#dev 2024-09-08

2024-09-08 UTC
thegreekgeek and to2ds joined the channel
aaronpk: do you have stats on load for http://webmention.io? (like # of mentions per day/week/month kind of thing)
Yeah I can dig that up
goal/reasoning is to see if I can make a lil' benchmarking tool for something (trying to practice the "show don't tell" on the homepage)
what particular stats do you want?
huh there was a big drop in june
i think that corresponds with a change i made to stop accepting webmentions for arbitrary domains on accounts, but i thought i did that in a way that wouldn't break everyone's existing setups
hm, so I'm thinking how many incoming requests you'd see on a periodic basis, # of requests by status code, # of requests (and size of) webmentions fetched (like when people hit the `?target=` endpoint)
ohh i think i turned off pingbacks in june
that'd close a valve, I'd imagine
yeah i decided the value of them was less than zero so i just turned it off
wow that's a lot more than I was expecting tbh
like even quickly, that looks like it'd never fall below (squints) maybe 1,000?
that's not bad at all tho
Much, yes
Okay, ty! If anything, this is super doable
now to disappear like Tuxedo Mask from Sailor Moon ol
sp1ff and jan6 joined the channel
anyone else having issues with bridgy to Bluesky cross posting?
regenerated the app password, but when I make a new post I’m still getting an error
`Client error: `POST https://brid.gy/micropub` resulted in a `401 Unauthorized` response: { "error": "unauthorized", "error_description": "No publish user found with that token" }`
Ah, argument for webp over/as well as avif: iOS 15
Apparently the way I make my website has a name now: buildless https://mxb.dev/blog/buildless/
I’m into it, even if I do have a build. It’s a great (the best imo) way to start, and then you can add build bits as necessary. Eventually it led to old school handlebars templates for me, but it obviously doesn’t have to.
jan6 joined the channel
_However,_ this article proposes some pretty over-engineered stuff for HTML… As for JS, I do build, but the result is only an import map and module preloads. Browsers which don’t understand them still get working JS, just without the optimal caching. https://qubyte.codes/blog/progressively-enhanced-caching-of-javascript-modules-without-bundling-using-import-maps
This might seem kind of complainy but I didnt resonate with that article because I wasnt making websites in 2005
per the introduction
Yeah, vanilla coke was gross.
hahaha yeah it was
You’ve definitely touched on an interesting point there though…
There’s plenty of content out there appealing to nostalgia.
I feel like the way I make my personal projects, portfolio and open source or nonprofit volunteering websites have distinctly different needs than business websites re build steps
I try and keep the build steps to a bare minimum on collectively owned or operated websites, for an organization where I am a volunteer as well, its about keeping things open to others
In the specific case of JS, ignoring TypeScript and JSX etc. the build I use is _the_ solution. I’ve even seen big rails apps using something like it recently.
(imo of course)
Do you mean like JSDoc comments?
or just using JS
The solution only works for plain JS, but compile-to-js languages have an unavoidable build step anyway.
And no need to touch the JS code at all.
ttybitnik and thegreekgeek_ joined the channel
I think a lot of people could save a lot of time and complexity if they remembered SSI exists.
re: buildless
bterry1 joined the channel
As a dev for decades, the zero build step nature of the web was an amazing breath of fresh air.
Ok that article was hilarious. So many somersaults to avoid a line or two of PHP 😂
capjamesg[d] and I are brainstorming about readers a bit
personal newspaper, auto-built overnight (e.g. via GH actions) on your personal site at 1am your local time, for you to quickly read that morning. just article names + author names.
idea: add summary/details markup and put an iframe with the post permalink inside the details element, with the iframe explicitly set to your preferred reading width (so line breaks occur in the post where you want them)
can i get one delivered to a giant epaper display in my living room?
^ aaronpk that needs a CW for WSJ / Musk 😛
also a use-case for old Kindles!
and salesforce
anyone tried the combination of a series of summary/details elements and then iframes in those details elements? (one per obv) if anyone I would guess [KevinMarks] has experimented with this
what is oembed
oEmbed is a JSON/XML-based format for providing information to construct a link-preview of a page https://indieweb.org/oEmbed
did we ever come up with a link discovery mechanism for permalink to embeddable permalink? like link rel=embed ?
that e.g. Mastodon could use to link from their toot permalinks to their embed equivalents
Dryusdan and sp1ff joined the channel
even better than link rel=embed (which I think we should create/propose, which it looks like no one has? so I should propose it / am proposing it)
we should have a way for sites to auto-adapt a page to the embeddable version. many post permalinks (especially on IndieWeb) have a simple enough design that a page could "simply" display:none various header / footer / sidebar "furniture" when embedded
wondering if we need a CSS media query for "in-frame" or "framed"
to indicate explicitly when a page is being displayed inside an iframe from another page on the web
thegreekgeek joined the channel
I have done things a bit like that in the past; it's hard to get the iframe size right for the content in practice.
[KevinMarks] I wonder if that "get that iframe size right" problem is due to the furniture problem
or by size do you mean width, height, or both? i.e. I could see setting a deliberate width, and then auto-height
My feed previewer at unmung does the details thing, though having the link in the summary makes it awkward.
AramZS joined the channel
This sounds like the old iGoogle homepage
something like @media (framed: none) or @media (framed: iframe) or @media (framed: frameset) or @media (framed: any) — where the latter would include iframe, frameset, and any other (legacy?) embedding contexts like an embed element or object element
on another topic, is anyone using / publishing link rel=blogroll either to their HTML blogroll (i.e. from their home page) or to a shared/published OPML XML file? was proposed at least in this blog post, perhaps earlier: https://danq.me/2024/05/03/23615/
gRegor joined the channel
oh that's an interesting idea
ttybitnik and ShinyCyril joined the channel
jacky, you mean the 'framed' media query selector? yeah I may file a feature request in CSSWG for that.
any ideas why indielogin.com would give me `This client_id is not registered`?
what are you trying to log in to?
!tell capjamesg[d] you may want to read through lots of subsections here for ideas for your reader (or add some!) https://indieweb.org/reader#Brainstorming
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
(reading scrollback) oh, that's good to know; pingbacks were the only reason I was using "webmention.io". Not that I think I ever got any.
if you did get any, they were almost certainly spam
ShinyCyril joined the channel
I think I'd've noticed if I got any, so I'm pretty sure I didn't
[schmarty] and [snarfed] joined the channel
jonnybarnes I see your successful Micropub requests to Bridgy Publish for Mastodon, and I see you re-requested your Bluesky token and made some failed Micropub attempts for that account
lmk if you're still having trouble!
aaronpk: am trying to use it on my website so i can have private posts
https://catgirlin.space/public-indieauth/metadata/ using this as my client id...
ah, it's not meant for public use by people, it's for indieweb services
probably i should actually move it to login.indieweb.org
oh :(
the developers page does not make that apparent then like, at all....
yeah i need to update that
ShinyCyril joined the channel
so i have to do all the relmeauth stuff myself then? :(
or you can run your own copy of it
mainly i want to stop having people accidentally rely on these services i run
mmm both solutions sound annoying tbh :( probably just wont bother with private posts ig