#dev 2024-01-08
2024-01-08 UTC
gRegor, to2ds, bterry, Renfield and [tantek] joined the channel
drn4007 Is there an explanation of the existence of both IndieAuth and RelMeAuth? It seems like there's a lot of overlap. I'm trying to wrap my head around the auth side of IndieWeb
drn4007 From reading the spec, the IndieAuth authorization endpoint generally either uses RelMeAuth, or a 3rd party. Or have accounts itself I guess.
drn4007 From this section - "It is up to the authorization endpoint how to authenticate the user. This step is out of scope of OAuth 2.0, and is highly dependent on the particular implementation. Some authorization servers use typical username/password authentication, and others use alternative forms of authentication such as [RelMeAuth], or delegate to other identity providers"
IWDiscord <drn4007#0>
drn4007 I'm finding it difficult to mentally organise all the different formats, specs and availabile services. So I've likely gone astray somewhat!
drn4007 Thanks, I guess I need to look at some actual use cases. And the compare against my own.
[tantek] GWG, disagreed, RelMeAuth was literally created to solve an Auth use-case, and it does that for folks that want to use a silo-account as a form of authentication (e.g. they may have a nice 2-factor setup on their GitHub account) but not as their identity on whatever site they are signing into

drn4007 Thanks for the input everyone.
IWDiscord <drn4007#0>
drn4007 I've a bit more reading to do, I'll organise my thoughts and share them (is a blog post preferable?)
drn4007 I'm delighted I stumbled upon IndieWeb, and am building out some services to handle my own login.
IWDiscord <drn4007#0>
IWDiscord <drn4007#0>
drn4007 I'm a software engineer on a career break so it's nice to have something to keep my curiosity going.
Loqi 🧱🔩 Building blocks are key design-patterns, technologies, and methods for building and improving your independent website https://indieweb.org/building-blocks

bterry1 joined the channel
drn4007 At the moment my plan is to build out the required capabilities to authenticate into my own site. I won't need authorization just yet, but may add it in as a feature. Just for fun really..
drn4007 I'm trying to tie into IndieWeb which is where I'm getting confused!
drn4007 I'll read the specs again once I get to a point where I need to.
[fluffy] joined the channel
[pfefferle], petermolnar, jacky, AramZS and [manton] joined the channel
[manton] [sknebel] Catching up… Yes, http://Micro.blog downloads and caches custom Mastodon emoji from an instance when it first encounters them.

capjamesg Would love feedback on https://capjamesg.github.io/drag-and-drop-list/
capjamesg (it's a web component)
to2ds joined the channel
[tantek] Jacky, I saw you posted this in #indieweb but it seems like a challenge directed at developers: https://gilest.org/indie-easy.html

lazcorp joined the channel
lazcorp [tantek] very similar to a Mastodon post I just saw: https://dice.camp/@Taskerland/111663255436259379

[snarfed] [obligatory http://micro.blog plug]
to2ds joined the channel
[Murray] joined the channel
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "CLI" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "CLI is ____", a sentence describing the term)

to2ds joined the channel
capjamesg [tantek] Thoughts on the web component?
capjamesg Yeah. So you'd surround your lists in the tag and it would just work.
capjamesg I thought it would be nice to use for a song lyrics ordering web app where you can order lyrics by album.
capjamesg I'm adding a validation so it could be used for a quiz, too.
capjamesg (i.e. order these events by date)
capjamesg Yeah.
capjamesg You could define the callback yourself.
lazcorp joined the channel
capjamesg I wonder what other web components I could build...
[Joe_Crawford], gRegor and t0nic joined the channel
capjamesg aaronpk Your wish is my command ✨
IWDiscord <capjamesg#0>
capjamesg Now I'll wait to see if anyone gets the Parks and Rec reference.
capjamesg https://github.com/capjamesg/calendar-date
lazcorp joined the channel
Loqi web component is a reusable HTML element defined using the Web Components API, and created & used by IndieWeb community members on their own sites https://indieweb.org/web_component

lazcorp joined the channel
capjamesg https://github.com/capjamesg/drag-and-drop-list
capjamesg I am a _huge_ fan of web components!
capjamesg Isn't the web delightful?
capjamesg I was thinking about it.
[Joe_Crawford] https://codepen.io/artlung/pen/JjzKGvq played with it a bit James
capjamesg I like web components because I can write complicated JavaScript logic that is then abstracted away into a HTML element.
capjamesg In the case of the draggable list component, all one needs to do is surround an existing list in <draggable-list> and it will work.
capjamesg (as long as your list is semantic HTML, not a div :P)
capjamesg I like how you can keep each component isolated so one doesn't affect the other.
capjamesg I apologize for the styling on this page but... https://jamesg.blog/taylor-swift-quiz/
capjamesg That page has five different instances of one web component running.
capjamesg To embed each question, I used the web component. Rather than having to write more JS to populate a list from some values, or copy-paste the same HTML and make tiny revisions to each piece, etc.
capjamesg aaronpk I never used jQuery. _trigger Homer retreating into bush GIF_
[Joe_Crawford] If the question is about making hard things easier, broadly, web components can sort of "hide" complex stuff?
capjamesg Ooh, pretty neat!
capjamesg [Joe_Crawford] For a HTML author, yes.
capjamesg aaronpk Interesting! To answer your question, I guess, sort of.
[Joe_Crawford] Similar aaron. The steps for a jQueryUI element would be to create markup that would match the needs of the component, then add JS to "bless" it so that it then "just works."
capjamesg [Joe_Crawford]++
[Joe_Crawford] in James' example, it looks like `customElements.define("calendar-date", CalendarDate);` - which can then be used as `<calendar-date month="March" day="31"></calendar-date>`
capjamesg [Joe_Crawford] Oooh! You should PR your code if you want to!
capjamesg Having today's date show up is pretty neat!
lazcorp joined the channel
[Joe_Crawford] I'll make a PR. Should be quickish
[Joe_Crawford] oh, james I can't push to a branch in that repo. I guess I need to fork. derp.
[Joe_Crawford] https://github.com/capjamesg/calendar-date/pull/1 sure. why not.
[Joe_Crawford] feel free to accept or what have you
capjamesg Will review soon!
[nsmsn], lazcorp and [schmarty] joined the channel
[schmarty] enjoyed this piece, shared in my work chat today: https://alexcabal.com/posts/standard-ebooks-and-classic-web-tech

[schmarty] ^^^ yesssssssss

[schmarty] they also like to their code and i am enjoying reading it!

[schmarty] *link

[schmarty] i didn't know about `pipx` as a python tool that lets you put packages in "edit" mode! (from their ebook building tools repo https://github.com/standardebooks/tools)

capjamesg This is delightful.
[schmarty] aaronpk: wowowow

capjamesg 😄
capjamesg Please use PHP.
[schmarty] that post also taught me about `ts` (aka `tsp`) - a shell-based task spooler that's like 15+ years old! i am very excited about this. https://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/xenial/man1/tsp.1.html

[schmarty] not sure why they linked to the ubuntu package page. this seems to be more its home http://viric.name/soft/ts/

[snarfed] [schmarty] does `pipx install --editable` differ from `pip install --editable`? haven't found an answer on https://github.com/pypa/pipx or https://pipx.pypa.io/stable/comparisons/ yet, seems like they're equivalent?
[schmarty] snarfed: great question! until i read about it just now i didn't know the concept existed. today i learned that regular ol' `pip` can do `--editable`, i guess!

capjamesg I _love_ the `-e` flag.
capjamesg I use it liberally at work.
[nsmsn] joined the channel
capjamesg Which reminds me, I can't remember if I did this but...
capjamesg [snarfed]++
capjamesg for giving me some good career advice ~14 months ago.
geoffo joined the channel
[aciccarello] and bret joined the channel
AramZS joined the channel