#dev 2024-01-12

2024-01-12 UTC
[Al_Abut] joined the channel
Ooo, that closing paragraph really fired up my imagination. The idea that Meta’s just the first of the silos to engage in dialog with the larger federated community and maybe a LinkedIn might jump in next….
If they can do it in a way that doesn’t crush the long tail of indie communities and people can hop between scales of conversation - that’s really interesting.
unrelated minor nit, seems low key surprising that http://plasticbag.org doesn't serve SSL
ssl is overrated. it's become straightforward to provide but I still am skeptical about the _necessity_ of it for every site
the fact it stops dodgy isps/public wifi injecting ads onto my site is enough for me
or manipulating my content in other ways
just the browser left _glances at brave_
hah yes
[Joe_Crawford] I get the reluctance
the minimal baseline argument for SSL on every site is, it helps protect your visitors' privacy, especially those in oppressive regimes for whom even visiting seemingly innocuous sites like http://plasticbag.org may in some cases bring them unwanted scrutiny
It's a good point. I'll admit to a certain reluctance because of just how many hours of my life have been ruined because of cert that was not renewed, incorrectly installed, not paid for, etc etc. The stove what burnt me, I suppose.
definitely. the admin tax was real, and bad. fortunately better now, as you mentioned
I mean rather than repeating already documented arguments for SSL / HTTPS: https://indieweb.org/HTTPS#Why
[snarfed] you may find this blog post interesting only from the perspective of the continued confusion / assumptions that some folks seem to have about blogs / Mastodon instances being fundamentally "different" somehow, rather than blogs "just" being more instances on the fediverse: https://bix.blog/2024/01/11/activitypub-is-to-the-indieweb-as-a-i-is-to-silicon-valley/
Beat me to it. But unlike AI, ActivityPub (and ATProto if they can sell its merits) isn't a solution waiting for a problem.
I'm annoyed they didn't link to the discussions
thanks [tantek]!
on a related note, I shipped the Automated label and disclaimer links on BF profiles that haven't explicitly opted in, eg https://indieweb.social/@nature.com@web.brid.gy (requires login)
[preview] [Derek Powazek 🐐] “When you respond to comments from the fediverse on your blog, they will now be federated. This allows you to finally engage in (threaded) communication back and forth directly from the comment section of your blog!”So, we’re doing context coll...
"context collapse as a service" is absolutely fair
I hope we can find ways to make that manageable, and hopefully even positive, and not just give up and leave each network as a disconnected island
Oh I see a VERY GOOD POINT from Derek among the 🍿 — when someone makes a presumably local comment on your blog THEY DO NOT EXPECT their comment to be federated. Full stop. The UX of blogs DOES NOT imply federation from 3rd party participants in any way whatsoever so making that happen by default is very much a violation of the UX maxim of "don't surprise the user"
this is why I don't backfeed comments
oh wait nevermind, that's the other way around
correct! that's part of the confusion. this is NOT aboud backfeed
[preview] [Derek Powazek 🐐] @bix @pfefferle Yes and thank goodness for that! I still think it’s weird if I was logged in to the blog as a commenter for that comment to appear elsewhere without my knowledge or consent.
well it's also about backfeed, in other parts of the discussion
yeah the backfeed part is the portion that is "just" federation
when you reply on Mastodon, you know you have no idea what other instances it's going to get federated (copied) to
Yeah but I think the part he misses:
If a site is federated, assume your comment will be propagated.
Does it really matter though: if you post ANYTHING on the internet, it's being indexed somewhere.
that bix.blog post seems to be about backfeeding though, not the other way around
I also saw the comment from jwz on his ingestion script for comments from mastodon into his blog. I have not taken the time to do this but am considering it.
[preview] [jwz] @fraying Halfassedly: https://www.jwz.org/hacks/#mastodon-to-wp-commentsI know you think this is wrong in general, and I get your arguments, but I consider my use of Mastodon to be essentially an appendix of my blog, which is older than social media ...
to be fair, the WP AP plugin update doesn't copy all native comments on your blog to the fediverse
it only does that for people who are logged in as registered users of your blog, which in practice almost never happens
no it doesn't even do that!
it ONLY does that for the BLOG AUTHOR
not logged in comment authors
sure, owner/author/editor
right, which is why "does that for people who are logged in as registered users of your blog" is confusing. it's not people. it's person. it's not "registered users of your blog" it's just "you"
Right, no one who puts in a local comment through the form on the post gets federated.
gRegor joined the channel
but yeah high level, agreed, this question of "is the internet one giant interconnected network? or is it a collection of mostly disconnected sub-networks that mostly shouldn't interoperate?" is at the heart of all this
the WP plugin, and Bridgy, and Bridgy Fed, and Threads, and big vs small fedi, and consent-based federation, etc
wow the thread is still going, most recent reply 16min ago
waiting for [KevinMarks] to jump in lol
and that's just individual blogs. multiuser blogs, or blogs with large userbases and comments. I don't think of Metafilter or Slashdot or Reddit as blogs _per se_ but -- aren't they though?
User forums?
again, I don't think it matters; it all gets indexed somewhere at some point anyway. I like to assume anything I posted on a forum will get hoovered up at some point.
(forgive an old man mentioning /. - I was reminded that I have a profile page there. Unused for decades. https://slashdot.org/~ArtLung/
jacky ^ this is much more interesting discussion than that one blog post that does a poor job of summarizing the thread and is confusing af
[pfefferle] sorry you got dogpiled on here ^. looks like it was at least a somewhat useful conversation in the end. whatever the social media equivalent of :hugops: is, I'm sending you that ❤
anyway, fediverse -> any fedi-software, site, instance makes sense because that's the default culture of fediverse
however yes, blog comments -> fediverse is weird and don't do that automatically
however 2: replying using your own blog -> webmention -> blog comment AND also reply to a POSSE copy on the fediverse = makes sense too
Derek doesn't realize he himself is trapped in the Decentralized Argument Machine of Mastodon/ActivityPub and thus I have a feeling is arguing unnecessarily with [pfefferle]
what is Argument Machine
It looks like we don't have a page for "Argument Machine" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Argument Machine is ____", a sentence describing the term)
this is getting its own article because it is such a core citation to understand when designing commenting/replying UX
Not to mention kinda doesn't get the gist of how the plugin works maybe
Derek's background as a person who has done a lot of moderation - which is to say - the on-the-ground user help required of complex social software informs his strong opinions.
I feel like there is prior art in FidoNet and usenet around how context can collapse when distribution of context to effectively distributed systems is uneven
The Argument Machine is https://powazek.com/posts/3368 a post by Derek Powazek describing how [[Twitter]]’s UI appears design to cause and amplify arguments, and lessons from that analysis can be used for better design of commenting/replying/threading systems, including on the IndieWeb.
[Joe_Crawford] or even when the _distribution_ is perfect and even, but the _subnetworks_ themselves are only loosely connected (including culturally)
That's very close to my various posts about twitter. Mastodon does a lot less of it by default; it's closer to the semi-overlapping publics of 2009 Twitter, but the cultural tone has been set now and even Derek is drawn into argumentation by default
Do I need to start saying I don't have a blog any more, I have a "social website" so people abandon their preconceived assumptions about what is a blog or not and what a blog can or should do or not?
Kevin's argument is [blog comments aren't social media posts](https://bix.blog/2024/01/03/blog-comments-are-not-social-media/] and where he is arguing from.
[Joe_Crawford]1 and [Al_Abut]1 joined the channel
[tantek] interesting! maybe! language is powerful
or even "online presence" or something, since "website" at this point may sadly have the same baggage as "blog"
starrwulfe, this is chat not Markdown--
Markdown has -1 karma in this channel over the last year (0 in all channels)
sorry bad habit from slack.
this is auto-linked plain text chat
Slack doesn't require Markdown either!
Slack is also auto-linked (and auto-embedded) plain text
I mean Discord. I'm bridged
(this is literally why & how I'm creating a markdown replacement that requires zero "thinking in a semi-markup-language" to use)
via Matrix. tis complicated.
did I need to get karma sniped for it though?
Anyhoo-- the point I was trying to make was that in 2024, I feel just about anything posted on the internet is social media and fair game
lol you didn't get Karma sniped. Markdown did
hah lol re: "in 2024, I feel just about anything posted on the internet is social media and fair game" <-- that needs to be a post or note 🙂
alephalpha0 joined the channel
Good point! Maybe that's tonights post for me. The argument being made for something to be perceived expressly as "not linkable or attto the person who said it for fear of being out of context" should be a matter of whether its opt-in or opt out. That's my delimma.
Atto -->attributable
add "publicly," and yes, strongly agreed, both
geoffo joined the channel
It's gonna take me a moment to gather my (very opinionated) thoughts on this one so it's not a hot-take.
ooh openstreetmaps is moving to oauth2
[preview] [vespucci] OAuth 2 MigrationWhile no concrete date has been announced, we expect @osm_tech to disable access to the #OpenStreetMap API with OAuth 1.0a (that is what we currently use per default) within 3-4 months, likely before June 2024.Version 20 of Vespucci ...
re: the Wordpress plugin...To me, the (brief) initial confusion was because "When you respond to comments from the fediverse on your blog, they will now be federated" reads as if "comments" is the antecedent for "they," when I gather the intended antecedent is an implicit "your responses." If the comments are from the fediverse, they were _already_ federated; that's how you got them! ...But if one thinks the comments are "they," it might be really...
... easy to miss that detail, or maybe even to think that "from the fediverse" modifies "respond" instead of "comments" (although in that case "on your blog" seems either dangling or redundant...I am probably overthinking this).
yes it's confusing
demo has 1 karma over the last year
gRegor joined the channel
is it worth highlighting if a `rel="me authn"` URL is being used during /RelMeAuth?
thinks not
[lifeofpablo] joined the channel
[snarfed] [tantek] this all is only a "problem" if you choose to enable local comments! if you decide to go IndieWeb/Fediverse only you do not have the issue at all! And I am fine arguing about how it is implemented and how it can be improved but I hate if people simple call it "bad idea", "poorly implemented", "release fast, break things" or this is simply because ActivityPub is the new hyped thing. 😞
and thanks [snarfed] 🙂
[tantek] and yes I had a hard time being precise in my wording... it was late, I was a bit emotional and that doesn't really affect my english well... ;)
oodani_ joined the channel
Derek seems to be objecting to Webmention more than AP at heart. Propagating replies around the web was very much what all of us (me, Derek, Tantek) were doing at Technorati 20 years ago, so it is our fault in some senses.
gerben, [Niklas_Siefke], [Joe_Crawford], tnbd and petermolnar joined the channel; petermolnar left the channel
[KevinMarks] nah, pingback did that before Webmention and trackback did that before pingback
[pfefferle]++ for patiently trying to explain a complex thing
[pfefferle] has 4 karma in this channel over the last year (33 in all channels)
All the back & forth could be good material for at least an FAQ and maybe some more content for the WP AP plugin docs
WPAP (lol)
Thanks [tantek] and good idea! I now really have a lot of content for the FAQ 🤗
[jamietanna] how does the `notify` scope work for your site (in order for it to send notifications)?
is it if the result of its action can produce a notification, then it'll do so?
[jamietanna] joined the channel
I can't remember if I've actually implemented it 😂
But the idea was that if you get given the scope, you could then use the access token to Micropub my notifications server and send me a notification via that message, if authorized
oh interesting
That also sounds like an interesting idea tho!
I can see that being useful for a Microsub server for communicating things in real time if you're not by the reader
(could _also_ be done by the client but this gives options)
what are waveforms
It looks like we don't have a page for "waveforms" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "waveforms is ____", a sentence describing the term)
heh I feel like I look this up like once a month
I do want to do audio posts on my site
what is audiogram?
An audiogram is a video clip where the primary content is the audio, and is accompanied by a visual aspect, usually a graphical representation of the waveform, the text of what is being spoken, or a still photo of the person speaking https://indieweb.org/audiogram
[jacky]: ^^^ thats the closest we have I think
ah okay that makes sense
what was the podcast or audio thing that [benatwork] made a while back? thought it was called waveform or something similar, but I'm not finding it in searches
gRegor joined the channel
How was the call? I had four hours of meetings this afternoon.
jonnybarnes joined the channel
still going
[tantek] joined the channel
capjamesg I volunteered to scribe for the first 30-ish minutes so you can blame me if you find errors
Thank you.
changed the units to `rem` rather than px where available and that *may* improve things overall. If I'm understanding it right then because I used `rem` if there needs to be a fix a `:root { font-size }` could be set to adjust. I think it's more robust? But all of this is pretty experimental. Along the lines, weakly, of the incredible work Jen Simmons did showcasing Flex and Grid back when those were fresh. https://labs.jensimmons.com
[tantek] the changelist since last iteration. https://codepen.io/artlung/pen/qBvaePM - last time I was relying on Impact or something similar being available. Turns out, hilariously, the Microsoft effort for ubiquity with Impact died. The history of "Core Fonts for the Web" is amazing! I missed much of this. So what I've done now is created a different proprietary dependency - I chose Oswald, a Google Web Font. I also went through and
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Core_fonts_for_the_Web "Program termination and software license agreement issues"
[snarfed], https://indieweb.org/Wavelist, domain looks dead unfortunately 😢
geskeca, tnbd and bterry joined the channel
Definitely getting closer
[aciccarello] joined the channel
Baby steps. Very fun to nibble at the edges of this.
[KevinMarks] ++ Android QA!
[KevinMarks] has 15 karma in this channel over the last year (30 in all channels)
what is draft
📓 A draft in the context of the indieweb refers to a draft post, a post that an author has partially written, or otherwise does not consider finished https://indieweb.org/draft
thinking and working on draft scope support for indiebookclub
That's interesting
I could see me wanting to do that for a long review
If someone only grants draft scope, should IBC send the Micropub request then *not* store a local copy? Context: currently all posts, even if your site supports Micropub, also live on IBC
No review posts yet, unfortunately
Storing the local copy and keeping it only visible to the signed in user is relatively easy, but I guess it implies they should then be able to update the post change it to post-status=published, which gets more complicated
Hm I think it'd be best for it to not be stored, I'd expect that I can give a client a URL and that if they have the draft scope, I'll give it to them as if it was published (so it's more of a flag like a tag)
I think that makes sense
read posts are pretty basic, so I expect draft would mostly be used to make sure it shows up how you want on your site before it's published
It also means IBC doesn't have to do Micropub updates yet, phew
snarfed joined the channel