2024-02-18 UTC
# 00:26 [tantek] @snarfed++ thanks for the forensics! Appreciated! Still no idea what about that 20 yrs of microformats post tipped up Masto but I'll see if I can check other implementations
# 00:26 Loqi @snarfed has 71 karma in this channel over the last year (127 in all channels)
Tdave365, angelo_ and alephalpha0 joined the channel
# 03:44 _tommys Learned about Netlify Functions today and with it i added the guestbook feature to my homepage 😄
# 03:44 _tommys code still needs tweaking, but it works when the page loads
# 03:45 _tommys styling breaks after submit
kody_, tPoltergeist, kody, eitilt, alephalpha0, gxt, gxt_, burley, Guest6, [KevinMarks], mahboubine, IWSlackGateway, [tantek], geoffo, angelo, foreverlikethis, jeremy, jeremycherfas, [snarfed], [Murray] and gRegor joined the channel