[tantek]first, the "[indie] web <=>" portion/perspective has a community here that you can check with directly to see if you’re solving a user-problem that people actually want solved
[tantek]second, on the indieweb granularity side of the bridge, an individual is making a decision about setting up their one site to interact with the bridge and whoever is on the other side, whether following, @-mentioning etc. that keeping the decision to the individual directly about bridging, may help mitigate some of the scaling / opting-in considerations
tPoltergeist, [jeremycherfas], [Murray], [tantek], IWSlackGateway, [KevinMarks], gRegor, [hello092], barnaby, [Paul_Robert_Ll] and jeremycherfas joined the channel
[Murray]Would it be possible to do something similar with an `<svg>` element? That way you could map both the image and the links to the same co-ordinate system, which is scalable by definition
[qubyte]I wonder if there’s a way to do this with a srcset. It would mean not using `background-image` I guess (not a frontend dev by trade, I’m a hobbyist in this arena).
[Murray]benji++ that's cool. A small suggestion: the colour infill only triggers on hover, but not focus (though the links still work, and your general focus styles still kick in, so it's all perfectly accessible regardless)