#dev 2025-01-20
2025-01-20 UTC
osteophage My post did have title, so I'm confused why it wasn't recognized. I'm guessing the tags were in the wrong order somehow.
osteophage This Week in the IndieWeb
osteophage Oh, hold on a second.
osteophage https://indieweb.org/this-week/2025-01-03.html
osteophage I put a h1 class="p-name" tag on the title, thinking that would do it. (I'm still pretty new at this.)
gRegor The PTD algorithm in step 15: https://indieweb.org/post-type-discovery#Algorithm

osteophage [tantek]: Yes, https://indiewebify.me/validate-h-entry/ correctly identified the title.
osteophage gRegor: Oh, so the p-name and e-content should be switched?
osteophage Got it. I'll try changing that for my next newsletter submission then. Thanks!
yewscion, grufwub, strugee, Marcos, Daijo, Guest6 and ttybitnik joined the channel
funkylarma Re RSVP notes not being recorded on the IndieWeb Events page.

funkylarma My notes can be found at: https://adamchamberlin.info/category/rsvp/

IWDiscord <funkylarma>
IWDiscord <funkylarma>
funkylarma The 200 request from telegraph: https://gist.github.com/funkylarma/4fa25a90d48e322a7ae9ffe7be7a8f2d

funkylarma [edit] Re RSVP notes not being recorded on the IndieWeb Events page.

IWDiscord <funkylarma>
IWDiscord <funkylarma>
funkylarma My notes can be found at: https://adamchamberlin.info/category/rsvp/

funkylarma The 200 request from telegraph: https://gist.github.com/funkylarma/4fa25a90d48e322a7ae9ffe7be7a8f2d

funkylarma It was mentioned in #indieweb-random so posting here for reference. I'm creating RSVP notes to the Homebrew Website Club and they never appear on the page. Checking in Indiewebify.me they are seen as a 'reply', but other RSVP permalinks also show this. I'm guessing my markup is structured wrong but I think I have tried different variations and input the rsvp microformat all over.

nemonical, nemonical1, bwani54, UWZZhouBaiden909, JXBuildBackBette and AD151003 joined the channel
AD151003 Hey guys... Joe Biden here. I've decided to step down from the White House to focus on other projects. Billionaires are a threat to democracy, so check out https://BidenCash.st to put them in the bullseye. Keep an eye on the CNN inauguration for a promo code!
moose333 and nemonical joined the channel
chronie, GuestZero_ and gRegor joined the channel
gRegor funkylarma, the permalinks for your RSVPs have h-feed around the h-entry, which probably isn't intended: https://adamchamberlin.info/2025/01/homebrew-website-slub-22/

ttybitnik joined the channel
gRegor Re: the IWM migration, commented: https://github.com/indieweb/indiewebify-me/issues/82#issuecomment-2602991936 Nothing new, just making sure the context from IWC SD is on github too

Loqi [preview] [gRegorLove] This is the in-progress Slim4 migration that I pushed to a new branch during IndieWebCamp San Diego: https://github.com/gRegorLove/indiewebify-me/tree/slim-migration.
Anyone is welcome to take it from there and work on it. I can help with questions...

[develumpen] joined the channel
[develumpen] i'm implementing checkins in my micropub server based on OwnYourSwarm and I'm not sure about the difference between the checkin and location properties
[develumpen] is location just the h-adr of the checkin? can i ignore that property when storing the data and then get the info from the checkin h-card when rendering the html?
aaronpk the docs should describe exactly what it sends https://ownyourswarm.p3k.io/docs

[develumpen] "h-entry"
[develumpen] ```{
[develumpen] "type": [
[develumpen] ],
[develumpen] joined the channel
[develumpen] uhm, how can i share code?
[develumpen] https://pastebin.com/KeFxSyMc
[develumpen] that makes sense, thanks!
aaronpk no mention of why, but i found where i added it https://github.com/aaronpk/OwnYourSwarm/commit/d8aa7245891fbd9cf25952ad34741183d04891ac

[develumpen] hehe it's been there for a while
[mattl] joined the channel
IWDiscord <vinceaggrippino>
vinceaggrippino ```html
vinceaggrippino HTML:
vinceaggrippino I'm making slow progress implementing Webmentions on my site. I think I've got code that will work for getting the count and I'd love some feedback. I haven't committed yet, so this isn't live anywhere. Am I on the right track? Is there a simple tutorial somewhere that I missed? ...
vinceaggrippino <div class="footer__webmentions">
IWDiscord and ttybitnik joined the channel
jonnybarnes joined the channel
vinceaggrippino gRegor: Okay. I'm sorry about that. I thought it would be okay because it's pretty short.
vinceaggrippino I _did_ commit it since I posted that. Now it's on github and I think this link will take you to the section I'm worried about: https://github.com/VAggrippino/vaggrippino.github.io/blob/cb20bf9d76bc57d6fddf2e5fe53717b3304260aa/js/main.js#L62
vinceaggrippino [edit] gRegor: Okay. I'm sorry about that. I thought it would be okay because it's pretty short.
vinceaggrippino I _did_ commit it since I posted that. Now it's on github and I think this link will take you to the section I'm worried about: https://github.com/VAggrippino/vaggrippino.github.io/blob/cb20bf9d76bc57d6fddf2e5fe53717b3304260aa/js/main.js#L62
vinceaggrippino gRegor: After I posted that I scrolled up and realized that someone got kicked out of IRC for a multi-line post in an earlier conversation 😅
vinceaggrippino I think it was a temporary thing. i.e. not a ban, just something like a _oops... why did I get disconnected..._ 😲
[tantek] does anyone have or use a service to check their home page or post permalink pages to avoid mobile-view regressions? e.g. you get everything working on mobile for a nice presentation, scrolling etc., and then because of some unrelated change, framework update or whatever, somehow your mobile view breaks and you don't notice for a while?

funkylarma gRegor: Thank you for the heads up. Have removed the h-feed from all single posts.

[KevinMarks] Firefox has a way to switch screen sizes in the dev menu that I've used before

sebbu joined the channel
ttybitnik joined the channel