#dev 2024-01-16

2024-01-16 UTC
Well, I received a Ghost "recommendation" webmention, but the source JSON file on her site is 404, heh
well-known has -6 karma in this channel over the last year (-9 in all channels)
waiting for someone to send a WM with a source of AS2 JSON and see where that goes
geoffo and jacky joined the channel
I like the idea of using webmentions for recommendations like this
kinda like a linklog
could use it to indicate mutual linking
ReST's approach to footnotes would be amazing for my use (I'm realizing how much I need them now lol)
to2ds joined the channel
what is AS2 JSON
It looks like we don't have a page for "AS2 JSON" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "AS2 JSON is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Is AS2 JSON Wiki worthy?
I mean it really is just AS2 since AS2 is JSON
what is AS2
Activity Streams 2.0 is (AKA Activity Streams Core) an open web standard (W3C Recommendation) and format for communicating a series of user activities across websites, based on prior ActivityStreams community proposals & specifications and developed in the W3C Social Web Working Group https://indieweb.org/AS2
to2ds joined the channel
Ah! Thank you.
Zegnat that trailing "_" method of citations seems like a really bad idea as it looks like a typo in normal plain text
I mistakenly thought AS2 was ActionScript 😄
And Flash possibly making a comeback.
lol to2ds I mean ActionStreams and ActionPub could be a thing 😂
geoffo and to2ds joined the channel
ActionStreams and ActionPub? 😂
You're definitely on to something there. Maybe there'll be an ActionPub Player surfacing on Github soon.
jacky joined the channel
Flash is definitely making a peculiar comeback. https://flowingdata.com/2024/01/10/nyt-flash-based-visualizations-work-again/
to2ds joined the channel
Wow, that's a cool project. Everything old is new again.
So ActionPub isn't so farfetched after all.
geoffo joined the channel
[tantek]1: yeah, I am split on the trailing _ that ReST uses. But I think I actually lean a little more towards liking it than disliking it. I like that it is the explicit symbol for stating something should be a link/reference. It is explicit, easy enough for me to type, and I do not expect anyone else to ever see the “normal plain text” apart from me anyway.
jacky, [KevinMarks], [Ana_R], Guest6, CRISPR, AramZS, [calumryan], joshproehl, sebbu2 and geoffo joined the channel
The problems of collaborating with files are overstated.
tPoltergeist, CRISPR, jonnybarnes, gRegor, bret, [Al_Abut], [aciccarello], [manton] and [tantek] joined the channel
[Zegnat] it's an unnecessary compromise. And lots of text documents are collaborative so sometimes (often) "anyone else" matters too.
Plus copy paste of plain text from one environment to another. I see plenty of Markdown goobers (nonsensical punctuation until you realize oh that's leftover Markdownjunk) visible in published articles on the web etc
rrix and [schmarty] joined the channel
dunno if i missed this in chat, but http://alltogether.io is working again, whew!
lazcorp joined the channel
Does anyone have a database schema for an IndieWeb implementation of Notes (implementing POSSE) - or an example of a good implementation on github etc that I can study and understand?
oop, maybe spoke too soon. i was able to sign in and list channels but getting lockups actually looking at posts. 😕
I get "Domain not claimed" for that link "mapped to Squarespace but not yet been claimed by a website"
rrix, CRISPR and tPoltergeist joined the channel
starrwulfe, when I loaded https://starrwulfe.xyz/2024/01/whats-the-difference-between-a-blog-and-a-social-posting-site/ I was able to see the comments but not the article contents! (running w/o JS)
[preview] [starrwulfe] What’s the difference between a blog and a social posting site?📡🔀 MastodonMastodon Micro.blogMicro.blog bsky ThreadsThreads FacebookFacebook∴ https://starrwulfe.xyz/b/1Xib ・ #blog #fediblog #fediverse #meta
[preview] [starrwulfe] I’m dreaming of a new website engineLet me get right to the point:I want a way to use my space on Craft.do as a blog. I love using Craft as my space to outline and organize and it ticks all the boxes Tantek raises about capturing all the thoughts ...
barnaby joined the channel