ZegnatYeah, we need to capture some more of that. I am just recleaning so I can easily copy-paste august in and making some executive decisions ;) Currently also hiding Nürnberg and will hit jkphl up later to see if we can get some date confirmations
gRegorLoveTemplate photosrcalt supports named params now, btw. Recommended in case a URL has query parameters. I updated on 7-12 HWC and some others, including the example in the comments.
schmartypersonally i am happy w/ Baltimore's inclusion as a "regular" HWC. We make sure to create indie events w/ POSSE copies on FB and upcoming.org at least 2 weeks in advance and, if we're skipping or moving a week, to update the wiki with a similar lead time.
Loqi[@tommorris] @FT @w3ctag @torgo @hadleybeeman @timberners_lee TimBL: one rule of TAG is you don't talk about what architecture is. (YES. Friends don't let friends meta-philosophise. @t @indiewebcamp)
[eddie], [miklb], tantek, jjuran and strugee joined the channel