#dev 2024-02-16
2024-02-16 UTC
[tantek] yeah I had replies going to my Atom feed / http://micro.blog for a while and it was noisy for folks on http://micro.blog unfortunately. I did turn that off a while ago but probably took me too long to figure that out

[tantek] wait I mean I think "just" using Webmention to reply to people on http://micro.blog may actually work

[tantek] the other trick that might work is replying to their http://micro.blog fedi handle, and then using Bridgy Fed to "federate" the reply

[tantek] then I volunteer to help write-up a "How to reply from your site" section on /micro.blog 🙂

gRegor Haha, was just typing that yeah, I could update https://indieweb.org/Micro.blog#How_to_syndicate_to after my experience

tPoltergeist joined the channel
gRegor This is coming back to me. I think my reply here was via webmention: https://micro.blog/gRegorLove/633461

[aciccarello] This might be a dumb question, but why cross-post into http://micro.blog?
[aciccarello] I assume someone on http://micro.blog can follow/reply to your main site, no?
[aciccarello] Is it a discovery thing?
Soni [snarfed]: can you make a bridge between ipv4-only instances and ipv6-only instances?
gRegor But if they do reply to a post on https://micro.blog/gRegorLove, then I (should?) get a webmention

[tantek] joined the channel
burley joined the channel
[tantek] I link the likes in my feed were particularly noisy to http://micro.blog readers

[tantek] apparently Mastodon folks are interested in fixing the current js;dr problems, this is good to hear: https://hachyderm.io/@thisismissem/111938332047014307

burley joined the channel
[tantek] ^ [snarfed] FYI I didn't see this reply in my dashboard https://fed.brid.gy/web/tantek.com/notifications — I only noticed it because I saw a "replies 1" count in the view of my post on [KevinMarks] profile where he had reposted it then when I clicked through once on the date it showed my post in the context of XOXO.zone where I was able to see Emelia's reply

[tantek] is it possible that http://hachyderm.io has blocked Bridgy Fed so notifications aren't being sent for replies/mentions? Though if that's the case, how did Emelia see my post in the first place? Due to following [KevinMarks] on XOXO.zone? I thought fediblocks didn't allow reposts of content either so if that's the case still confused.

jacky joined the channel
[tantek] just found this https://joinfediverse.wiki/FediBlock

[aciccarello] Seirdy's site is listed as a source on that page
gRegor !tell [manton] I think the timezone got dropped on the published date for my post via webmention. "2024-02-15 17:15-0800" in my post showed up "2024-02-15T17:15:00+00:00" on https://blog.grotenhuis.info/2024/02/15/how-did-i.html

[tantek] aciccarello, yes, and it's Oliphant's Tier 0 that Bridgy is in: https://writer.oliphant.social/oliphant/the-oliphant-social-blocklist

Loqi [preview] [The Oliphant] Oliphant.Social Mastodon Blocklists https://media.oliphant.social/oliphant/media_attachments/files/109/734/248/264/344/008/original/c47ca96bf1714e32.png

[0x3b0b], [tw2113], tPoltergeist and [manton] joined the channel
[manton] gRegor: Yes, you can either “reset” the fediverse handle or migrate it to a new handle. Migrating is nice because it moves any followers you have and also updates the link on http://Micro.blog. Not sure if Bridgy Fed supports migrating yet. But either way, the option is on Account → View fediverse details.

[snarfed] joined the channel
[snarfed] migration is on the BF todo list! https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/330
geoffo and tPoltergeist joined the channel
[tantek] well this is another perspective on Fediblocking: https://social.wedistribute.org/notice/AevRxl35jsdzF4QnKK

jeremycherfas, tPoltergeist, geoffo, bterry, gRegor, [jeremycherfas], [Jo], oodani, [pfefferle], [Joel_Auterson], [Paul_Robert_Ll], burley, jeremy, jonnybarnes and lagomorph_ joined the channel
jacky, burley, tPoltergeist and [jamietanna] joined the channel
[jamietanna] Capjamesg however https://mastodon.social/@ghalfacree/111940737721267218

[jamietanna] Anyone seen this error with BF before? Wondering if it's related to the last few days or not

[jamietanna] ```403 Client Error: Forbidden for url: https://toot.cat/users/endocrimes ;

{"error":"Public key not found for key ```" target="_blank">https://fed.brid.gy/fed.brid.gy#key"}
[jamietanna] When trying to follow someone

[Joel_Auterson] looks like theyve blocked bridgy
[Joel_Auterson] `3rd-party opt-out bridge to BSky (was originally only http://bsky.brid.gy subdomain, but now there's http://fedi.brid.gy; owner can't be trusted not to add more)`
jacky and burley joined the channel
[KevinMarks] Or we can run more instances of it

[jamietanna] The worry about doing more instances could lead to "they're trying to evade the FediBlock by running different URLs", ie if one person turns on a Bsky bridge we may all get tainted

[manton] Are there any copies of Bridgy or Bridgy Fed currently running somewhere? I often think about it as a single service (and I even have some hardcoded http://brid.gy checks in http://Micro.blog, which I probably shouldn’t) but it’s interesting to think about 2-3 large installs of it.

burley, kody, jacky and gRegor joined the channel
[tantek] FYI anyone running Mastodon, new dot rev (likely security fix) https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/releases/tag/v4.2.7

burley joined the channel
Loqi [preview] [Sumana Harihareswara] This year will be the 20th anniversary of @leonardr's #Python screen-scraping tool Beautiful Soup.
Please contact me if you'd like to contribute to the celebration...

[Murray] joined the channel
[Tim_Nolte] and burley joined the channel
[tantek] I want to document a "How to" publish a "minimal" h-entry, author, dt-published, e-content to reply to posts like https://hachyderm.io/@thisismissem/111938332047014307 to request that implementations take their code for generating meta tags, and use it to generate a minimal h-entry either instead or in addition

[tantek] If we came up with both minimal h-entry markup and static inline CSS to style it to look non-sucky (e.g. not just superwide line of long unreadable text), and ideally as nice as any link-preview, I have a feeling at least some developers/projects would happily copy/paste that into a template

to2ds joined the channel
geoffo, [schmarty], angelo and [aciccarello] joined the channel
[KevinMarks] Another deep criticism from Hrefna https://hachyderm.io/@hrefna/111942682708117990

burley joined the channel
[tantek] GWG, here's a [Jeremy_Keith] blog post on topic that's a bit webdev-centric but still applicable to designing protocols/formats in philosophy & methodology: https://adactio.com/journal/14103

burley joined the channel
[KevinMarks] The way granary works is a good example - Ryan picked a single format to base things on, and translated the others into and out of that.

[KevinMarks] Any time you're accepting external data you need to validate it, and do some kind of cleanup and fallback.

[KevinMarks] One reason the mf2 approach is fairly robust is that it doesn't pretend to be the universal perfect storage format, just a set of rules to make the format into something consistent that you can the decide how to map into your internal model, and how to express it on the way out.

burley and jacky joined the channel
[tantek] fascinating, some folks are sticking with Masto 3.5 purely for the SSR: https://mamot.fr/@nemobis/111940069819020421

to2ds joined the channel
aaronpk https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/releases/tag/v3.5.17 "The 3.5.x branch will not receive any update—including security fixes—after this one."

aaronpk https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/releases/tag/v3.5.18 "The 3.5.x branch will not receive any update—including security fixes—after this one."

aaronpk https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/releases/tag/v3.5.19 "Caution: The 3.5.x branch will not receive any update—including security fixes—after this one."

[KevinMarks] So should we go for a ssr patch to 4 to restore mf2 html?

[KevinMarks] I'm still running python 2.7 in some places

[KevinMarks] No, because it's in AppEngine and they deprecated all the things it calls so I need to rewrite it

to2ds joined the channel
burley joined the channel
Loqi The authorship testing tool is a service to run the authorship algorithm for a URL. It's sometimes referred to as Sturdy Backbone based on the URL Glitch automatically generated https://indieweb.org/authorship_testing_tool

[KevinMarks] joined the channel