#dev 2024-02-15
2024-02-15 UTC
[tantek] joined the channel
petermolnar, tPoltergeist, chimo_, gRegorLove_ and [manton] joined the channel
geoffo joined the channel
[0x3b0b] I kinda wish I'd gotten my article hashing out my thoughts on the subject written sooner. But this idea only occurred to me after reading one of the reactions: What if the _first_ time (and only the first time) _anyone_ tried to bridge an actor on a protocol that supports direct messages, it triggered a direct message asking them to check out the service and opt in or out?

[snarfed] joined the channel
epoch and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle] Just also stumbled upon the discussions around bridging, now I am sorry that you have to have these discussions [snarfed] 😞

[pfefferle] The fediverse is not always a friendly place…

[KevinMarks] Hrefna talking sense again https://hachyderm.io/@hrefna/111931620167055570

[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
[jeremycherfas] !tell [gRegorLove] I fetch my podcast OPML from Overcast and process that to extract cover art and summary with a script. Running the script and updating are manual.

[aciccarello] From that thread https://hachyderm.io/@hrefna/111931763225916573
dustinm` joined the channel
jjuran joined the channel
[jamietanna] Looks like http://mas.to is definitely one server that's blocked BF, so that's at least some folks I can't interact with 😥

[tantek] It's worse than that, following the http://mas.to/about links, I found http://brid.gy listed in this shared blocklist: https://codeberg.org/oliphant/blocklists/src/branch/main/blocklists/_unified_tier0_blocklist.csv

[tantek] And what Tier 0 means is described here: https://writer.oliphant.social/oliphant/the-blocklist-algorithm#tier-rankings

[jamietanna] Ruh roh

[jamietanna] I wonder if we can at least get it moved to be the Bsky only domain, not everyone? 😥

iamzim joined the channel
[KevinMarks] [snarfed] is http://fed.brid.gy backlogged? I don't see your 12 replies to Tim Bray on xoxo.zone or even http://cosocial.ca, though Tim says he saw them.

[KevinMarks] I checked with the xoxo.zone admin and they aren't blocking http://brid.gy

[jamietanna] Ah gotcha. Welp 🙃

iamzim left the channel
[jamietanna] Snarfed would it be possible to surface the failed deliveries in the UI/logs?

[jamietanna] I see https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/blob/8cb36282700a70bd38c9f9788a1ca51c0daf8b85/templates/activities.html#L42-L53 so I assume we can surface it 😄

[jamietanna] / we have some info we can surface

tPoltergeist joined the channel
IWDiscord <capjamesg>
Soni hmm
Soni if ipv6 is a class issue then burning down ipv4 is praxis
capjamesg If you ask a question about your website, there will probably be more discussion because that's our bread and butter here. We have a lot of technical folks, but the commonality between all of us -- and where we're at our best, collaboratively -- is in making website and the tools behind them.

Soni okay, should you pay for ipv4 when building a personal website?
Soni is that a necessary expense and if so why
Soni ipv4 is in fact relevant to personal websites, it is a class issue
tPoltergeist joined the channel
sebbu joined the channel
[jamietanna] Looks like social.lol have blocked us too 😥 got some friends there that makes this rather annoying

tPoltergeist and jacky joined the channel
Virtual joined the channel
[KevinMarks] have a look at the #fediblock tag https://phanpy.social/#/xoxo.zone/t/fediblock

[KevinMarks] hm, OK, that isn't the best way to link, gimme a sec

[KevinMarks] that seems to be externally viewable

[KevinMarks] multiple people calling for a block on bridgy and snarfed

jacky joined the channel
[KevinMarks] Including Aral shit stirring

tPoltergeist joined the channel
[tantek] This was on point: https://makai.chaotic.ninja/notes/9pp4ngznnl

[KevinMarks] so Tim Bray asked a lot of good Q's about bridgy, and Ryan replied to them, but I cna only see them on Tim's instance, not on Ryans or via another one https://cosocial.ca/@timbray/111925993377458027

[KevinMarks] also, wow - vanilla mastodon is really crap at threads with replies compared to phanpy.social

[Murray] joined the channel
[jamietanna] Plus some nice comments from theAdhocracy trying to explain it locks many of us out

[jamietanna] Tbh I do agree https://indieweb.social/@aral@mastodon.ar.al/111923838463352874 - although yes that's likely not the intent that's gonna happen, there may be people doing it in the future to get around it / play whack-a-mole. But a real shame

[jamietanna] (plus further up the thread)

[jamietanna] I've been really enjoying seeing Aral's work (and personal views) recently and hoping I can still at least follow along, even if not interact

[jamietanna] (I don't want to get in to any (perceived) drama with Aral in the past)

[snarfed] on Aral specifically, from https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/835#issuecomment-1942129083 :
[snarfed] > So as long as this made it clear that the account would be available to the Bluesky network (not just visible to the person requesting access) and included an option to ‘never ask me again’ so I wouldn’t be contacted via http://brid.gy again, I’d be fine with this as a solution. Unless I’m missing something, that implementation would fulfill the requirements of opt-in.
bacardi55[m] [tantek]: Saw a comment from them on a github issue IIRC

bacardi55[m] Not sure why the anchor got removed from the URL, but the comment in question is #issuecomment-1942129083

tPoltergeist joined the channel
[campegg] joined the channel
[pfefferle] [snarfed] I had no idea https://wedistribute.org/2024/02/tear-down-walls-not-bridges/

[pfefferle] 😳

[pfefferle] This is way worse than what I read so far! I am so sorry that you got such replies and I am so glad that Sean took the time to write about it!!!

[pfefferle] deadsuperhero++ [snarfed]++

gRegor and tPoltergeist joined the channel
[schmarty] snarfed++ wowowow. bravo on all your work here and your patience in weathering the responses. i appreciate teh summary from deadsuperhero++

[tantek] [snarfed] re: "only tangentially related to indieweb, at best" tbh I'm concerned that the damage done to Bridgy Fed Web is going to be lasting, both in literal legacy blocks and somewhat reputationally. I don't think it's impossible to repair, it's just going to be A LOT of social / emotional / technical labor

[snarfed] very true re the long term BF impact. [timothy_chambe] does good work finding quantitative info on the extent of these blocks. he generally finds that it's noisy but ultimately relatively small, eg only 5% of active users are on instances that currently block Threads, and I don't know that this will get bigger than that
gRegor joined the channel
Soni [snarfed]: sorry
[tantek] [snarfed] two different things, one I think the analogy with Threads is incorrect because there seems to be many more (I forget what the threshold is) instances blocking Bridgy than Threads, per the Tier 0 inclusion, and second, perhaps related to the first, there is some motivation/fear of "block because we don't know what other crazy tool could come from that domain" whereas Threads being blocks is more well understood as "just another

[tantek] [snarfed] I discovered Codeberg's lists and Tier 0 via http://mas.to which feels fairly large/generic, which makes me think it's potentially very widely used

Soni btw, codeberg is a public git forge, like github
[KevinMarks] polotek's thread was interesting https://social.polotek.net/@polotek/111927390966163446

[Joe_Crawford] https://social.polotek.net/@polotek/111927466589248240 crystallizes my own thoughts perfectly.
bret joined the channel
[KevinMarks] Also, there is a huge difference between reading fedi conversations with phanpy.social and with the default client. Absolutely night and day at working out what is going in.

[KevinMarks] eg this thread https://phanpy.social/#/xoxo.zone/s/111930718743712656

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "phanpy" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "phanpy is ____", a sentence describing the term)

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "phanpy.social" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "phanpy.social is ____", a sentence describing the term)

[KevinMarks] [snarfed] - some of your replies are a bit lost to me - eg when you replied to Tim's posts they show up on his instance but don't seem to be visible elsewhere

[KevinMarks] so if you look at that thread on the default view, you can see the thread path up and down https://xoxo.zone/@KevinMarks/111930718743712656 in the same way you can in twitter, but in phanpy you can expand the other branches of the conversation

[KevinMarks] [snarfed] is it that you don't send out replies to everyone who follows you, just to the instance you're replying to?

[KevinMarks] well if I do https://phanpy.social/#/cosocial.ca/s/111925993377458027 I can see your replies, but not if I'm Browsing via https://phanpy.social/#/xoxo.zone/s/111925995854605951 - I assume that means http://cosocial.ca has your replie but not xoxo.zone

[KevinMarks] but I follow you from xoxo.zone, so I should see yours too

[KevinMarks] ah. So that means that even if I click +replies on your profile I don't see them?

[KevinMarks] That is a different behaviour from mastodon by default I think

[KevinMarks] only people on http://cosocial.ca see your responses https://hachyderm.io/@dorianlistens/111930892995549723

[snarfed] afaik it's standard ActivityPub to only deliver replies to the OP and mentions. those instances may then inbox forward https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/#inbox-forwarding to others
[KevinMarks] That may be a mastodon vs AP thing again, not sure. I'll need to find some other conversation I'm not in to compare with.

[Joe_Crawford], jacky and [aciccarello] joined the channel
[KevinMarks] most https://snarfed.org/category/reply posts don't show up under https://phanpy.social/#/xoxo.zone/a/109362740583426741?replies=1 (how it shows them via xoxo.zone)

mahboubine and jacky joined the channel
[tantek] I will attempt one more renaming of the slug of my existing post (which triggers Bridgy Fed's "federate new post" flow) and then actually try making a new post to see if there is something about the content of that post that is failing to federate (I have no idea why or how that could happen but have no other explanation)

[tantek] steps to reproduce: go to mention.tech. Enter https://tantek.com/2024/044/t1/twenty-years-microformats-top-updates in the top form field (source), and https://fed.brid.gy/ into the second (target) and press return. reload mention.tech. Note the red X in the top entry

Loqi [preview] [Tantek Çelik] Twenty years and two days ago, @KevinMarks.com (@KevinMarks@xoxo.zone @KevinMarks) and I introduced #microformats in a conference presentation.
I wrote a long retrospective last year: https://tantek.com/2023/047/t1/nineteen-years-microformats

[tantek] and now looking at https://fed.brid.gy/web/tantek.com to see if/when it starts delivering my "new" post and seeing how that goes

[tantek] gRegor I literally wrote this up https://indieweb.org/Bridgy_Fed#Activity_in_dashboard_without_delivery_status because I was confused enough I thought others might be too 🙂 (context: it's in a "Troubleshooting" section)

[KevinMarks] It will show an X until it has verified the mention, which is probably not ideal; it should show something pending until it has actually failed.

[KevinMarks] it's async, so it first schedules a verify, which fetches the source and checks that it contains the target, then it schedules a send, which fetches the target and looks for the endpoint and sends the mention.

[KevinMarks] if you keep hitting send you'll have more than one callback racing

[KevinMarks] I have to see if I can still deploy mention.tech, as I haven't in a while and it may not like me redeploying a deprecated python version

[tantek] gRegor I don't see any recent posts of yours on https://w3c.social/@gregorlove.com@gregorlove.com/ and yes my most recent post (despite two slug changes and thus reposting/federating as new post attempts) doesn't show up either at https://w3c.social/@tantek.com@tantek.com/

tPoltergeist and gRegor joined the channel
Loqi [preview] [[jamietanna]] Snarfed would it be possible to surface the failed deliveries in the UI/logs?

[KevinMarks] joined the channel
gRegor anecdata: switched to https://fed.brid.gy/web/gregorlove.com after 2s and 1 had already delivered

gRegor 29 delivered, 1 failed. hashtag shows up: https://xoxo.zone/@gregorlove.com@gregorlove.com/111938091014767543

[tantek] gRegor++ verified, I see your post near the top of https://indieweb.social/tags/music

[tantek] and there we go, my post is showing up too: https://indieweb.social/tags/ephemeralWeb

[tantek] and shows up in my profile on Mastodon servers e.g. https://w3c.social/@tantek.com@tantek.com/