#dev 2024-07-08

2024-07-08 UTC
geoffo and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
Do you cope with nested ones?
[morganm], j7, jjuran, barnaby, rjomara585, geoffo_, ipv6rs1, _DJ_[dj_je][d], saptaks_znc, sp1ff`, AramZS_ and jonnybarnes joined the channel
[KevinMarks] No. I don't use nested quotes in titles. If I did I'd revisit my logic.
capjamesg[d] do you have code to detect the presence of nested quotes at least to show yourself a warning, just in case there's a content error?
I assume the markdown parser implementation already does that.
My code is only for titles, and I almost never use quotation marks in titles, never mind nested ones.
It's not the most robust implementation, but it works for me 🙂
I would not assume anything about any particular markdown parser implementation. Every time I've tried something non-trivial in Markdown I've seen bugs
[qubyte], mretka and Salt joined the channel
Does anyone have any new thoughts on the rel=author vs Mastodon's proprietary fedi:creator meta tag?
gRegor and [Otto_Rask] joined the channel
that choice tells me that mastodon leadership is not really after creating an open federated web, but would rather build walled-garden-esque features that attract people to that single client of the fediverse, as opposed to working together with other client in the ecosystem to find a collective solution
[Otto_Rask] I hold out hope that there's enough folks in the broader "Mastodon community" that do want to create "an open federated web" that if we can help provide them with clear open standards alternatives that work, that they will win the arguments
streety joined the channel
[tantek] yup, the project is tons more than the new non-profit and the core leadership
Has there been any follow-up on if there's been any real adoption of the fedi:creator tag? Probably too early. It still seems like a poor solution to me, it seems like it's trying to build a graph with too little information/validation.
to2ds joined the channel
If you have a Twitter account, good idea to change your password and 2FA: https://cyberpress.org/9-4gb-twitter-data-leaked-online/
[preview] Balaji
or don't, and let your twitter account get hacked, and then just abandon it 🤷‍♂️
[snarfed] and [aciccarello] joined the channel
Does "Twitter account details" include passwords? It sounds like the main concern is spam/phishing
I don't think it does. The forum screenshot shows a sample record of email, name, screen name, followers, and creation date.
Ah, good point
Still probably a good idea just to be safe
e-snail, [Murray] and jimwins joined the channel