#dev 2024-07-10

2024-07-10 UTC
to2ds and AramZS joined the channel
It feels weird to me that the conversation on the fedivers:creator MR dropped off with so little additional commentary after the remark about application/jrd+json versus application/activity+json, and I'm not sure why.
ms_boba[d] joined the channel
I'll reply that I've deployed a live example of link rel=author type=application/activity+json, and see if that helps
shreyan joined the channel
Which reminds me. I think I wrote the modification to do the jrd version, but haven't deployed it yet.
superkuh, bret, [jeremycherfas], trwnh, Kaja, pcarrier, alecjonathon, Xe, sebbu, srushe, ancarda, eb_, janboddez, srijan, suki, StarrWulfe, geoffo, GuestZero, [manton] and [Paul_Robert_Ll] joined the channel
[benatwork] do your posts still accept webmention comments? E.g. on https://werd.io/2024/substack-rival-ghost-federates-its-first-newsletter-techcrunch ?
[benatwork] joined the channel
Something's currently broken with webmention. Thanks for the prod - I'll take another look at fixing
nnrx, capjamesg, GuestZero and jonnybarnes joined the channel
I'm looking for an explainer on index-based vs inline markup, ie "characters 27-39 links to http://foo" vs "<a href="http://foo">...</a>"
What are you hoping to have explained?
I know people here with standards body experience ([tantek]) prefer inline, and I believe them, after having implemented parsing and generating for both, but I don't have good crisp instincts or reasoning for why yet
also I'm not sure of the standard terms? index-based? faceted? inline? something else?
yeah I guess specifically an explainer on, if there's been evolution over time on which is preferred and why, ideally from people with experience, maybe standards body oriented or not
hard to search for, esp when I maybe don't know the common terms for them
[snarfed] I've implemented both, and there are definitely interesting trade-offs. Short answer is that inline markup tends to be more robust & flexible over time which makes it more usable, forgiving, and thus user-friendly (author-friendly).
index or offset based annotation like that has some interesting use-cases like the TSS hackery I did with Rohit at the Twitter Annotations Hackfest which subsequently (AFAIK) scared them into not shipping tweet annotations for open developer use
fairly sure I shared that story with you but perhaps it's been a while
I don't think it's on the wiki
what is TSS
TSS is Twitter Style Sheets or Text Style Sheets, a compressed form of CSS applicable to short bits of text, suitable for storing in very small fields like 512 bytes https://indieweb.org/TSS
oh yeah. and lol that sounds like a downside more than an upside 😆
do you all know of a longer writeup on this?
lol maybe it is 😂
ok if not, just curious
(er sorry, where "this" is comparing the two approaches)
links on that page should provide plenty of 🍿
AFAIK all "longer" writeups/analysis of those approaches are pre-web, back when SGML was one of many approaches to marking up / styling things. I think there were plenty of such analyses but in the 1980s and thus impossible to web search for (since Google killed Netnews search which would likely be a good source)
oof yeah ok
I miss Deja News
that's one of the more egregious acts of memory-holing by Google 😕
[snarfed] one of the more interesting use-cases back from those days was tables, as an alternative to CSV/TSV, having a side-file indicate which character offset numbers on a line "meant" which columns
since keeping the monospaced tables looking visually correct reinforced preserving the column offsets, that particular use-case was more longterm reliable
and you could "load" the whole thing into a 2d array datastructure (or a 1d array of strings) and quickly do substring lookup for specific fields
worked well as an inspectable/editable read/write data format
much more readable than say, an HTML table, or mediawiki table, or any other "plain"text markup table
Bluesky calls them "RichText facets" and Paul Frazee has a blog post explaining why they chose it: https://www.pfrazee.com/blog/why-facets
dustinm` joined the channel
[preview] [Eric A. Meyer] I just saw someone characterize running a Mastodon instance as being “no harder than running your own mail server” and I thought “off, that’s a savage takedown” before grasping that they meant it as a positive.
Yeah, it's actually pretty savage. Actually getting a mail server running might be easier, but you'll quickly hit the problem of the big mail providers not wanting to talk to your server.
fediverse:creator could be seen a signal of that sort of problem being on the horizon for Mastodon, as well as seeing what Meta/Threads does in the name of the moderation problems.
Google Wave used the offsets thing as a way to make the Operational Transforms more tractable , but that also made interop harder. As the bsky example shows, how you count offsets is hard with the variable size of what is considered a character by different programming languages, and if you get the offset wrong you can break encoding as well as layout
IWSlackGateway, [tantek], [Paul_Robert_Ll], [KevinMarks], [manton], [benatwork], [jeremycherfas], [snarfed], gRegor and [qubyte] joined the channel
Heads-up to folks here who want to participate in W3C TPAC and could benefit from funding assistance (e.g. if you don't have a company paying for you to go), applications for the Inclusion Fund for TPAC 2024 are now open: https://gzobeteisdd.typeform.com/to/PS8Jz5Rj
GuestZero and [Joe_Crawford] joined the channel