gRegor[manton], do my reply posts need to be in my Atom feed for m.b to send webmentions back? I replied to a few posts by sending webmention and got responses, but don't think I received webmentions.
zfsdfafasdf, to2ds, jacky, [qubyte], [Joe_Crawford], geoffo and eitilt joined the channel
[manton]gRegor: Hmm, so people replied on but it didn’t send a Webmention back to your blog? Lemme check. That should work regardless of the feed, as long as can discover the right Webmention endpoint. You shouldn’t need to include replies in the feed, that often just gets messy.
[snarfed]aaronpk re "AP wants to be the entire model of the world all the way to your database"...yup. amazingly ATProto is even more aggressive at that
[snarfed]surprisingly Nostr of all things may be a good example of doing this right, especially the relay query protocol. feels like it allows just enough power and complexity, while still carefully not expecting any particular underlying implementation
Loqi[preview] [Facundo Olano] Reclaiming the Web with a Personal Reader Background Last year I experienced the all-too-common career burnout. I had a couple of bad projects in a row, yes, but more generally I was disillusioned with the software industry. There seemed to be a disc...
kody, nertzy, tPoltergeist, [jamietanna], chimo, jeremycherfas, geoffo, Guest6, gRegor, bterry, [manton] and learner-long-lif joined the channel
[snarfed][tantek] I took a look at why BF wasn't getting all the way into the fediverse. I spot checked a few instances it successfully delivered a Create for that post to (ie got an HTTP 202 response):,, and all three have your profile, and your posts before and after that post, but not that one itself
[snarfed]since you tried it multiple times, with different URLs, and they all had the same result, I have to guess there's something specific about that post that Mastodon is failing on internally, or suppressing somehow
Loqi[preview] [Emelia 👸🏻] good post, fwiw, there's some complicated history surrounding that change, and there's a long term goal to fix that, but it's a rather hard and difficult path due to how everything's been built. There was some discussion in the mastodon d...