#dev 2024-02-06

2024-02-06 UTC
alright that's enough of a stub to post
Just did a quick history search. I switched to self-hosting my fonts in 2020 https://github.com/aciccarello/ciccarello.me/commit/df7b44dfe69486aa19882eeddfccdffe0ee2203d
Then around October, I removed that to use native fonts depending on what the native OS has (system-ui, sans-serif)
ok it's been two hours and it's still down. that's enough leeway to post about it
what is a SPOF
Single points of failure (SPOFs) are aspects or parts of a system which, when they fail, cause crucial parts of (or the entire) system to fail https://indieweb.org/SPOF
lol forgot the image I had used for that page
btrem, gRegor, bterry and geoffo joined the channel
[aciccarello], I like the phrasing in your "see how to respond" section
"Responses are collected from posts on other sites. Have you posted somewhere that links to this page? If so, share the link!"
Thanks. I was trying hard to avoid saying webmention
responses has 1 karma over the last year
Also bsky wants byte indexes, not characters
The very old school way the xoxo parser works might fit
hah I remember us debating ages ago whether to call them responses or something else. reactions? interactions?
[KevinMarks] yeah? I'd love to see code if you know where!
It's the old sgmlparser way where you get callbacks for the elements you want, and for the text inbetween, so you manage stacks
Dive Into Python method
oh interesting yes! callback style, with a global or top level buffer for collecting the plain text, definitely makes sense
even so, ugh, I really don't want to write this
Yeah, it's annoying. Writing the other way round for bsky.link was fiddly
angelo joined the channel
responses won [snarfed]. Reactions are their own thing that implies more of a reflex rather than a thoughtful action
What is a reaction
reactions refer to the subset of responses/interactions with a post that are quicker, more impulsive, but still a conscious act, typically a simple UI gesture without writing any content, such as likes (reacji), reposts, bookmarks, or perhaps multiple simple UI gestures, such as selection a text range and posting a quotation of part of a post, or picking a person from a list to post an invitation as a response to seeing an event https://indieweb.org/reaction
geoffo and tPoltergeist joined the channel
stumbled across https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807 as I was looking for some ideas on generalizing errors (trying to make sure most errors in Sele are linkable to some sort of documentation, even for database failures)
jacky, tPoltergeist, oodani, bret, geoffo, sebbu, [Murray], CRISPR and aaronpk joined the channel
[Murray] and yes, for :has support alone it's worth upgrading. All major browsers now have have superb support (pass 100% of :has tests)
Yep, I was excited to finally use it (still as a progressive enhancement, but still) and then couldn't get it to work 😄 all sorted tantek++
tantek has 29 karma in this channel over the last year (102 in all channels)
There's so much JS that can eliminated now (or only used conditionally on "not supports :has")
javascript has -1 karma over the last year
css has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (3 in all channels)
oh good they published it
i had a call with them about this a month or two ago
interesting, they went with client ID is just a hostname
glad you're involved!
I helped point them to all the existing OAuth building blocks, looks like they ended up going fully in that direction which is great. much better than making stuff up from scratch!
their arguments about why not dynamic client registration are well written
geoffo, lazcorp, gRegor, jacky, jonnybarnes, [fluffy], AramZS, AramZS_, CRISPR, bret, [schmarty], gRegorLove_, [KevinMarks], [campegg], sodimel, [tantek], [Paul_Robert_Ll], [Joe_Crawford], btrem, jeremycherfas, rjomara5 and [20_s_Net] joined the channel
Sorry to contact so late but I have decided to completely redesign my website to be less about the 1920's and more about what inspired in the first place and to make it a much more personalized tribute to my grandfather so if I rename my username etc that's why
You can message here at any time!
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Today I remembered I'd made a mental note months ago to go look at Glitch In Bio again eventually, see whether it was set up to use microformats, and maybe make a plan to remix a version that is, if it wasn't. It isn't.
What's Glitch in Bio?