tantekI have found this especially challenging in tech contexts, as even gen2+ folks themselves often have a default self-framing as a "non-developer".
tantekSo both gen1 folks need to explicitly use positive framing (instead of "non-x" wording), but gen1 folks also need to encourage gen2+ folks to explicitly use positive self-framing, and perhaps even explicitly discourage "non-x" self-framing.
tantekok cool. because I think this subject is particularly challenging to convey (and adopt!) I'm going to ask that one of you two try documenting it by what you understood from above. and we can iterate from there
Loqi[tantek] I have found this especially challenging in tech contexts, as even gen2+ folks themselves often have a default self-framing as a "non-developer".
tantekself framing is part of the overall need for more positive framing, and use of explicit positive (re)framing to counteract default negative framing
tantekat SXSW it was accepted - since so many "free / optional / but RSVP required" things overlapped, the natural solution was RSVP to all the things, decide last minute depending on what you feel like / what the people you're with at that moment feel like
Loqi[@GeekAndDad] @matto One problem I have with many pdx events is that there's no "maybe" option to indicate interest but not sure about logistics/timing yet.
tantekalso the "flake on events" feeds on itself. as people get the perception that other RSVPs are also weak maybes, then there is less confidence to bother with even taking the time to show up, if you're motivated by seeing other people at events (which tends to be a pretty big motivation in general to go to something in person)
tantekalso I'm rarely going to bother with clicking on a "see more" to see who else is going/interested - I think FB's design on events here is a mistake
tantekthere's another phenomenon that happened in SF that may be happening in Portland too - most people that go to these kinds of meetups tend to be independents who appreciate informal meetup opportunities with similar colleagues
aaronpkhonestly i think another big factor is the economy is doing very well right now so there's not nearly as many people between jobs as there was in 2008, so there's a lot fewer meetups happening now because everyone's tired from work by the end of the day. in 2008 when there were way more unemployed people there were a lot more informal meetups happening and a lot more people attending them.
tantekover time, many (most?) of them got hired by various BigCos or FundedStartUps who both worked them so many hours (preoccupied their time), and squished them in with default colleagues (fullfilled some/most/all of their colleague in-person time desires) that they stopped going to such meetups
tantekyet that's the opposite from what I just said. in that in a good economy, more independents tend to stay independent (because they can find work more easily)
tantekwhereas as an economy worsens, independents tend to on the whole tire of meta-work (work to find work) and decide to go fulltime salary somewhere
tantek"sustained interest" is key - and frankly I've found no way around "make sure self-interest is front & center" - hence HWC / IWC about helping *you* with *your* presence on the web, which any professional should care about
tantekbut that's A LOT of work as any conference organizer will tell you from personal experience. no matter how many lists of lists of speakers to get to speak people keep linking to. yes you invite lots of people, and the response rate is lower or cancellation is higher etc. etc. plenty of anecdotes here
tantekat WordCamp Ottawa "I’d spent the morning watching speakers (all women, by the way) being constantly interrupted by audience members – most not even asking questions, but commenting on some aspect of the talk."
tantek$10 seems like a good # to keep it accessible, and yet, if we're comitting to two days of providing food, I think going as high as $20 is reasonable
tantekwell we're pretty far off from that (based on sponsorship $ needed to provide the catering) but I do think we can ask more in the future if we want to offset or help motivate a "more bought in" attitude
Loqi[@anomalily] @siliconflorist @matto I organized a big scavenger hunt on 7/8 and managed to get 98% show up rate by assigning teams, sending people their teams ahead of time.
tantekit doesn't prompt you for everyone. it shows you only for folks it thinks you really "care" about, and it is darn creepy how good it is at inferring that
tantekthat's gone now, and it shows the full description, then the /create UI for the context of the event, then "Recent Activity" - other posts, likely ordered by most recently commented on or posted