#dev 2025-01-18

2025-01-18 UTC
oodani joined the channel
i know there used to be a chat on gemini but rarely anyone ever used it. if you werent logged in with a cert it used your IP address
[tw2113], grufwub and corlaez joined the channel
I had a different trick under the sleeve. UUIDs. Allows users to mask identity at will. bookmark your uri to retain identity, others see a public id. You can set an alias as well
I guess it is not really a great trick, then the url becomes somewhat of a sensitive info because anyone with your path can impersonate you, but whatever it is just a toy chat
gregsarjeant joined the channel
Talking about lowering the bar, Rob (jsreed) just announced a free service to host gemini capsules gemini://jsreed5.org/log/2025/202501/20250117-announcement-gemsync-free-gemini-hosting-with-syncthing.gmi
Now I think about perhaps a page on the wiki about that service would be good
Is gemini "web" enough? Is the indie web only about https?
gregsarjeant joined the channel
oh yeah i guess it is, i see p\ages for it already
Dang, there are gemmentions already. Inspired by Webmentions. Awesome: https://portal.mozz.us/gemini/gemini.conman.org/gemmention%3Fgemini-mention
gregsarjeant joined the channel
yes! i actually learned about those earlier than i learnes about webmentions
doesnm, ttt, ttybitnik and nemonical joined the channel
That's hilarious
nemonical1 joined the channel
I would be more interested in Gemini if the premise were using it over local radio networks, that way the constraints are real
I don't like the proliferation of web standards causing browsers to be lovecraftian horrors of complexity. I also don't think a new protocol designed to be non-extensible is the answer. Imo what that would probably turn into is just a series of hard to change protocols being cobbled together to end up basically back where we are now.
[snarfed] joined the channel
"lovecraftian horrors of complexity," wow, very colorful
gemini isnt really supposed to be the answer to anything, it's just a fun project of trying to marry gopher and the web from how i understand it
[qubyte] joined the channel
That’s how I prefer to look at it too. It’s fun to tinker, and implement, and experiment on something like that. It’s not something that interests me, but I totally get why it’d appeal.
GuestZero_ joined the channel
I was playing with it with `amfora` yesterday - a gemini client - trying to understand the appeal. The lightweight nature of gemini is the biggest strength for me. But it doesn't feel like the web. It feels more like searching MEDLINE or a a library catalog. I appreciate formalizing a new way to do that, exploring lighter weight, terminal-like UI. Away from touch and swiping and mice and giant screens.
as to the complexity of the web being lovecraftian. The. great thing about the web is youe. website can legit just be a file named `index.htm` with the content `<title>Hi</title><h1>My Manifesto</h1><p>I like websites` and it'll run. No need for the speech synthesis API or fetch or Ajax or notifications. You can do lots with a little and ignore those aspects that you consider a horror.
ttybitnik and halloy3699 joined the channel
gemini markup is easiest. Like markdown but simpler
# Hello!
it's more limiting than markdown but i like it
I still prefer plain text that is autolinked etc
[morganm] joined the channel
The #indieweb channel is refusing to load in slack, probably just me
[morganm] yeah it's fine for me 🤷
Yeah 🤷 . Tried a few things, maybe Ill go to the web interface
rrix, jak2k_, Jak2k2 and sebbu joined the channel; jak2k_ left the channel
I have always found TikTok intrusive but for US folks looking to stash the TikTok videos that have mattered to them I’ve seen a few people mention this Chrome extension. https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/myfavett-download-all-tik/gmajiifkcmjkehmngbopoobeplhoegad?pli=1
jak2k joined the channel
Thanks [Joe_Crawford] That prompted my SO to save some stuff before it shuts down
trwnh and glacier joined the channel