#dev 2024-07-02

2024-07-02 UTC
zicklepop6 joined the channel
I have 40 something websites on Netlify
Touch wood ... That their free tier doesn't depreciate too fast
robalex, Guest7618, aaronpk, ipv6rs, e-snail, gRegorLove_, [Jo] and Guest236 joined the channel
[Joe_Crawford] One thing I'd love to know more about is https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/columns. I don't understand when this should be used.
Oooh yes good topic!
We will talk about that today
ttybitnik, GuestZero, thegreekgeek_, [ricola], sebsel, AramZS, claudinec_away, mahboubine, zicklepop, Guest236, robalex and [Murray] joined the channel
Ha, literally considering using columns right now for something 😄 I have a section in my CV of past roles. On wider screens I want these to wrap, rather than remain in a single stack, but think the reading order still makes sense left-down, then right, rather than the right-to-left/top-down direction that something like Flex or Block layout would grant.
jonnybarnes, Guest50 and robalex joined the channel; Guest50 left the channel
Murray[d] `column-width: 40ch;`?
@ptramo sorry, not sure what the question is, but yes that is the width I'm using?
[Otto_Rask] joined the channel
Talking about Post By Email inside WordPress https://wordpress.com/support/post-by-email/ with capjamesg and [tantek] - forgot this was built into WordPress
what is post by email
post by email is a feature for publishing new content on a website by emailing a special email address, supported by some micropub publishing clients (like Quill) and some silos (like Flickr) https://indieweb.org/post_by_email
bret, [KevinMarks] and sebsel joined the channel
What’s missing for rel-author + rel-me to be enough to resolve the identity graph needs of this new mastodon feature? https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/pull/30398#issuecomment-2204184781
voxpelli++ for that comment, well stated and encouraging for future convergence
voxpelli has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (4 in all channels)
[manton] ^ curious what your thoughts are on this, and perhaps towards a concrete "would the rel=author approach 'work' for http://micro.blog" question
what is rel-author
rel-author is a microformat for linking a page to a URL representing an author of that page, a brief (similar to OGP) way to indicate authorship https://indieweb.org/rel%3Dauthor
voxpelli, [manton] for context, here's the last time we chatted about this fedi:creator / rel=author issue: https://chat.indieweb.org/dev/2024-06-20#t1718911961986800
voxpelli, in particular, at the time I wrote this up: https://indieweb.org/rel-author#How_to and would appreciate your review as someone who has implemented consuming rel=author. I believe there is a chance there to document both something "simpler" for rel=author and make sure that the authorship-algorithm reflects the realities of implementation experience
geoffo_, to2ds and [manton] joined the channel
I would definitely prefer rel-author to new OpenGraph tags. I’m a little surprised Mastodon didn’t explore that because they’re already using rel-me on profiles.
If I can think out loud here, to solve the verification problem (which they haven’t finished yet) you would do something like this?
```article page:
<link rel="me" href="article-domain-name">```
<link rel="me" href="profile-URL">
Mastodon profile:
<link rel="author" href="acct:fediverse-username">
Is that enough? Or does it create problems for multiple authors?
It could be a problem for freelancers that may be published on many domains.
And the relationship from the Mastodon profile to the article domain name isn't really "me", it's more like "my-publisher".
Yeah. Perhaps it stretches the definition of “me” too much.
geoffo joined the channel
I think the other problem with this is that if I'm The Atlantic, do I really want that "follow" link to be the journalist, or the publication?
What is the prior art for showing where someone works? h-card has “p-org” for someone’s organization. Sort of similar to a hypothetical rel=“publisher” for authors.
jimwins: Yeah, in that case “me” really would be e.g. The Atlantic.
You’re right, larger publications probably wouldn’t jump at using this. Perhaps that’s why they mentioned more indie-focused sites (compared to NYT or The Washington Post) when announcing this, like The Verge and MacStories.
Yeah, I think this is a case of the feature being very inspired by particular publication and journalist relationships the Mastodon folks have and without very much time given to actually thinking through the actual problem to be solved.
StarrWulfe joined the channel
The interesting thing about rel-author algo is that it can be used for much more than presentation
At Flattr I worked on using it to be able to claim donations rewarded to eg an article
geoffo joined the channel
For a big publication like the Atlantic they have author pages to point the rel=me to, and that is the logical page to link to the mastodon account