#[jgmac1106]My first mixed up farming social media metaphor. All the contexts have collapsed
eli_oat joined the channel
#[jgmac1106]People want the full Loqi experience and as soon as they see somebody do a who is people be like, "I want that." They then try to figure out how to "join the wiki" and make their profile page. I probably screwed up copying @zegnat's hcard.
#[jgmac1106]Some won't want to connect to chat until they feel their profile is good enough for when somebody asks Loqi, others may join at events and never make another edit (key metric),
#[jgmac1106]Lot of different chickens and eggs but a webhook reinforcing keeping your own house in order is cool.
#[chrisaldrich][aaronpk] for the chicken and egg problem, perhaps Loqi could be triggered to pretend a user never logged in before and re-run the script if the user asks "Who am I?"
[tantek] joined the channel
#[tantek]Chrisaldrich I joined the discussion late (with Greg re post types) so I think we may have some more work to do on that page
#[tantek]I need to better explain the why how etc sections
#[chrisaldrich]It looked interesting, but I just couldn't figure out which direction it was going or why....
#[tantek]Maybe slap a work in progress warning header on the top of it? I’m on mobile atm
#Loqi[Tantek Çelik] Finished my @IndieWebSummit coding project!
Completed plain text readable reply-contexts^1 (instead of just URLs) for all responses; in particular got these working:
* in-stream^2 for new GitHub issues
* on permalinks for all replies & reacji^3
#jgmac1106maybe one day we could do similar toolkit boxes
#jgmac1106[gwg] speaking of which I started section for planning IWC NYC, I want a confirmed location by 7/12 if we don’t have one by then must decide to we a: cancel or b: move to New Haven, if #NHV would do the 14-16 so as not to mess with holiday, really hoping for NYC. If I don’t get response from unis I reached out to I will try some tech groups
#Zegnat“I probably screwed up copying @zegnat's hcard.” - jgmac1106, don’t take my h-card-ing lightly ;)
#jgmac1106I didn’t but I do see a lot of people going to your page and copying your inline style box and using that
#ZegnatThat’s not mine, actually. I think I stole it from gRegorLove
#ZegnatMuch like how the code for my {{martijnvdven}} template is based on Ben’s
#Loqi[superfeedr] "@amriad @ginatripani @jeffjarvis looking for a three day space donation to run an #IndieWebCamp in NYC..." by Greg McVerry on 2018-06-30 https://jgregorymcverry.com/3940-2/
#Loqi[superfeedr] "It’s absurd that Instapaper is still offline for European users. I’m afraid they’ve lost me and I’m now looking at IndieWeb alternatives." by Stephen Pieper on 2018-06-30 https://stephenpieper.net/notes/4557/
#jgmac1106I know, I am using the guide now, its done well, I was using it as a nonexample. Attracted a lot of donations but that just goes to funding the foundation. Self-perpetuating when the non-org is built more for the web in the long run
#jgmac1106[aaronpk] not sure where meta issues tracked: Add link in sidebar under resources for HWC and IWC. Or add a heading in sidebar called “Organize”
#[schmarty]anyone know who added the bornhack.dk event in August to /Events#upcoming? trying to find who/what/how it relates to IndieWeb for TWITIWAE this week.
#Zegnatemoji are a bit of a mind field. Do you use some descriptor for it? In what language? Or do you stick with the official Unicode names, even if you find them nonsensical?
#[dougbeal]I was thinking a i need my website pronounced aitch tee tee pee
#Loqisknebel: [schmarty] left you a message 1 hour, 44 minutes ago: are you aware of any IndieWeb-related events planned for bornhack.dk? or IndieWeb community folks attending?
#sknebelschmarty: sl007 and rivercat were planning on going from what I know, haven't checked if they proposed an indieweb related session or not. I'm currently rethinking if I shouldn't try to go too ;)
#sknebelZegnat: kind of trademark related yeah, although there's a difference between "trademark as in we can force you to stop" and "we'd prefer if you don't" or even a policy of "as long as it's somehow related we don't care"