#dev 2024-02-07

2024-02-07 UTC
A thing Glitch did back in 2021 (I thought it was longer ago than that) as kind of a "look how easy it is to build a simple link-in-bio page using Glitch!"
When I remembered it before, and made that mental note that I subsequently forgot about for months, I believe I had a vague notion trying to put together a sort of hypothetical baby-steps-to-the-indieweb article. I think that notion got tabled because I concluded what I was coming up with was terrible.
IWSlackGateway, [aaronpk], CRISPR, [snarfed], AramZS, [0x3b0b], [tantek], geoffo, berry, tbbrown, tPoltergeist and kleb joined the channel
what are deep links
It looks like we don't have a page for "deep links" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "deep links is ____", a sentence describing the term)
tPoltergeist joined the channel
deep links are an Android and iOS feature where websites are allowed to lock down their https links so only website-approved apps, and the system browser, can automatically open them.
wait that didn't work did it
Guest6 and tPoltergeist joined the channel
Too long between question and answer
what are deep links
It looks like we don't have a page for "deep links" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "deep links is ____", a sentence describing the term)
deep links are an Android and iOS feature where websites are allowed to lock down their https links so only website-approved apps, and the system browser, can automatically open them.
yeah so for all intents and purposes fedilinks is a direct competitor to deep links but without the whole DRM thing
(it is also compatible with the indieweb)
that's a very cynical definition
rubenwardy: to be fair we are trying to sell you on something :D
tPoltergeist joined the channel
but if the open web has interoperability, open APIs and independent implementations as core principles, then we do believe android/ios deep links go completely against it!
it's very useful to be able to open an app instead of a browser though. Deep links allow you to view a page in a browser or an app using the same URL
and multiple apps can register for the same url on Android at least (I believe iOS requires the website to publish an allowed app id list)
oh maybe that's no longer the case
rubenwardy: yeah fedilinks does mostly the same thing, without the DRM
(it does rewrite the URL in the browser *for now*, it's a known tradeoff.)
(browser devs could definitely add APIs to help us there tho, but it's unlikely to happen until we build up more support for fedilinks)
ok, confirmed, Android allows multiple apps to listen for the same URL
the user can select the app to use
rubenwardy: oh, have you not seen the android 12 changes to deep links?
yes, there's a workaround "anyone" can use, but the way we see it that's more of a compromise to appease the techies while fucking over the masses, and yes that is very cynical of us.
Anyway, I think that deep links wiki page should be deleted as it's a stub and not relevant to indie web
That's an interesting definition of DRM 🀨
(let's say you have a podcast platform, and multiple apps currently support it. flip a switch and only spotify opens automatically, many users will just switch over instead of finding a way to make their preferred app work again.)
tPoltergeist joined the channel
(google knew what they were doing, they've been aware of newpipe and the like for years.)
What is relevant to the IndieWeb?
Anything directly related to people with their own websites, such as technologies and services used, design and UX, formats and protocols, as well as events or podcasts with IndieWeb talks or content are relevant to the IndieWeb wiki https://indieweb.org/relevant_to_the_IndieWeb
If this page had examples of indiewebers using deep links on their site then it would be relevant
What is wikify?
wikifying is the practice of capturing information and ideas on the wiki https://indieweb.org/wikify
can deep links be considered relevant purely because they're explicitly incompatible with the indieweb?
I don't think they're incompatible though. Indieweb is not the fediverse
atom feeds.
and they still give you the option to open in a browser
The definition needs indieweb relevance
(we really want fedilinks web+feed to catch on...)
you continually saying that in the same IRC channel isn't going to make it catch on 😝
yeah :<
Anyway that wiki definition should be improved to include why it's relevant to the IndieWeb or deleted
deep links as a concept is just to have links open inside an app, which could be very useful for atom feeds or something!
as an implementation tho, well...
are you currently using them on your personal website? if so, how?
aaronpk: our personal website does support fedilinks web+feed :3
then describe that in the definition on the wiki
what are deep links?
deep links are an Android and iOS feature where websites are allowed to lock down their https links so only website-approved apps, and the system browser, can automatically open them https://indieweb.org/deep_links
tPoltergeist joined the channel
we'll have to think about how to write it
tPoltergeist, sp1ff, AramZS, moose333, kleb, [tantek], [aaronpk], IWSlackGateway and [snarfed] joined the channel
that's not what deep links are commonly understood as: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deep_linking
I'm going to delete that page until someone comes up with an actual IndieWeb-relevant definition that is consistent with common understanding per Wikipedia
that "commonly" may have been true historically, but I think now it just as commonly refers to linking inside an app
(hard to judge for sure, of course. we could try to come up with a google trends comparison, but might not be easy)
[snarfed] note that last sentence in the Slack preview / Wikipedia intro
sort of related (in-app) but still not the same
oh I know the difference. my point is what the term "deep link" is most commonly understood to mean now, vs what it was maybe commonly understood to mean 10-20y ago
and "non-HTTP URI" there is wrong, iOS and Android have both supported apps handling HTTP link patterns for a long time
[tantek]'s linked definition is (roughly) my understanding.
I mean it's Wikipedia, you know the drill πŸ™‚
lol I don't but I can guess
[snarfed] I believe "edits welcome" roughly equivalent to the OSS "patches welcome"
also [snarfed] you of all people know that "commonly understood to mean 10-20y ago" is quite IndieWeb in general πŸ™‚
sorry, I don't follow
shortrounddev joined the channel
bacardi55[m]: My server generates an atom feed from the posts
It gets a list of files in the gmi directory, then generates the atom feed from that. I think each item in the feed requires a unique hash, and I generate that based on the title and I use the filesystem's API for getting the created date for each post
shortrounddev: Then maybe you should add a link to it on your homepage so it is foundable :]
Oh I thought it was just for aggregators
Well, so that people can add it to their aggregators
[snarfed] there's been a lot of recent social media (Masto etc.) characterizations of the IndieWeb as getting back to what worked 20y ago
ahh ok! sure! I like it
I think we should move UI/UX design back 20 years as well
not just the topography of the networks themselves
shortrounddev, there's a bunch of retro design that various folks do on their personal sites, do you have an example of "move UI/UX design back 20 years" on your own site to share?
what are 1990s
The 1990s was a decade that saw the invention and growth of the web, dominated by independent websites, as well as nascent silos like Geocities, with a particular brightly colored aesthetic that would come to define the era like under construction graphics, dancing animals, site counters, ornate backgrounds, and guest books https://indieweb.org/1990s
lazcorp and [Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
Speaking of decades-old design, I quite liked looking at this: https://scrollbars.matoseb.com (and happy to see the attention to careful detail for the Amiga scrollbar).
AramZS and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
I think http://fury999io.vern.cc qualifies as 1990s
Ah, yes, 30 years ago.
bret, fury999io, gRegor, btrem and [aciccarello] joined the channel
I love how https://pbfcomics.com/ still has IE6 comments so it can add xml namespaces for facebook tags
I don't get it. The same code is in every clause, IE6, IE7, IE8, everyone else
lazcorp joined the channel
Oh, it might be for the ID. Maybe for feature checking?
Either way. Seems strange to still be checking for IE
legacy copy/pasta
[The_Frederatio] joined the channel
Do you still find box model hacks in the wild?
[Jo] joined the channel
tbbrown joined the channel
haha, that's funny.
It does make me wonder, who defines what "too long" is.
tbbrown joined the channel
Did it get truncated somewhere in the fediverse?
tbbrown joined the channel
aciccarello longcat
there was a point where Tantek had a hover that was the whole post (I think based on older microformats parsing that defaulted to the entire text content when there was no p-name)
DusteD joined the channel
and now http://tantek.com posts have explicit p-name!
[preview] Tantek Γ‡elik
tbbrown joined the channel
wait I thought I dropped those
hmm I see it now
now I wonder what happened and why
pharalia, [capjamesg] and lazcorp joined the channel
Looking for some inspiration as to what I can develop on my site next (since [capjamesg] always asks me what I've done in the hwc-europe meetings :) )
I don't have any ideas off the top of my head.
Mayb something like a /now page
I have found that attending the HWC zooms has made me a little more playful about what I'll implement on my site, which is good
[Jo] - that's a very good idea!
fun has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (2 in all channels)
Yeaah fun++
fun has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (3 in all channels)
Or a /soon page xD
AramZS joined the channel
fun has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (4 in all channels)
the site is 28 years old - it's approaching middle-age :)
gcaesfrtu^ joined the channel
when I added all the arcive.org links for the previous versions to the history page I did spend some time nostalgically looking through its various incarnations!
what is a soon page?
It looks like we don't have a page for "soon page" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "soon page is ____", a sentence describing the term)
gRegor - Loqi wants you to explain what a /soon page is
that's part of the joke :)
I'll implement a /soon page ... soon
fun has 4 karma in this channel over the last year (5 in all channels)
fun++ for sure
AramZS joined the channel
Is there a fun book/movie reference for a number code for "soon"?
410 Gone is for past pages, what is the code for "Soon"/"Not Yet"?
Hab, there is 425 "Too Early", but it means something completely different
And isn't shown to users in normal cases but rather silently retried. Although who knows what happens if you return it in an invalid context
503 with a Retry-After header?
[timothy_chambe] joined the channel