#dev 2024-12-10
2024-12-10 UTC
troojg joined the channel
# Kolev [mattl], didn't check. I just know they're not up now.
# Kolev Someone is encouraging me to continue using Haunt to generate a static site, and implementing IndieWeb features with webmention.io and Bridgy Publish.
bterry, eitilt and shoesNsocks joined the channel
# Kolev [tantek], I think I'll just continue using the static site generator I've been using. I guess that's the spirit of IndieWeb, anyway: To use a diverse variety of technologies, bound together by common protocols and formats.
gRegorLove_ and gRegorLove__ joined the channel
# Kolev [mattl]: sorry did I mention Gemini?
[morganm] joined the channel
parnikkapore_x joined the channel
# doesnm mattl: https://portal.mozz.us
MyNetAz and [Murray] joined the channel
Salt, barnaby, bloot, nemonical, MyNetAz, GuestZero, eitilt and [benatwork] joined the channel
# Kolev [mattl], made some progress with Haunt. Added h-card and RelMeAuth and h-feed, and it was painless.
# Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "Haunt" yet. Would you like to create it?_C (Or just say "Haunt is ____", a sentence describing the term)
# Kolev [mattl], I currently don't have a Haunt site up yet, so I haven't made a page for Haunt yet.
# Kolev [mattl], static site generator written in Guile Scheme. Edit pages as Scheme code or Markdown.
gRegor and bret joined the channel
# Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "haunt" yet. Would you like to create it?_D (Or just say "haunt is ____", a sentence describing the term)
sebbu2 joined the channel
# gRegor This is neat. I saw and added a post to the wiki yesterday about webmention in /twtxt. It looked like it was mainly geared towards @ mentions on twtxt, but I tried a reply and it showed up! https://darch.dk/timeline/post/f34vfua
# gRegor Bunch of mentions in https://darch.dk/timeline/mentions.txt and mine near the bottom
# doesnm it's page like https://ferengi.one
# gRegor doesnm, this was the post I saw: https://darch.dk/mentions-twtxt
# gRegor [aciccarello], I tried following tantek's Threads account via BF a while back. I don't think it fully worked / haven't seen any posts from there in Monocle. But shows up in the following list: https://fed.brid.gy/web/gregorlove.com/following
# [aciccarello] I'm curious if following a bridgy fed activity pub account works in threads yet. It sounds like external account's don't yet show up in the Threads feed
jonnybarnes joined the channel
# [snarfed] gRegor looks like tantek hasn't posted on Threads since March, https://www.threads.net/@tantek/
[lazcorp] and MyNetAz joined the channel
# Kolev capjamesg, I'm making progress with Haunt. I don't think I'll need to use Aurora to get the results I want. š
# capjamesg[d] No worries!
# capjamesg[d] What matters is you're able to make what you want
# capjamesg[d] *!
# Kolev capjamesg[d], I'm a GNU freak. My computer is powered by the Scheme programming language. š
# capjamesg[d] Oh wow haha. Amazing!
# Kolev In Scheme, code and data are the same, so I can insert code into my static site whenever I feel like. No need to use Liquid or whatever.
# capjamesg[d] I did some tinkering with Lisp earlier this year.
# capjamesg[d] I made a quick HTML DSL which was fun.
# capjamesg[d] Well, "quick" isn't a fair characterisation. I meant small.
# Kolev capjamesg[d], several Lisps have SXML where you write HTML as Lisp S-expressions. (html (head (title "Title")) (body (p "Paragraph."))) ; )
# capjamesg[d] Yeah that's sort of what I was trying to build!
# capjamesg[d] Except I couldn't figure out how to get all HTML tags to be functions.
# capjamesg[d] I ended up with (tag head (list (tag title "coffee"))), etc.
# Kolev capjamesg[d], and then Haunt lets you define functions to abstract away complicated HTML. For example, you can do `,(anchor "Title" "https://example.org/example/")` instead of typing out `(a (@ (href "")))`.
# capjamesg[d] Nice!
# Kolev Overall, I'm happy with Haunt. I just need to get pretty URLs and IndieWeb technologies set up.