#dev 2024-09-16

2024-09-16 UTC
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
!tell [cleverdevil], voxpelli, jamievtanna, Jacky, aaronpk, [manton] some of your Micropub clients need screenshots — see https://indieweb.org/Micropub/Clients#Clients and look for the yellow background "🖼️ needs screenshots" and please update your clients's entries accordingly! Thanks!
I can't edit the wiki but there is _one_ screenshot of Koype Publish (which I need to revive) at https://indieweb.org/Koype/Publish
jacky: [tantek] left you a message 1 minute ago: some of your Micropub clients need screenshots — see https://indieweb.org/Micropub/Clients#Clients and look for the yellow background "🖼️ needs screenshots" and please update your clients's entries accordingly! Thanks!
ty Loqi :)
I'd like to strengthen the "follow your nose" page: https://indieweb.org/follow_your_nose and I'm looking for input from folks, especially developers here
what would help you better understand what "follow your nose" means and why you should use it, especially when designing new protocols, instead of "well-known" hardcoded paths?
!tell aaronpk could you verify these summaries are accurate and edit accordingly? am I missing any? should IndieAuth have three rel values for discovery? should microsub also? https://indieweb.org/follow_your_nose#Examples
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
Dryusdan, jacky, zicklepop4, [manton]1 and dmowitz joined the channel
where i can test my auth endpoint? seems it done (i hope)
dmowitz and dmowitz1 joined the channel
dmowitz, ttybitnik, AramZS, [schmarty], [Jo], [capjamesg], [Joschi_Kuphal], rozenglass and barnaby joined the channel
I'm thinking of *finally* making my own site after lurking here for a while. I'm in a software engineering degree program right now, and we're learning Angular in this course. I've been kind of jazzed using it. I'm still on the very, very basics. I was wondering, would making an Angular site to serve as a portfolio and blog be overkill or would Angular be a solid choice for that purpose?
joxef do whatever you want! if you want to learn/have fun with Angular, go for it. if you just want a portfolio, and don't want to write and maintain a bunch of code, probably something else. but up to you!
rozenglass, [aciccarello] and jonnybarnes joined the channel
Thanks [snarfed]! I'll keep working with my textbook, and if I still have Angular fever in a week or two, I'll give it a shot 👀
gRegor, bret and dmowitz joined the channel
hey folks, State of HTML 2024 is out, please feel free to jump in and answer, and if you have any questions about any particular IndieWeb-related aspects of it (or just want to raise attention to them) feel free to ask here! https://survey.devographics.com/en-US/survey/state-of-html/2024
jjuran, geoffo_, sandra_, sp1ff`, __DuBPiRaTe__, [fluffy], Guest8037, vroman, ttybitnik, troojg and [KevinMarks] joined the channel