#dev 2024-02-19

2024-02-19 UTC
burley, bterry, gRegor, kody, tPoltergeist and gxt_ joined the channel
[snarfed] re: "prioritizing web <=> bluesky in Bridgy Fed right now more than activitypub <=> bluesky" absolutely yes please
the slightly broader version of that is: prioritize web <=> protocol-X in Bridgy Fed right now more than protocol-Y <==> protocol-X
there's two aspects to this which I think make it make sense
first, the "[indie] web <=>" portion/perspective has a community here that you can check with directly to see if you’re solving a user-problem that people actually want solved
gxt_ joined the channel
second, on the indieweb granularity side of the bridge, an individual is making a decision about setting up their one site to interact with the bridge and whoever is on the other side, whether following, @-mentioning etc. that keeping the decision to the individual directly about bridging, may help mitigate some of the scaling / opting-in considerations
tPoltergeist, [jeremycherfas], [Murray], [tantek], IWSlackGateway, [KevinMarks], gRegor, [hello092], barnaby, [Paul_Robert_Ll] and jeremycherfas joined the channel
tPoltergeist, burley, fluffy, ramsey, ludovicchabant, sandra, rrix, chimo, voxpelli, BinarySavior and dissolve333[d] joined the channel
I could've sworn he wrote something like that years ago too. Or am I confusing him with someone else?
tPoltergeist joined the channel
oh wait no, that was Darius of https://tinysubversions.com/ , whyever my brain mied that up
[preview] Darius Kazemi
tPoltergeist, [Joe_Crawford], gRegor, jeremycherfas, box464 and [dominik] joined the channel
The first `die()` is on line 666. That's a bit funny.
box464, IWSlackGateway and [qubyte] joined the channel
finds himself deep in the unicode code point well
[Ana_R], kushal, burley, nsh, [tantek], sebbu and sebbu2 joined the channel
If anyone has ideas for fixing / updating the HTML map element, let's chat
Specifically so it can scale, work with responsive images etc
Use-case: things like capjamesg area linked bookshelf image
I would love that scaling support.
I want my image maps to work on mobile.
I hear you can make it happen with a JS shim. I will inevitably be down that rabbit hole at some point.
Oh interesting. Makes me wonder if a web component is the answer
voxpelli and ramsey joined the channel
It could very well be.
I'll be open sourcing whatever I make.
Perhaps that will advance the discussion more?
I’d be very interested in using such a component.
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
Could you put it in an iframe and scale that?
You'd still need to work out how to make the clicks on it navigate the outer context
[Murray] joined the channel
Would it be possible to do something similar with an `<svg>` element? That way you could map both the image and the links to the same co-ordinate system, which is scalable by definition
[benji] joined the channel
I just did two of these for my site and I'm currently working on a blogpost about them. They both use svg and it works well on the browsers and devices I've tested. https://benji.dog/about and https://benji.dog/articles/my-favorite-mugs/
[benji] You just reminded me of my mug list: https://jamesg.blog/mugs/
^ add it to the list capjamesg :)
(Yes I checked, mugs wasn't on it :)
capjamesg Those are some good mugs. I think I had that or a similar starbucks mug some time ago. always liked how sturdy they feel
mahboubine joined the channel
I wonder if there’s a way to do this with a srcset. It would mean not using `background-image` I guess (not a frontend dev by trade, I’m a hobbyist in this arena).
(the racoon one is my favourite)
[Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
benji++ that's cool. A small suggestion: the colour infill only triggers on hover, but not focus (though the links still work, and your general focus styles still kick in, so it's all perfectly accessible regardless)
benji has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (2 in all channels)
gRegor, [benatwork], to2ds, gRegorLove_ and burley joined the channel
[Murray] thanks for the suggestion! just added it
burley, bterry1 and [aciccarello] joined the channel
I love these mug lists
[aciccarello] You should write one1
capjamesg, did you see the mugs in the photos from IWC SD 2023?
I didn't!
will share in #indieweb-chat
burley and cyb0rg1 joined the channel
The indie web is a wonderful rabbit hole ✨
A rabbit could be a /mascot option