#dev 2024-01-13

2024-01-13 UTC
jacky, angelo_, gRegorLove_, sebsel, eitilt, [0x3b0b], Khan and [tw2113] joined the channel
getting myself some javascript practice by converting old GitHub Gists that are based on jQuery into vanilla JS
kind of fun
plus javascript know-how is a small blocker for a promotion at my dayjob, so anything I can do to improve in that area is a plus
jacky joined the channel
oh that's a good idea
I have snippets like a random hex color generator, and js-based header anchor links. Plus my favorite one that I need to review...convert all images on a page to be "They Live" movie style like when they look at the world with the sunglasses
jacky joined the channel
at the same time, I reduced about 500 random-ish github gists down to 32. A lot of old support saves
oh that movie name is _familiar_
_yes_ this was one I've been trying to get the name of for so long lol
and it's a Carptener production
glad I could help 😄
"I'm here to chew bubble gum and kick ass. And I'm all out of gum"
gRegor, lagomorph_, Nick4, Nicky1 and geskeca joined the channel
How do you check the integrity of a downloaded file?
I know you can hash the downloaded file and compare to a preset hash.
But how do you define that hash in the first place?
not sure what you mean by "define that hash"
geskeca joined the channel
Say I have a Python script that downloads a file.
The script downloads the file.
I hash the file.
To what hash do I compare the hash from the file to know the file is the one I want?
to a hash you know beforehand. or a hash you have discovered together with the link. or a hash the user has looked up out of band. depends on what you are doing and what you want to guard against
or maybe you'd rather want a signature than just a hash
I’m not doing anything right now. I was thinking that machine learning involves downloading a lot of weights. I wondered how companies like Hugging Face assure the integrity of those files in their down loaders.
Or what options were available.
for that I'd assume that there is some kind of index where it looks up the actual url to download and that may also contain the hash
or the use a fileformat that has some kind of in-built integrity check
(or they think random errors are unlikely enough to not bother)
e.g. if you look at software repositories, like the one Debian/Ubuntu use for apt, there the index files that list all the files and their hashes. and then the index files are signed with GPG so you can verify that the index file has been transmitted unmodified from the release maintainer, and can check the same for future updates (where the hash obviously wouldnt be known yet)
despite package fetching etc for a long time entirely and nowadays still commonly happened over HTTP
(although this system has had weaknesses over the years, these were more in the details than the overall design)
The index file is signed?
So the workflow is: developer makes release, release is added to an index file with the hash of the file, the index file is signed, I grab the index, checking its integrity using a public key, then I choose what file to download based on the version I want etc.
The file hash can be used to double check the downloaded file has not been tampered with?
And I’d have the index’s public key on my machine? (Or the means by which to retrieve it?)
sometimes when you see instructions on how to install software you'll see instructions along the lines of "add our repository to your system config, tell it to trust this key for signatures on it"
Ah, that’s why!
One more question.
Oh, no.
No more questions.
I get it!
part of that is also that with linux distros both packages being distributed offline on disks and being hosted by many different people on mirror servers are common, so its explicitly not assuming anything about the security of the transport
whereas others might say "users download everything over HTTPS, lets assume our hosting doesnt get hacked, some checks in the file format to detect flipped bits are enough"
(although Windows and macOS also expect signatures on executables)
[jeremycherfas], jacky, geoffo, [Al_Abut], barnaby, cidney and [capjamesg] joined the channel
[tantek] I'm spending a bit of time in the meeting this morning seeing if I can make it straightforward to tweak the look of individual letters on Bollocks. 🙂 https://codepen.io/artlung/pen/qBvaePM
[Joe_Crawford] I see this when subscribing to your homepage microformats feed in Monocle:
Thank you! I must've broken my metadata. Blurgh. Thanks [capjamesg] ++
capjamesg has 43 karma in this channel over the last year (133 in all channels)
[capjamesg] I tried to sign up to Monocle last night and couldn’t figure out the dependencies (Aperture? Something dynamic on my own site?) which is where I bailed on trying social readers 😞
Sign up for Aperture first, then Monocl.e
do you maybe have a link handy to a newbie-friendly guide to using social readers?
One second!
Let me see what I can find!
I haven't watched it, but looks like good context.
ok, thanks, I’ll check it out
[Al_Abut] Are you signed up to Aperture?
as for signing up for Aperture, it said I need to set up a Microsub server first?
Aperture is your server.
Monocle is the client.
Aperture is where the content from the feeds you subscribe to is collected. Monocle shows the results.
And if your site supports Micropub you can also post from Monocle!
If you go to https://aperture.p3k.io/dashboard, you should see a header you need to put in the `<head>` tag of your website.
Once you have put that head tag in, log in to Monocle.
I can’t sign in to Aperture because it says “*missing authorization endpoint*Could not find your authorization endpoint” and when I go to setup instructions, I’m lost
[Jo] joined the channel
these instructions make me think that a static site like mine might not work, or is beyond me technically: https://aperture.p3k.io/docs
or that I should sign up to a hosted service like http://micro.blog that has it built in already…?
Your site will work.
There is one more step...
Can you follow the instructions on https://aperture.p3k.io/docs?
You need to add those tags into your <head> first.
I mixed that up with the github link I added to sign into the http://indieweb.org
Here is the process:
1. You set up IndieAuth using http://indieauth.com so you can log in to Aperture and Monocle and other services.
2. You set up Aperture to poll feeds.
3. You set up Monocle to read your feeds 🎉
one is microformats in the body of the page, the other is a more explicit link in the <meta>
Yeah. The head tags are basically giving information about where Monocle and Aperture can go to help you sign in.
The rel=me links say "hey, I want to use my email/GitHub to log in!"
thank you so much, my eyes naturally skimmed down to api keys and client development, then my brain said nope
No worries!
I use Monocle and I love it!
I wouldn't read Garfield in anything else 😂
barnaby joined the channel
I really want to try it! Using a read-only feed reader has been really fun but I feel like I’m at a party with masking tape over my mouth
and I talk a lot
Loqi, that's not very nice 😄
comedy heckled by a bot - my day is complete
For a Taylor Swift perspective, go to #indieweb-chat and start a message with `!ts` then your query.
[lifeofpablo], [campegg] and geoffo joined the channel
I think this may be another project that does micropub into git, for static sites: https://gitlab.com/jamietanna/www-api/tree/master/www-api-web/micropub
[preview] [Jamie Tanna] Setting Up a Micropub Server for www.jvt.me
barnaby joined the channel
capjamesg, [Al_Abut] what instructions for setting up a social reader were you using when you got confused / stuck?
Rather than advising only in chat, we should fix the upstream problem in the docs and then test those out until they "work" (can be followed to success)
[capjamesg]: you can also have a look at https://edwardtufte.github.io/tufte-css/ which includes side notes in free to use css
I am pretty sure I saw something not too long ago about how you could make it so elements did not overlap. The problem tracy was mentioning. But I cannot recall top of mind right now
[tantek] it was these setup instructions in Aperture: https://aperture.p3k.io/docs
[tantek] my current changelist replicating _Never Mind The Bollocks_ is that I did a full reworking of handling the text for individual letters. Individual letters now have css vars that can be tweaked to your liking. In theory you can adjust those values as needed. I Implemented the background for the cut out as css conic-gradients rather than as a stretchy div with a clip-path. I also, because I wanted to see if resolution
independence was on track added a 800x800 pixel version to the 500x500 versions. Same markup, adding a class. 2 zoom adjustments and a margin adjustments does a fair job.
to recap from the other channel real quick, I thought two wrong thoughts 1) that I had indieauth setup already because of being able to sign in with my website into http://indieweb.org and 2) I naturally skipped down to the sections about API’s and developing clients, which don’t seem clearly demarcated as advanced or optional or whatever. does that make sense?
[capjamesg]: aaah, here it is, I just had to look through my feed reader for a minute. An experiment with the new CSS anchors (Chrome experiment) by Eric that makes sure sidenotes will not overlap https://meyerweb.com/eric/thoughts/2023/09/12/nuclear-anchored-sidenotes/
geoffo joined the channel
For micropub on a static site, I can recommend Indiekit. You tell it your folder structure and give it a function to convert microformats to a text file and it does everything else for you.
If you hook it to a MongoDB instance you get some more CMS style stuff in the UI, but I don't have that so I mostly use the micropub endpoint via other apps.
[schmarty] joined the channel
anyone else using http://alltogether.io today? it's not working for me 😢
websocket connection errors for my signed-in session.
signed out and also can't sign back in. same `The connection to wss://together-server.tpxl.io/graphql was interrupted while the page was loading.` errors 😭
I'm getting a domain not claimed error
> Domain Not Claimed
> This domain has been mapped to Squarespace, but it has not yet been claimed by a website. If this is your domain, claim it in the Domains tab of your Website Manager.
thanks [aciccarello]! I’ll ping you if/when I play around with it
Setting up a server was the blocker for me as most of my server experiments were on free hosting that shuts down during inactivity which isn't great for micropub. I've published my config repo online if you're interested. [Paul_Robert_Ll] has been super helpful and responsive on GitHub too.
What is Indiekit?
Indiekit (GitHub repo) is “the little Node.js server with all the pieces needed to own your content and share it with the wider independent web” https://indieweb.org/Indiekit
I thought I linked to the config there but apparently not
[preview] [aciccarello] ciccarello-indiekit: Indiekit server for my personal website.
uh oh. all of [grantcodes] sites appear to be having trouble 😬
lagomorph_, geoffo and [lifeofpablo] joined the channel
Somewhat related to the HWC. Turn anything into a feed: https://rss.diffbot.com/
RSS << [https://rss.diffbot.com/ RSS Anything] - Transform any old website with a list of links into an RSS Feed.
ok, I added "[https://rss.diffbot.com/ RSS Anything] - Transform any old website with a list of links into an RSS Feed." to the "See Also" section of /RSS https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=92192&oldid=87516
lagomorph_ joined the channel
I wrote a little perl script that does that locally. Takes a <ul> and makes an RSS feed.
Since I was already generating recently post and recent change <ul> pages.
Most of the heavy lifting is just XML::RSS::SimpleGen; http://superkuh.com/rssgen.pl.txt
to2ds joined the channel
Zegnat - That RSS tool looks pretty cool.
to2ds joined the channel
Is there a means to set different background colors for #indieweb-chat and #indieweb-dev?
[snarfed] joined the channel
trying out https://getunblocked.com/ on my code, it's pretty slick
geoffo joined the channel
definitely not perfect, but surprisingly ok
Is it based on just commit messages?
no, full repo contents (code, issues, PRs, etc), plus a number of other data sources like wikis, Slack, etc
Wow. That is comprehensive.
[lifeofpablo], gRegor and GWG joined the channel