#meta 2018-01-03

2018-01-03 UTC
[eddie] joined the channel
It does set your picture for the slack bridge too
jeffperry, [jefferydperry], [miklb], gRegorLove, [chrisaldrich], chrisaldrich, tantek, [asuh], sebsel, [xavierroy], AngeloGladding, eli_oat, niko, dougbeal|mb1, [kevinmarks] and [eddie] joined the channel
Thanks! We need one more person to confirm the retweet!
The Amsterdam HWC :D
[jefferydperry], [chrisaldrich], [colinwalker], tantek, [pfefferle], [eddie], [cleverdevil], [kevinmarks] and AngeloGladding joined the channel
[cleverdevil] and jjuran joined the channel
vanderven.se martijn
edited /events/2018-01-10-homebrew-website-club (-348) "/* Virtual European Time */ Update from old text, “borrow” some description from vHWC US."
(view diff)
[eddie], [tantek], [cleverdevil], [kevinmarks], tantek, jjuran and [manton] joined the channel