referer header https://indieweb.org/refback
apart from the spam filtering, we had/have this with telegraph + superfeedr, right?
oh right
gerben joined the channel
But it is weird, because sometimes you see the warning that the tile will not be available after October 31. Then you reload the page, and some of those tiles are replaced with "proper" tiles, but maybe not all. So you keep reloading the page and eventually all the tiles are replaced with fully functional tiles.
Or maybe I spoke too soon, because clearing my cache (to try another style of map tile) now gives an empty map once again. Or maybe Stadia maps is tired of me.
also there are two comment forms?
IWDiscord joined the channel
Yeah, that's a long-standing mystery. :)
Entirely new error. `L.StamenTileLayer is not a constructor`
But I am pretty sure I changed nothing from when it was actually working before. Unless it was working on a browser cached version.
Two comment forms show when you are not logged in. As I am usually logged in, I keep forgetting to investigate. It is interesting that the two Leave comment buttons are not in the same relative place.
zegnat has 7 karma in this channel over the last year (17 in all channels)
I.e.: map displays again ;) ^
If my web sign in implementation has been unmodified since the changes to IndieAuth and it still works.... trying to decide if I should update it
Eventually someone won't support response_type=id anymore
geoffo, [tantek], gxt and lanodan joined the channel
[jeremycherfas] new error? that was 100% the error we had in Nürnberg, at least at some point
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
I have got Stamen maps working with a lot less code recently
[sebsel]: it should be fixed now. It seemed like it was hardcoded to load the .min.js file, so after upgrading the JS file, it needed to be renamed
I am noy sure which parts of the new JS file were the actual minimum required parts, so unsure what to PR into Known...
ah, I used https://github.com/leaflet-extras/leaflet-providers which abstracts out all the providers
then you can use the CDN to host it and it defines the tilests
barnaby and [jacky] joined the channel