#dev 2024-01-14

2024-01-14 UTC
bterry and [Murray] joined the channel
[snarfed] Right, so the mentions in question come from this Mastodon post: https://elk.zone/indieweb.social/@theadhocracy/111728731463943737
how are you querying webmention.io for them?
Hmm, actually looking at this again, it's possible they just haven't come through yet?
So I'm literally looking at the Dashboard in http://webmention.io
Oh, hmm again πŸ˜„ I forced a resend on http://Brid.gy for one of them and it immediately appeared in http://webmention.io 🀷 I probably should have tried that first, but I somehow never see the "resend" button, it's just a visual blindspot for me. I guess it fell through some crack first time but ah well
well it didn't fall through the crack before, because snarfed as able to find the webmention.io status URL for it https://webmention.io/www.niklas.fyi/webmention/bfuXuHqwQT-bHYefmoTp
is this a www vs no-www thing?
Isn't this for a different domain? theadhocracy.co.uk from the above Mastodon post
^ that's a different webmention though. I was asking about one from Masto -> my site (and specifically asking in #indieweb about how he generated ^ that URL for Niklas.fyi to see if I could do the same)
gRegor beat me to it πŸ˜„
geoffo joined the channel
^ okay so how does _that_ work? Because there should now be two there; I can see both the like and comment now on my Dashboard
hm, maybe one with www?
Probably not, the Mastodon post doesn't have www in the link
the mentions I've got are without, like your query:
Huh, interesting
ah trailing slash is the difference
Ahh, yep
gRegor++ though I'll make a note somewhere of that JF2 feed query for the future πŸ™‚
gRegor has 22 karma in this channel over the last year (86 in all channels)
Yep, extracted from the "Show all mentions" code snippet a bit further down on https://webmention.io/
So the like and reply are in there, is there another webmention missing?
No, that's the two I had been expecting. But both only showed up after resending, which is odd but 🀷
geoffo, eitilt, [Joe_Crawford], gRegor, [Serena], tnbd, Hy and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
reStructuredText << [https://zegnat.bearblog.dev/custom-restructuredtext-directives-with-pandoc/ Custom reStructuredText Directives with pandoc]
Thanks for the discussion last week about ReST, I got motivated to look into extending it this weekend :D Would love to hear people’s thoughts
zegnat has 9 karma in this channel over the last year (20 in all channels)
[chrisaldrich], lockywolf and geoffo joined the channel
[aaronpk] re StreetPass, can it even check for bidirectional now that Mastodon is JSDR?
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
lockywolf joined the channel
huh. and also identifying Mastodon URLs via regexp?
oh it's querying webfinger for all rel-mes (minus a few silos), with the full URL in the resource
huh, ok
lockywolf joined the channel
so how do i get my site to work with this?
oh also slightly weird thing, this works because people link to their mastodon profile with rel=me on blog permalink pages