#dev 2024-09-18

2024-09-18 UTC
[mattl] sorry, I don't follow the question
lots of info in https://fed.brid.gy/docs#web-how-post , and above and below
[aciccarello], [morganm], [marksuth], [Zegnat], to2ds, gRegorLove_, gRegorLove__, AramZS, omz13, sebsel and voxpelli joined the channel; mretka left the channel
[snarfed] Have you done any work with NLP? I want to build an auto-glossary maker for my site but I'm having a hard time figuring out a solution that doesn't involve an LLM.
Salt joined the channel
There's LOTS of pre-LLM techniques for natural language processing. All kinds of math/stats approaches etc. that are predictable, efficient, etc.
[fluffy] and jacky joined the channel
agreed, NLP long predates and only somewhat overlaps with LLMs
(capjamesg last time I did any nontrivial NLP was in undergrad, 25y ago. I'm old 😎)
[tantek] Yeah!
That's what I'm looking for.
http://catgirlin.space yeah the BF follow web UI doesn't yet support Bluesky. PRs are welcome! https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/1223
[preview] rosalina saige
mmm pr sounds scary :( bridgy fed seems so complex
aww! sorry about that. I mean, it's not small, but hopefully it's hackable. I'm happy to help!
this change in particular should be relatively self contained, mostly just in follow.py
lazcorp joined the channel
snarfed: i updated my RSS feed to have my posts on https://mat.tl now... I'm wondering if there's something else I'm missing now?
[preview] Dr. Matt Lee
AramZS and ttybitnik joined the channel
nice! sadly the permalinks are still on http://micro.mat.tl, so it doesn't want to bridge them as http://mat.tl
right now I expect exact domain match. I could maybe eventually relax that to subdomain, but I'd need to handle hosting providers like http://wordpress.com etc
yeah, you'd need something like... a way to identify ownership of the subdomain
to2ds joined the channel
somehow bidirectionaly verify that the two domains are the same
if only we had a way
DNS TXT record maybe
what is dns
DNS is an abbreviation for Domain Name Server (or Domain Name System) and often used to refer to the configuring thereof on a domain name registrar or on a web host https://indieweb.org/DNS
"the same" as in belong to the same entity? there's the public suffix list that sort of helps for that
(my joke was that rel=me is the usual indieweb way)
yeah public suffix list is definitely the way if I head toward allowing subdomains as "part of" pay-level domains
I don't think there's a way to use http://micro.blog on your own domain name in a subdirectory... i guess I could pull the GitHub repo and publish that
[manton] joined the channel
[mattl] I think someone tried to do that, but it does require some Hugo fiddling. Basically duplicate the normal home page template and put it at /myblog, then make a static page for your home page. The only thing you can’t control is the permalinks, though, which will still be /year/month/… etc.
__DuBPiRaTe__ joined the channel
My personal site has 30 ish years of stuff which makes some of this harder
[benatwork] joined the channel