#dev 2024-02-20
2024-02-20 UTC
jacky and to2ds joined the channel
[KevinMarks] Using his Apple Watch

shoesNsocks, jacky, geoffo, burley, Xe, gRegorLove_, gRegorLove__, burley_ and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
[jeremycherfas] Oh my paws and whiskers!

burley, johntheweb, tPoltergeist and gRegor joined the channel
[tantek] oops apparently I had been putting my likes in my Atom feed which was showing up as not particularly useful brief posts in my http://micro.blog

[tantek] I thought I'd removed those ages ago from my Atom feed but just realized they were still there and have now corrected them. will have to follow-up with folks on http://micro.blog to confirm

burley, [aciccarello], [benatwork], [Ana_R], IWSlackGateway, [Joe_Crawford], [tantek], [KevinMarks], [benji], [qubyte], [Murray], [jeremycherfas], aaronpk, tPoltergeist, gRegor, gRegorLove_, mahboubine, bacardi55[m], Guest6, jacky, [schmarty], bonzz and jeremycherfas joined the channel
jeremycherfas, box464 and jacky joined the channel
[schmarty] not actively. i am back to noodling on micropub-based tools tho. like making book-reading posts from a book's goodreads or http://bookshop.org page.

[schmarty] "noodling" just meaning thinking about, at the moment. i've got two or three different workflows using other folks' tools and each has speedbumps. so i end up with a bunch of tabs open in my phone that are just goodreads / bookshop pages for books for me to remember to add to my site when i am at my laptop. (i never remember to do this)

[schmarty] i'mma blog post it rather than trying to infodump here!

burley, [Jo], risingspiral, jacky, mahboubine, [tantek], jonnybarnes, [keithjgrant], gRegorLove_ and gRegorLove__ joined the channel
[qubyte] joined the channel
[qubyte] I log my Japanese language study sessions with an iOS shortcut and micropub. It’s sort of a menu driven thing (category like _reading, flashcards_ etc., minutes…) and it turns a number of minutes into a duration. All publishing to https://qubyte.codes/study-sessions/. It’s not _that_ interesting, but I’ve not encountered this use of h-event elsewhere. Might be a bit of a hack.

gRegor Huh, had missed those are listed on https://ogp.me/. My first time seeing them in the wild.

[qubyte] I do! The most recent example: https://qubyte.codes/blog/my-2023-japanese-language-study-habits

[manton] joined the channel
[manton] For the ActivityPub hackers out there, I just fixed a couple new issues in http://Micro.blog where things broke because of (I think) recent Mastodon security fixes. One non-obvious change is they appear to require WebFinger content-type to be jrd+json now. I also simplified a couple things like no longer redirecting WebFinger for custom domains.

[snarfed] joined the channel
[snarfed] unrelated, I just discovered that CloudFlare's CDN and caching products ignore the Vary header. wtf Cloudflare?!? https://developers.cloudflare.com/cache/concepts/cache-control/#other
[snarfed] they have a clunky exception for images, https://developers.cloudflare.com/cache/advanced-configuration/vary-for-images/ , but still
burley joined the channel
[tantek] phrase from jwz's post https://www.jwz.org/blog/2022/11/mastodon-stampede/ via [Joe_Crawford]

[tantek] related GH issue: https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/issues/27266

bret_ joined the channel
[Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
[Joe_Crawford] I am struggling to find more recent documentation of the effect
burley joined the channel
aaronpk well there is a mention of "thundering herd" in the spec https://pubsubhubbub.github.io/PubSubHubbub/pubsubhubbub-core-0.3.html#anchor4

aaronpk oh wow and a 2009 techcrunch article https://techcrunch.com/2009/09/09/rsscloud-vs-pubsubhubbub-why-the-fat-pings-win/

[tantek] also makes me wonder if we need to solve this at a protocol level, e.g. what would it take for an HTTP HEAD request to provide sufficient information for a link-preview. I mean if people are going to put their link preview info in hidden meta tag crap anyway, why not further meta it into the HTTP header?

[snarfed] unrelated, it still amuses me that salmentions, maybe one of the most useful OStatus features but also one of the most confusing and complicated to implement, effectively survived into ActivityPub as inbox forwarding, https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/#inbox-forwarding
burley joined the channel
[snarfed] holy crap, GitLab's blog's Atom feed file is currently 2.7MB, https://about.gitlab.com/atom.xml
[aciccarello] I have my feed file only include full content for the latest few posts
superkuh I have 2 feeds for blog posts. One with the recent posts (default) and one with all posts.
[qubyte] On that, has anyone explored paginated/archived feeds? I’ve been meaning to look into it, but I’ve no idea what support is like amongst readers: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5005.html

[snarfed] yes! sigh I've been deprioritizing https://github.com/snarfed/granary/issues/152 for over 4y now
[qubyte] What I want from it is to build a yearly archive or something, so the top-most feed has only those entries in this calendar year. Having said that, lots of my functionality is built around the atom feed (webmention dispatch for example), so I’d probably still maintain a single-page feed too. Mostly what I worry about is the feed growing forever when each item is a complete post (not just a snippet).

to2ds joined the channel
burley, AramZS and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
[KevinMarks] The point iirc was to consistently handle next/prev when there were potentially more posts generated inbetween, so naïve start=10 type pagination didn't give you dupes. This ties in with websub too.

capjamesg [tantek] In the ~1 minute after posting https://indieweb.social/@capjamesg/111966044917737379, I had 180 requests to the page from Mastodon.

capjamesg I was using the unscientific `sudo tail -n 1000 /var/log/nginx/access.log | grep "Mastodon" | wc -l` method of measurement 😄

to2ds joined the channel
lazcorp and burley joined the channel
to2ds joined the channel