#dev 2024-01-15

2024-01-15 UTC
[tantek] and Renfield joined the channel
Looks like Mastodon supports hashtags starting with numbers (unlike Twitter), e.g. https://indieweb.social/tags/2013_011
Zegnat, re: "Would love to hear people’s thoughts [on ReST presumably]", short version: replace it, just like Markdown. longer: analyze its use-cases to see what are the 80/20 reasons to use ReST and make sure my replacement supports those use-cases.
Zegnat, what are your primary use-cases for ReST, as in which subset of the features of ReST actually matter to you?
[tantek] the interesting bit about that hashtag is that Mastodon post itself renders the other letter-based hashtag, but not #2013_011
IWSlackGateway joined the channel
Sounds like a Mastodon bug
jacky joined the channel
[tantek]: The reason I am attracted to ReST more than Markdown is because its explicit support for figures, call outs, footnotes and citations. I am not at all sure that I would come up with better implementations of those things if I were to invent them myself. No urge to create my own plain text language when I can use one that exists.
[pfefferle], jjuran and jjuran_ joined the channel
ReST (like Markdown) is not a plain text language
I've solved footnotes with actual plain text. Figures I have a design for but haven't implemented.
I need to understand what folks expect from a "call out". Is that like a pull quote?
And citations is a very big use-case, like do you use a particular style?
Guest6 joined the channel
Citations are honestly not a big usecase for me. It is more that they are collected separately from other footnotes so they can be displayed separate from eachother at the end.
Ahhh a bibliography like feature
Not sure how I would make footnotes much easier than they are in ReST. Where it is just a number [2]_, that you then define to be a text somewhere later in your document...
I'm in the practice of referencing notes[1] in text I write[2], with the notes themselves appearing after the paragraph or section in which they're cited.
[1] Like this one, for example.
[2] Typically emails or program documentation.
Zegnat pretty sure I blogged literally about why I chose ^1 instead of [1] when I built my footnotes support
[Jo] and [frozenyogut] joined the channel
[tantek]: call out are boxes like NOTE: WARNING: TIP:
some markdown implementations support footnotes
jekyll's does, for example
GitHub Flavoured Markdown supports callouts
Ah right we discussed this, and how to do call outs without a bunch of extra punctuation
jjuran: same for me, I often write the footnote contents directly after the paragraph, it is then up to the rendering step to figure out where it ends up
I like that ReST also supports explicit auto numbering. So I can do [#]_ for a footnote and it will take care of numbering
Is there a good way to express sidenotes vs footnotes?
or I suppose footnotes vs endnotes
what the foot counts as in a scrolling layout is a bit odd, though foot of post makes some sense.
hm, not sure how often that'd come up except for citations?
similar to that you could do different numbering/labelling formats and split based on that
the Tufte CSS pattern of showing footnotes in the margin if its big enough, or as inline details if not is a solid one, but keeping academic citations as endnotes is interesting; https://edwardtufte.github.io/tufte-css/
I've seen varations on this eg by Molly White and Stratechery
I think the terms footnote and endnote are hangovers from physical publishing, where footnotes are always at the foot of the page and endnotes may be at the end of a chapter or at the end of the book as a whole. Citations may be in notes of either sort, and are often duplicated in a bibliography. I'm not aware of any uniform conventions for the same things on the web. Even less so where there is specific print CSS.
I usually want to read explanatory footnotes, but not citations, so having a visual distinction is useful, conversely sometimes you want to dig through citations.
jonnybarnes and [snarfed] joined the channel
I started to write up the idea of using rel-me to let sites indicate a "preferred" bridge
er sorry, rel=bridge
one catch is that it only works for web sites, ie wouldn't help eg a Bluesky account indicate which bridge it prefers to use to connect it to the fediverse
tnbd, [Paul_Robert_Ll], jacky and gRegor joined the channel
This is interesting, Feedbin added a new feature specifically for helping people fix broken feed URLs: https://feedbin.com/blog/2024/01/15/fixable-feeds/
gRegor, jacky_, jacky and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
Now if only they would mash that up with a validator to fix the feed itself, rather than only its url
jacky and [Niklas_Siefke] joined the channel
[snarfed] (Don't know if #indieweb-dev or #indieweb@norse.social, the "test-like" made by myself doesn't show up
[jacky] joined the channel
[Niklas_Siefke] ok! I think http://webmention.io only keeps those status pages visible for maybe a week or
I don't run http://webmention.io, [aaronpk] does, so if you have questions that aren't answered by its docs or readme, you'll want to ask him
[Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
yeah the status pages are relatively short lived, i don't remember the exact amount of time
Interesting, Ghost might be the first webmention implementation I've seen where the source URL is JSON: https://ghost.org/docs/recommendations/
Pretty narrow use of wm but still cool
Trying it out again with a friend since they updated their Ghost
I got a 202 response, though I wonder if Ghost is expecting all incoming ones to also be JSON
huh, that is an interesting surprising use of webmentions in the wild with no mf2, and instead a custom JSON source schema
jan6, GWG-, gRegorLove_, moose3332, aaronpk, [0x3b0b], [Paul_Robert_Ll], [snarfed], Renfield, [tantek], Maxpm, alephalpha0, [chrisaldrich], bret, superkuh, [snarfed]1, [chrisaldrich]1 and [tantek]1 joined the channel