#dev 2024-10-31
2024-10-31 UTC
jeremycherfas joined the channel
jeremycherfas joined the channel
# [morganm] WebPageTest is the next level on lighthouse
# [morganm] WebPageTest also used to be super damn cool until it got acquired and then catchpoint laid off the dev team
# carrvo Hello, I setup Apache httpd for the first time a few months ago and when I started looking at Identity Providers before exposing content publicly, I found IndieAuth and became quite intrigued. Just finished this past week setting up a localhost test user (IdP + webpage + client) and am wondering if there is a module out their (or plans for one) that would allow Apache to handle the authentication before it reaches a client page/ap
troojg, jeremycherfas, grufwub, earlps, jimw4, jimw, jimw6, [qubyte], barnabywalters, GuestZero, GuestZero_, Guest6, [Scout] and AramZS joined the channel
# capjamesg[d] You can link directly to text in Firefox now: https://alfy.blog/2024/10/19/linking-directly-to-web-page-content.html
# capjamesg[d] [edit] You can link directly to text in Firefox now: https://alfy.blog/2024/10/19/linking-directly-to-web-page-content.html
# capjamesg[d] Roughly.
# capjamesg[d] That blog post is a good read.
# superkuh Surprise surprise, netlify being evil again, https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2024/10/sorry-gas-companies-parody-isnt-infringement-even-if-it-creeps-you-out
# [morganm] Not defending Netlify but basically I'm imagining some regular people working for them and this comes across their desk and they probably will take defensive action. I don't like Netlify doing this, but it also seems very unsurprising? Can't undo capitalism with capitalist tools unfortunately
Zegnat joined the channel
# superkuh If it was the first time netlify had done something, sure, but it's a pattern.
# superkuh Evil in the way an unaccountable corporate policy based action is evil, not evil like a human person is.
# Loqi Netlify is a CDN/static hosting provider with integrated build service, useful for static site generators https://indieweb.org/Netlify
# superkuh Multiple cases of massively over-charging people on ostensibly free accounts and refusing to do anything till it hits hacker news and now apparently their butt-covering corporate policies make even non-DMCA take-downs of completely legal stuff super easy for trolls.
# superkuh A pattern of unaccountable user-hostile corporate policies with no recourse until you hit the news and get CEO attention.
# [snarfed] superkuh, you may be right! but still, we try not to focus too much on extreme negativity and rants against individual companies here. https://indieweb.org/discuss#Avoid_General_Technology_Rants
# superkuh Sure, lets not recommend them either then. As that's what I'm responding to.
# superkuh A few days back.
# [0x3b0b] [snarfed] because giving Granary karma in the other channel reminded me I hadn't mentioned it yet...the folks trying to pick up the baton for microblogpub and move forward with it have been talking lately (about possibly renaming the fork and github org, and also) about some potential expansion of focus and redesign...one of the ideas floated was that of rebuilding one layer of it around granary. Not sure yet whether that's actually likely to...
gRegor, barnaby and lazcorp joined the channel
# lazcorp One weird Firefox bug (at least for me using FF 131.0.3 on Linux) - if I right-click and open in a new tab then the text fragment link doesn't work (just normally left-clicking the link works correctly). Chrome works whether you click or right-click to open in a new tab, so presumably just a Firefox bug
Kupietz joined the channel
# Kupietz Then I realized, my CSP prevents iframes, so, totally pointless endeavor. No worries, though, I just put some conditionals in my .htaccess to change frame-ancestor to * based on the following conditions:
# Kupietz <If "%
{REQUEST_URI} =~ m#embed# || %{QUERY_STRING}
=~ m#(?:^|&)embed(?:&|$)#"># Kupietz So now, when I go to https://michaelkupietz.com/carry/?embed it allows any frame origin. But: doesn't work for https://michaelkupietz.com/carry/embed/
# Kupietz I have tried a million different variations. I asked 3 different LLMs.
# Kupietz REQUEST_URI, every single comparison fails, no matter what.
# Kupietz So I set a header to display Header add X-Debug-URI "%
e"# Kupietz And sure enough, %
is /carry/embed/# Kupietz but just won't match. Ever.
# Kupietz I even tried <If "%
== '/carry/embed/'>. No match# Kupietz I tried without the trailing slash. No difference.
# Kupietz Right now it's not. Give me a second to restore it to how it was
# Kupietz Right now I don't even have it setting the CSP header, just an X-header for testing. Here's the current block:
# Kupietz <If "%
{REQUEST_URI} =~ m#embed# || %{QUERY_STRING} =~ m#(?:^|&)embed(?:&|$)#"> Header add X-Debug-URI "yes=%{REQUEST_URI}e" </If> <Else> Header add X-Debug-URI "no=%{REQUEST_URI}
e" </Else># Kupietz /carry/?embed returns "yes=/carry/?embed". /carry/embed/ returns "no=/carry/embed/".
# Kupietz I actually had ChatGPT4o insist it was working fine, which was infuriating
# Kupietz That's bizarre. Working for me in Firefox. Let me check chrome
# Kupietz Wow. It's working completely different for me in chrome than in Firefox.
# Kupietz It's redirecting from ?embed back to the main page now
# Kupietz Might be a caching issue. Let me try clearing the wp cache
# Kupietz This is maddening. It's getting a 301 redirect in chrome that doesn't happen in FF.
# Kupietz I can't believe I'm losing a whole day on this...
# Kupietz Yoast redirecting because I didn't register the ?embed parameter. Hold on...
# Kupietz Fun with security...
# lazcorp https://michaelkupietz.com/carry/embed/ works for me typed into the URL bar in FF
# lazcorp https://michaelkupietz.com/carry/embed redirects to https://michaelkupietz.com/carry/embed/ (and works)
# Kupietz You're getting the x-debug-uri that starts with "yes"?
# lazcorp https://michaelkupietz.com/carry/embed/ - x-debug-uri no=/carry/embed/
# Kupietz It loads the page correctly, yeah. But the conditional in the .htaccess isn't working.
# Kupietz I don't know why /carry/embed/ isn't matching m#embed#
# Kupietz Yep. Works with the query version
# Kupietz At the beginning of a line, yes. but var =~ m#abc# is a regexp match
# Kupietz or, it's supposed to be. I just saw where it says so right in abache 2.4's documentation
# Kupietz apache
# Kupietz Yeah, I've been trying a million different versions of this... it started as m#/embed/#
# Kupietz nor %
== '/carry/embed/', even when the x-header shows that that's exactly what it's equal to# Kupietz I don't know, but every example I found had it. Some sort of formatting thing I guess.
# Kupietz I got that line to set the header off stack overflow
# Kupietz Yeah, you and me and 3 LLMs. Thanks for trying, man.
# Kupietz Yep. The problem is the comparison itself.
# Kupietz Either term by itself behaves as they do when I have them together with the ||
# Kupietz Tried it. No matter what I do, that one comparison doesn't work.
# Kupietz Yeah, tried it somewhere in there.
# Kupietz Even just took out all the conditions and else's except for that one... had it either set a header if it matched, otherwise nothing happens. Nothing happened.
# Kupietz If I had to guess, I'd say it's acting like there are invisible characters in the REQUEST_URI. But I've never seen nor heard of that before... at least, not that you couldn't avoid by typing carefully.
# Kupietz Pretty sure that couldn't be it. But that's what it's acting like.
# Kupietz Suppose I could either remove my iframe restrictions entirely... or only use ?embed, forget about /embed/... but both bother me on principle because THIS SHOULD WORK
# gRegor kupietz, this might help a bit? https://processwire.com/talk/topic/23000-apache2-blocks-dont-work-with-regex-matches-against-the-request_uri-variable/
# Kupietz Oh, gRegor, that title looks promising, thanks... brb...
# Kupietz Hot dang. That looks like it. So, likely a bug.
# Kupietz You should know: every service I subscribe to knows me as "that guy who finds all the bugs." You have no idea how often I have support people tell me, "Wow, we've never seen that before." I don't know why. I always find broken edge cases. All the time.
# Kupietz You don't know Claude 3.5 Sonnet ran me through *180* prompts and replies trying to fix this.
# Kupietz So, bizarrely, using %
returns an x-debug-uri of "yes=(null)"... but, I'm not going to worry about that, it evaluated the conditional right so I can get this working now. THANK YOU.# Kupietz Yeah, I saved the chat, gRegor, I'm going to post it in my eventual "Artificial Stupidity" site section
# Kupietz gRegor++
# Kupietz Hell,. everybody put some time in lazcorp++ [0x3b0b]++
# Kupietz hmm, did it not get lazcorp++ ?
# Kupietz No karma for you, lazcorp++ !
# [0x3b0b] Also the /?\b in what I was doing was pointlessly redundant, I was halfway between two ideas and just barely starting to think about how strict you might want to be with things like whether to allow /embed/?embed&embed=embed or such nonsense or what if you ever had a page called embed or...that kind of thing
# Kupietz Ah, ok. Anyway: Fixed now. Everything working exactly as desired. Thanks!
# Kupietz Interesting. Yes, Tantek did that on #Indieweb a short while ago... one name at the beginning and one at the end. Good to know. I'm very new here, still learning the ropes. I only figured out how to add a sparkline yesterday...
barnaby joined the channel
# [tantek] in which I spend more time documenting obsolete history for completeness sake than the modern new implemented proposal 🙃 https://indieweb.org/rel-embed#Historical_proposal
Kupietz joined the channel
# Kupietz Interesting to hear the old lore. Kids today, they don't know what it was like, when the standards weren't set, and we were first settling these new frontiers. Back then, when you wanted to write a web app, you couldn't run to the corner store and pick up some React or Angular. You had to mine raw javascript with a pickaxe. That is, if you managed to even finish that, without getting hypnotized by a <BLINK> tag.
# Kupietz Man, social media has got me conditioned. So hard to communicate nowadays without a "like" button.
# superkuh kupietz++
# Kupietz Much obliged :-)
# Kupietz Incidentally, so I sort of informally documented this whole above-resolved issue on my embeds page at https://michaelkupietz.com/embedding-content-from-this-site/ . I think I'm going to put something in the Wiki Embeds page brainstorming section too, it's germane.
# Kupietz Yeah, @tantek, not trying to flatter you but if you wind up browsing around my site you may notice that "shadowy" tends to be a compliment :-) Right now I think I only have described you & John Law that way.
# Kupietz @gRegor... everything's relative! Yeah, it was really annoying, actually, but there was something to be said for just sticking <font> tags everywhere and being done with it because that's all you could do... Interactivity amounted to having a formmailer.pl-backed form, maybe even a fancy cgi script that allowed people to post a comment....
# Kupietz But after just having lost a better part of a day to that consarned apache bug, I'm hard-pressed to say whether things are better now or not.... :-D
# Kupietz Oh, and fancy <map> tags! I was working for green tortoise adventure travel, we actually had a GIF of a map on the front page where you could click on a destination on the map, and it would take you to that page (out of our site's 7 pages!) The very heighth of technological sophistication
# Kupietz And... the mouseovers. Oh, the mouseovers.
# gRegor "computers are terrible" - [Joe_Crawford] https://artlung.com/blog/2024/10/
# Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "imagemap" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "imagemap is ____", a sentence describing the term)
# Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "image map" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "image map is ____", a sentence describing the term)
# Kupietz BEHOLD THE GLORY https://web.archive.org/web/19980129092227/http://www.greentortoise.com:80/map.html
# gRegor Copied wrong link above, computers are terrible quote is in https://artlung.com/blog/2024/10/21/i-made-a-troll-sign/
# Kupietz That was right when I took over. Before I started making it super-fancy. https://web.archive.org/web/20011202134411/http://greentortoise.com:80/ Note that I specifically called out our "CLICKABLE" map!
# Kupietz Joe's a perspicacious guy. Like a lot of people here. I'm glad I found Indieweb.
# [Joe_Crawford] Right back at you Michael -- Thanks kupietz++
# Kupietz Whoa! Do you guys all get alerts if your names get mentioned in here or something??
# superkuh https://www.lmsal.com/solarsoft/latest_events/ still uses image map to great effect.
# Kupietz I love that. There's no reason for that page to be anything more than it is