#dev 2024-02-21

2024-02-21 UTC
tryinbrian, bmccarthy, tPoltergeist, gxt_ and rrix joined the channel
(fury road meme) "That's bait" /me points in the direction of https://graz.social/@smeikx/111965351508354005
geoffo and jacky joined the channel
Really Simple Sabotage
just joined and see the trashtalk of RSS has begun
And only 40 years into my existence I’ve realised I’m the kind of guy who laughs at his own jokes.
[qubyte]: best form of self-care imo :)
burley joined the channel
what is prosemirror
ProseMirror is an open source toolkit for writing rich-text editors on the web that stores data as JSON objects instead of markup https://indieweb.org/Prosemirror
burley joined the channel
that comment on brainstorming is something I've been looking ito
defining a schema as it provides, one could make it easy to add things like /person-tags in a WYSIWYG fashion (and I think _more_ things like that are sorely needed)
jacky, tPoltergeist, [0x3b0b], burley, geoffo, gRegor, Guest6, lazcorp, david2, [Murray], [Ana_R], adderweaws, AramZS and jeremycherfas joined the channel
This seems more dev-related even though it is regarding a user-level feature: https://open-web-advocacy.org/blog/its-official-apple-kills-web-apps-in-the-eu/ — the IndieWeb implication is that European users will no longer be able to "install" IndieWeb home pages on their iOS home screens 😞 (e.g. like I blogged here: https://tantek.com/2014/067/b2/mockups-people-focused-mobile-communication )
Perhaps we can discuss in HWC EU if others are interested
hey when did as2/.rocks die?
lazcorp, [jeremycherfas] and burley joined the channel
updating the readme of the OSS, if anyone wants to give it a review: https://github.com/w3c-social/activitystreams-validator/pull/28
[tantek], gRegor, gRegorLove_, jacky, tPoltergeist, [aciccarello] and burley joined the channel
GWG I'd love to read a blog post on your thoughts on blocking crawlers.
And cookie sandwiches.
[Joe_Crawford], jacky, lazcorp and [Doc_Pop] joined the channel
This appears to be the latest non-redirect IA snapshot: https://web.archive.org/web/20180903011126/https://as2.rocks/
yup, already linked & documented in /as2rocks 🙂
[jgarber] joined the channel
2018, woof. That’d be a useful site to have back online!
What outcome are you hoping for here, [tantek] ?
tbbrown, burley and [schmarty] joined the channel
as i recall the discussion around the as2.rocks validator - it was largely around the client-to-server (c2s) bits of the protocol which aren't part of server-to-server interop validation.
i guess this discussion is more in the context of that specific domain rather than what tool was running there, maybe? anyway here's a link to the discussion i recalled. https://socialhub.activitypub.rocks/t/the-activitypub-test-suite/290/33
[snarfed] joined the channel
[schmarty] were you maybe thinking of the defunct AP test suite linked from https://activitypub.rocks/ ? since AS2 is the data format, not the protocol
a number of other activitypub test suite projects are currently ongoing, but I don't know any for AS2 specifically
ooh, indeed. the many muddled activitywhatsits and microstuffs
thanks snarfed :}
angelo_ and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
So is MicroStreams a new name for h-feed?
lol [KevinMarks]
[jgarber] goal: accurate documentation of existing status, then I'd like to see someone else spin up an instance for the community
Any idea who owns/manages the domain? Same question for the GitHub repo.
Seeing Evan Prodromou’s name is all over it if only anyone knew where they’ve been or what they’ve been up to lately 😂
[KevinMarks] presumably microstreams would include all the details from h-feed discovery (rel values etc.) to h-feed semantics & properties, h-entry inside, author h-card inside that, and related algorithms like authorship
burley joined the channel
documentation of conversion from/to Atom, AS2, etc. would also be appropriate
[benji] and jacky joined the channel