#dev 2024-09-17

2024-09-17 UTC
lol my "original post link" on my GitHub POSSE post has been propagated into the W3C Calendar: https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/601b0f92-e5ea-4e16-b767-2fceeb7094f9/
GitHub POSSE issue*
projects like https://getindiekit.com/ get us closer to that re: out of the box services
curious what you mean by "out of the box" and for whom. perhaps for developers?
in IndieKit's case, sure. Known, with its supporters at hosting providers, is closer to a less technical alignment to the term; I'd imagine
is for everyone
Meet the little Node.js”
Is node.js really for “everyone”?
it's running in the ISS and runs the language that gives interactivity to Web browsers, so perhaps?
I find node.js effectively impossible and I’ve been using the web for 32 years and writing code longer than that.
Too many versions of things and too much tool work.
you could say that about a lot of languages, no?
like day contract is with Python and most of the time, I'm constantly coaxing python to run in the right place and use the right dependencies
package management in itself is a hard problem; node's situation seems louder because of its relationship to the Web
like it is still annoying that it's 2024 and docs for packages for node is only a thing because of TypeScript
http://jsr.io/ "fixes" that (a bit)
Ruby and Rust have done a good job with it, tying it to the packages themselves (and making docs first class citizens)
(as an example)
that said, the landscape changes a lot
like I _never_ want to touch Perl again, and the last time I _had_ to use it was in 2014
$@ everywhere for no real good lexical reason
Perl does have a good ecosystem for documentation (or maybe this is newer): https://metacpan.org/pod/WebSocket
Node seems like it has a particularly egregious case of DLLhell
lol look I'm not going to _defend_ a language, package system, etc
but I'm not going to try to make a blanket statement on it _solely_ on my experience
like if I'm reading https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DLL_Hell right, this is endemic of _anything_ that loads a shared library
and the older the project, the more instances of that being a issue is likely, no?
eh, the original point I was trying to make is that more fanfare for projects that make it easier for people to go from zero to moderate hero is needed (going back to those talks I gave about opening resturants and the like)
that's really it
"zero to moderate hero" is a recipe for setting someone up to abandon the project in a year IMO
aaronpk: [tantek] left you a message 1 day, 3 hours ago: some of your Micropub clients need screenshots — see https://indieweb.org/Micropub/Clients#Clients and look for the yellow background "🖼️ needs screenshots" and please update your clients's entries accordingly! Thanks!
aaronpk: [tantek] left you a message 1 day, 2 hours ago: could you verify these summaries are accurate and edit accordingly? am I missing any? should IndieAuth have three rel values for discovery? should microsub also? https://indieweb.org/follow_your_nose#Examples
need sustainable growth
but indiekit doesn't do that? it allows you to use what you have (bringing your own CMS) and connect to the other parts of the spacethat you'd like (be it micropub, webmentions, etc)
I keep hearing people hitting unmanageable levels of tech debt with node, then abandoning it
I could say the same about PHP, Python, $INSERT_LANGUAGE_HERE
not really. not the frequency I hear.
just the other day, a friend and I were trying to figure out why curl_get() couldn't make a network request
that's not tech debt
you could be doing "nothing wrong" and because of the massive numbers/frequencies of node deps being updated, you are always falling behind
no other ecosystem is like that. not even close
python is _right_ there, lol
the whole 2->3 fiasco is a great example of that
[preview] [jacky] eh, the original point I was trying to make is that more fanfare for projects that make it easier for people to go from zero to moderate hero is needed (going back to those talks I gave about opening resturants and the like)
the language spat got brought up (seemingly) because it's written in a language that's not really favorable here
and don't get me wrong; I browse primarly with JS off (if I can) and I don't use it as a primary language (if I don't have to)
but there's _def_ a bit of a immediate kickback to just the name of the language
I'm with aaronpk on this one, "zero to moderate hero" is a trap
it teaches the wrong lessons about what's hard/important
don't get me wrong, I have nothing against JS the language. in fact, LOTS of aspects about it I think are exceptionally positive for coding productivity
I'd guess JS is quite favorable here, compared to other languages. it's the frameworks and supply chains and tool chains that IMO are not really favorable
php package management isn't necessarily any better than node, it still takes work to track updates and keep things up to date. that's one of the reasons I try to avoid using any external packages if i can help it
I think one of the most _underused_ tools in the JS ecosystem is `npm vendor` (which other package managers kinda put front-and-center)
used it a lot in work environments to fight off that torrent of updates (and version pinning does it as well)
i just made a little tool for lily to track her gps while she's on this 2 week bus tour, it logs trips from overland and then can animate a little bus on a map, and the server code is some pretty simple php, no routing framework, no templating framework, just some includes here and there
this code is going to last a lot longer than any project i spin up with laravel/slim/whatever
perks of a language meant to run mainly on a Web server, tbh!
(on, as: whichever)
jacky, also why I decided to pursue CASSIS all those years ago
unbroken for over a decade until one minor breaking *language* change in PHP8
CASSIS is a "language" meant to run mainly on web servers and browsers, without transpiling/crosscompliing etc., without any frameworks
jacky: Yes, as long as projects don't get removed from the archive and you're OK with the occasional build-time downtime, you don't need to vendor, you need package-lock.json or its equivalent.
superkuh joined the channel
who tried microblog.pub? only for me button "login" not work?
ok, host header moment
not ok, login button on consent screen not working...
lockywolf, ttybitnik and barnaby joined the channel
found problem: form action links are http 0_0
AramZS joined the channel; pcarrier left the channel
back to [mattl]'s point about "for everyone". I think it does a disservice both to the community and to newcomers to claim that something that requires command line interactions is "for everyone". perhaps "for every web developer" would be more accurate.
(this is independent of programming language, framework etc.)
if it requires opening a terminal, it's not "for everyone"
[tantek] has 28 karma in this channel over the last year (123 in all channels)
Terminals are not easy to use.
(And, honestly, I wonder how we could replace them entirely :D)
even a single command is asking too much of a user
and frankly given how fragile so many CLI commands are, even a single command is too big of a security/privacy/dataloss risk unless you "know what you are doing" already
“Unfortunately, one of the inputs to the command was entered incorrectly and a larger set of servers was removed than intended,” Amazon said. “The servers that were inadvertently removed supported two other S3 subsystems.”
Of note, this is an example in extremis.
Yeah I think a terminal is a lot to ask of a developer too. People used to build fantastic websites on Mac OS 9 and no terminal there.
what is a CLI
It looks like we don't have a page for "CLI" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "CLI is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[qubyte] joined the channel
Node suffers from a version of the same problem C++ suffers from (other people’s code). I worked primarily with Node between 2012 and 2023 (and still use it for personal work). It’s totally fine, and even a joy. The problem that it’s _not_ the browser and never will be because server and browser considerations are very different. Deno and recent APIs emerging on the browser like streams and browser crypto are pushing Node in the direct
common standards, but that doesn’t remove the fundamental differences in the target.
[fluffy]1 joined the channel
And folk _moan_ so much about npm but let me tell you, it beats pretty much any other packaging system I’ve ever worked with (I’m fighting with JVM stuff as I write this). The problem is the culture of lots of small packages which was encouraged early by the npm people.
bret joined the channel
^ 100% the culture of lots of small packages. that's exactly what makes npm an orders of magnitude worse "DLL Hell" problem
that culture/practice was/is a mistake
Absolutely. I press teams I work with to be very selective about what they depend on and to study the tree of dependencies it brings in. So much stuff is unnecessary.
I ended up moving on to other things thanks to frontend code really. It started with webpack, but now most enterprise frontend projects are react apps and I just can’t. The culture is all wrong.
(imo, of course, to each their own!)
it's time
and this is a dev topic
what is command line interface
It looks like we don't have a page for "command line interface" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "command line interface is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
command line interface is the primary interaction in a terminal application, and refers to the use of text-based commands to take actions such as install or update software, and is a requirement for setting up most [[CMS]]s and often running [[SSG]]s, and due to the difficult to remember and easy to get wrong text commands, something that is for developers only, and not to be recommended for any general purpose IndieWeb tools or software
which should instead use web apps and other visual interfaces.
CLI << Criticism: commands are fragile and easy to get destructively wrong with one typo: https://www.theverge.com/2017/3/2/14792442/amazon-s3-outage-cause-typo-internet-server
ok, I added "Criticism: commands are fragile and easy to get destructively wrong with one typo: https://www.theverge.com/2017/3/2/14792442/amazon-s3-outage-cause-typo-internet-server" to the "See Also" section of /command_line_interface https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=97304&oldid=97303
ms_boba[d] joined the channel
back to a more interesting topic, thanks catgirlinspace and [fluffy]
really do need to add GitHub to RelMeAuth libraries
and make it part of any UI for Web Sign-in (in addition to IndieAuth)
as in add GitHub rel=me + auth to RelMeAuth libraries
only way you could get me to do relmeauth on my website is if a library exists for luau, ll
[edit] only way you could get me to do relmeauth on my website is if a library exists for luau, lol
what is luau
Luau is a programming language forked from Lua 5.1 that has improved performance, a gradual type system, and added runtime features, and is used by for at least one IndieWeb site in development https://indieweb.org/Luau
that's reasonable. catgirlinspace feel free to add to https://indieweb.org/Luau#Library_needs
CLI << Criticism: how a Steam bug deleted someone’s entire home directory. https://github.com/valvesoftware/steam-for-linux/issues/3671
ok, I added "Criticism: how a Steam bug deleted someone’s entire home directory. https://github.com/valvesoftware/steam-for-linux/issues/3671" to the "See Also" section of /command_line_interface https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=97312&oldid=97306
mmm maybe i would make libraries actually,,,,,, does sound like a fun challenge (except the whole like. have to parse html then somehow and aaa)
[schmarty] joined the channel
wow, i strongly disagree with these bright-line hot takes about CLI and terminal usage.
particularly the in-group/out-group stuff about "who CLIs are for"
it's not in-group / out-group, it's very much user friendly / forgiving or not
happy to revise dfn further, but this has been a top criticism of many indieweb tools
that's not what was said above. and the examples of the form "look how many bad mistakes you can make!" implies that "normal" users are not skilled enough for the tools.
see context above about "for everyone" meaning no not really, only if you are command-line-capable-comfortable
more importantly, this framing will scare away people from using command line tools - which do exist and often do not have non-CLI replacements.
i understand the desire to discourage devs from requiring CLI use "for everyone"
but it also carries the implicit statement that "everyone" should not learn CLI - that they are just for special people.
I think I see part of what you're getting at
revised a bit
what is CLI
command line interface refers to the use of text-based commands in a terminal application to take actions such as install or update software, and is part of setting up most CMSs and running SSGs; due to difficult to remember and easy to typo commands, typically for web developers, and not recommended for any general audience IndieWeb tools or software https://indieweb.org/CLI
and if you warn people away from learning CLI, you disempower them.
I think you save them hours of frustration and very likely pain of losing their data or worse getting it compromised
sure! you also prevent them from doing much of anything
don't blame the user!
[snarfed] joined the channel
there's a useful distinction here between "do something in it because a friend told you to, or you read it in a random post"
...vs "actually learn it because you're interested"
snarfed, people typo things ALL THE TIME
I know, I'm agreeing
"because a friend told you too" isn't good enough
you misunderstand me
in the former case, I agree, they shouldn't!
but also, in the latter case, it's ok for people to choose to actually learn CLI, which seems like [schmarty]'s point
whether we should _encourage_ any arbitrary user to learn the CLI, I dunno, probably not
sure, however if we're talking about what to encourage people to learn, I'd rather teach them HTML+CSS than CLIs which are far more fraught
it's hard to erase all your data with HTML+CSS or send it all to some random 3rd party
sure. seems like a bit of a false dichotomy, but sure
i also think it's kind of obtuse to tell developers to "never require CLI" when there are _huge_ gaps between what's possible with CLI and what requires app store fees and signing keys.
I think the point is just, for technical people who are adequately warned and still want to learn the CLI, we don't have to still discourage them in that case
[schmarty] web apps don't require that
as you know
you shouldn’t *have* to use the CLI to have control over your own identity online
to2ds joined the channel
or content
and if there’s something right now that requires that we should treat that as a bug to fix
oh definitely!
this is about not making/giving footguns to general audiences, because frankly, that's what CLIs are
these are nice theoretical sentiments but we also live in a society lol
there isn't though. we're miles past requiring CLI, or any kind of coding etc, just to own your identity online. http://micro.blog with built in domain registration plus DNS is the gold standard there
CLI == Command Line Identity?
How about a universal labeling and standard URL for forwarding ports on your router? I can't think of anything else that'd actually allow people to easily control their identity. Outsourcing to third party services isn't it.
superkuh: people hosting websites with hosting companies isn’t a problem IMO.
Sure, it's just a hell of a lot more complex than saving a document in your normal file system.
yes. taps sign: indieweb and self hosting may be friends, but they are not the same thing
superkuh: look at https://blot.im — yes it requires Dropbox but it’s very much save a document in the file system and it appears on the web.
Very cool.
works with a Microsoft Word document too
its pretty cool
mattl has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (13 in all channels)
The biggest learning curve for me with all this stuff is getting away from CLI stuff. I took a break from things and spent the last five years doing daily sysadmin stuff. Now I’m back to doing development stuff, web standards and accessibility stuff is my new day job.
Blot mentions Vim 💙
welcome back [mattl]++
[mattl] has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (14 in all channels)
i'm finding this to be a difficult discussion. it's easy to find ways that an individual can screw up self-hosting. non-self-hosted alternatives all push a person to rely on (complex webs of) third-parties which come with their own drawbacks that aren't being discussed at all.
[dave] joined the channel
wait when did self-hosting become equivalent to CLI in this discussion?
Sorry. I tangented it.
fair point, aaronpk. i think my statement works if you replace "self-hosting" with "CLI", haha.
CLI == Command Line Internet
what do we mean by self hosting here?
The latter! 😂
"CLI alternatives all push a person to rely on...." <-- right this is the point of the discussion I thought... that we need better tools that don't rely on CLI
aaronpk: who is gonna build those tools 😭
Wrap CLI tools in a GUI. Problem solved!
we need a list of the tools we need to replace. Luckily most CLI tools do one thing, so replacing things piece by piece is achievable
barnabywalters joined the channel
re: "who is gonna build those tools" is like asking "who is going to pave those paths?" as an excuse to send people down treacherous trails where they can easily slip and fall
Versus telling them to avoid the wilderness and only visit city parks.
first thing, stop sending users down paths where they hurt themselves (including getting themselves into dead-ends like setting up a tool which they can't maintain or remember how to use)
and this isn't a "theoretical" they will hurt themselves, I and many others have witnessed this first hand
superkuh no, you give people appropriate warnings and let them decide for themselves
tantek: that's an excellent metaphor, in this case, because as a hiker i can explore a trail and help others do the same. to pave a path i need permits, political will, site engineers, raw materials, ...
good usable trails are actively maintained by a community, often invisibly to those that use them.
Bandcrash is a Python library app that’s bundled into a “native” application with a GUI and is able to fetch its own copy of ffmpeg if one isn’t already installed on the path, although it relies heavily on a LOT of infrastructure to work right for that to happen.
fluffy: will you leave a comment on jwz’s blog about it?
I assume that mentioning how it’s relatively less-difficult in Python wouldn’t be terribly helpful for jwz.
but yeah
especially if there’s some code out there on how to grab a copy of ffmpeg.
although if you look at his replies in the comments he’s doing his usual thing of expecting everyone to read his mind and then getting angry when they don’t
that’s part of the charm
I stopped reading his blog because of that
like I remember he asked some questiona bout how to do a web thing and never stated that he was looking for a pure-HTML+CSS approach, people commented with Javascript approaches, and he flipped out at all of them for not magically knowing how he didn’t want Javascript
including getting mad at ones which posted the response before he started replying to later ones about the implicit no-JS
and I decided I don’t need to participate in that kind of toxic environment
[jgarber] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
the "magically knowing how he didn’t want Javascript" <-- I mean, I like this default assumption for the web 😂
there's a lot of pent-up JS-framework-toolchain-rage out there, so any mention of JS becomes a target
Auto-executing programs from random sources requires a security model for browsers that cause a lot of friction for humans trying to share things.
nah, people have chat
[tantek] I took over ownership of http://remove-js.com yesterday
my friend sent me a ZIP file of the nodejs source code over WhatsApp and the auth code for the domain name… I need to figure out how I’m going to do it now.
remove-js is based on node?
it was. for now it’s a static HTML page on bunnyCDN.
I want to like node but the tendency for dependency makes me queasy.
i’m using it for one project and it’s been okay for that but dependencies are a joke with it
What turned me away was dependencies that flag security issues without a clear means to resolve them.
I wouldn’t want to have a public facing website running nodejs. I think partly because I just don’t know enough about it but also I would be worried about security.
Same here.
At this stage the only public facing JS I have are minimal webcomponent experiments.
gRegor joined the channel
I wouldn’t mind a little JS to improve something but if it’s not curlable I’m not really interested.
curlable has 1 karma over the last year
I even snuck the Konami code into https://en.windows7sins.org
`<script type="text/javascript" src="/s/c/r/i/p/t/text-javascript.js"></script>` lol
[mattl] you have successfully nerd sniped me into looking up your keycodes to see what you used for select and start
there’s no select.
enter, naturally, ok
what is easter egg
An easter egg is an (often small) undocumented feature, many are small jokes, in software or services, including on a few IndieWeb sites https://indieweb.org/easter_egg
together should show error "Error loading channels" if no channels?
[Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
itsok (it is last message about microblog)
How could I classify whether a web page is a blog post or not?
Presence of og:type=article, h-entry at the top level, word count > a certain amount...
do you mean article vs note?
presence of title
otherwise you'd have to define "blog post" 😎
does it have a name and is not "in reply to" something else? -> blog post article
otherwise it gets trickier
our site have h-entry at page 0_0. Is it spec uncomplicated?
wait no
name not required for a blog post, original blogger did not have them
capjamesg[d], what to you is the difference between a "blog post" vs just a "post"?
what is a post?
A post is content published at a permalink, usually with an explicit published date in contrast to a named page, or the act of publishing that content, typically publicly, sometimes to a limited audience or even privately like a draft https://indieweb.org/post
I don't mean a post.
what is a blog post
blog post is a top level post (not a response) on your own site https://indieweb.org/blog_post
Suppose I have two pages: your homepage and a blog entry. How could I tell which is the blog entry?
see above. blog entry is at a permalink
I think the definition of "post" above works here
I was thinking about making a search feature for blogs I like.
I don't want archive pages, tag pages, category pages, or anything other than blog posts.
so really you're saying permalinks
the others are aggregations
How would I differentiate a blog post?
parse the h-entry, follow your nose to its permalink, done
Many blogs will not support h-entry.
That's why I am wondering what features I would need to account for.
og:type=article, h-entry at the top level, word count > a certain amount...
wait, there are "blogs you like" that do not support h-entry?!? I am shocked
og:type=article -> SEO spam post
This isn't helpful 😂
I think WP Jetpack adds og:type=article
LOTS of WordPress spam blogs.
give me WordPress examples you care about and I will find you better indicators
see also: metaformats
You could look for rel=bookmark to find permalinks
I think it's pretty obsolete, though maybe some WP themes still use them
mf2 parsers use it in backcompat, though. It gets parsed as the u-url.
So nevermind, actually. If you're parsing for h-entry and looking at u-url, it will automatically get that.
I'd probably switch your order to: mf2 parse then fallback to og:type=article
no because I've researched this and the results of that research are incorporated into metaformats
any attempt at "just use og:type..." is an oversimplification
what are metaformats
metaformats started as an April Fools joke concept to describe how to both publish using microformats class names and openly parse meta tags as a fallback for what should be in-the-body visible data, including backcompat with OGP, Twitter Cards, and meta author, description, and anything else real sites (like search engines) appear to consume https://indieweb.org/metaformats
Should we really have that bit about April Fools at the start of the definition since it is a serious thing?
all the best things launch on April 1st.
yes capjamesg[d] because I want the meaning preserved that metacrap is still a joke
there are plenty of serious jokes
especially here in the US
[mattl] that RSS link looks fine. I think BF will still interpret the posts as on http://micro.mat.tl though
Oh I’m only doing the stuff for Mastodon for now
I know, but I think this will still result in the posts showing up under a @micro.mat.tl@web.brid.gy user
not @mat.tl@web.brid.gy
only 80% sure though 😁
maybe try first 😆
I posted something on http://micro.blog… https://micro.mat.tl/2024/09/17/messing-around-with.html and it hit my RSS feed… so should it appear on bridgy fed now? Maybe I’m misunderstanding what I’m supposed to be seeing
oh wait, if you want to do it from http://mat.tl, just a sec
[preview] Dr. Matt Lee
I can nudge it to poll
looking at both
geoffo joined the channel
(also http://catgirlin.space your msg got cut off)
[preview] rosalina saige
One of my Technorati heuristics for blog post url was 'are there numbers in a path in it?'
Also are there numbers in a query?
There may be more permalink formats now. I also had regexes for the common date based permalinks
oh oops
everything after the url didn't matter anyways so its okii
yup, I'm not handling relative indieauth link rels. thanks for the report!
Is there anything still working that will archive a long twitter thread with images in?
ok http://catgirlin.space fixed, feel free to try again
[preview] rosalina saige
yay it works :3
also, seems you can't follow bluesky accounts?
ttybitnik joined the channel
snarfed: did your nudging help? I don’t know if I’m looking in the right place but the feed tab on https://fed.brid.gy/web/mat.tl/home is blank
cuibonobo left the channel
[mattl] still looking, sorry for the delay
No problem. Appreciate it.
Today was a fun back-scroll read. One of the kinds of conversations I try to stay out of because I'm very much not that target audience. I get mad at things for _not_ having a CLI.
to2ds joined the channel
[0x3b0b]++ For CLI 🙂
[0x3b0b] has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (3 in all channels)
[mattl] ok, confirmed. we look at the feed items' permalinks and match the domain from there, so pointing to an external feed won't get the posts under http://mat.tl
[preview] Dr. Matt Lee
you could try serving per-post redirects on http://mat.tl and then send a webmention for each one, but that's more work
[preview] Dr. Matt Lee
I’ll see what I can do. Thanks. Just to be clear it’s the RSS feed snarfed?
__DuBPiRaTe__ joined the channel