#dev 2025-01-19

2025-01-19 UTC
corlaez: Nice
I saw Free Gemini Service
Have you used Bore?
@[corlaez] does this mean anything to you also: https://www.floodgap.com/
[edit] @1114282188880494602 does this mean anything to you also: https://www.floodgap.com/
[edit] @coralaez does this mean anything to you also: https://www.floodgap.com/
grufwub, jak2k, ttybitnik, oenone, GuestZero, barnaby, [tw2113], nemonical, lifeofpablo, sebbu2 and jimw joined the channel
[edit] and the explicit distinction between individual peer to peer federation operations and global services (eg search) is refreshing, even if painfully underspecified: https://atproto.com/guides/overview#speech-reach-and-moderation . I discussed that a bit in my Indie Map talk back in the day, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkc5afFohmI
sorry, yet another test. I updated the indie web plugins on my (wordpress) blog, and now this one, Syndication Links by David Shanske, should publish this post to Mastodon and Twitter via http://brid.gy, without me adding markup to the post, but… https://www.webrocker.de/?p=28794
[KevinMarks] and [snarfed] joined the channel
both of those edits are seemingly from years ago
same thing happened in #indieweb-meta
i think discord just sent out edits for those for some reason
gRegor joined the channel
I'm playing around with aspect ratios and found this cute single serving site: https://ratiobuddy.com/
Though it's not using the `aspect-ratio` CSS property. Still might be useful
hah, and the "party pooper mode" removes the cute face
[benatwork] joined the channel
we talked at IndieWeb brunch about having a proper icon for your home page so people can add your site to home screen and have you show up in the bookmark "app" that is "installed"
I have questions about h-cards again. Previously I used https://indiewebify.me/validate-h-entry/, and everything checked out, but I neglected to check the newsletter preview because I had #indieweb-meta muted (my mistake), and as a result my post turned out with the heading "a post" instead of the title of the post. Could that be a matter of tags being nested in the wrong order?
[tantek]: As in a favicon?
no a favicon is usually insufficient for that functionality
Oh. How do we install a proper icon then?
what is icon?
An icon in the context of the indieweb typically refers to a home page icon for an indieweb site, or small decorative images to indicate types of posts https://indieweb.org/icon
^ see the How to section there osteophage
Oh, I see.
Just went and added those codes to my homepage, just on the off chance.
did you test it with your mobile to see if it worked?
Did just now. Seems to have worked! Although I might think about replacing the image. Apparently any transparency just converts to white.
What I'm more concerned with though is that h-entry question. Maybe the problem was that I put the canon url tag ahead of the title...
ttybitnik joined the channel