#meta 2018-11-14

2018-11-14 UTC
[matt] @Gargron I'm planning on implementing it in WriteFreely, personally. It'd be awesome if Mastodon supported it too!
ok, I added "https://writing.exchange/@matt/101060189021992761" to the "See Also" section of /WriteFreely https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=53870&oldid=53869
tbbrown and mblaney joined the channel
edited /WriteFreely (+46) "note actual plan to implement micropub per citation"
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I have been looking for a new WP theme for a while, but not loving the ones I found. Then I remembered @cogdog made the wp-dimensional theme. This is one swwwweet theme! https://mattcrosslin.com (also added all the indieweb coolness I could).
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
Only if @schmarty does crab bakes in Baltimore
Maybe for the last Have WordPress and Crabs Baltimore
edited /events/2018-11-13-homebrew-website-club-baltimore (+181) "notes and photo for HWC Baltimore"
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dougbeal|mb1 joined the channel
edited /User:Pflug.email (+239) "Add info, itches"
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jjuran joined the channel
created /Template:CharliePark (+128) "Created page with "<span class="h-card">{{sparkline| http://charliepark.org/images/charlie_2018.jpg}} [[User:Charleiepark.org|Charlie Park]]</span>""
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[eddie] joined the channel
created /Template:KatePark (+60) "Created page with "<span class="h-card">[[User:Kate-park.org|Kate Park]]</span>""
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jjuran, Klose, [tantek], [eddie], sl007, [sebsel], tbbrown, mblaney, [frank], [Vincent] and swentel joined the channel
Ok, ok, ok, I know nobody reads me in Twitter, but just in case: I made my own #IndieWeb site and using http://brid.gy to publish my posts to Twitter. btw if you like this this like will be sent to the site. (https://fireburn.ru/note/1542186992)
New #beta version released for #drupal8 #module indieweb (8.x-1.0-beta5). More info: https://www.drupal.org/project/indieweb
[grantcodes] joined the channel
Scared about all the terminology in #indieweb ? I'll guide you next week at @drupalcampbe! Also, a new (breaking - apologies) beta is out, check the release notes if you'd like to upgrade https://www.drupal.org/project/indieweb/releases/8.x-1.0-beta5 - next up RC!
sl007 joined the channel
↩️ Hm, ansehen wird funktionieren. Verinnerlichen vermutlich nicht. Eine Kurzfassung von "Carteret Now!" lief auf diversen UN COPs - politische Reaktionen erreichten mich dazu nie. https://bit.ly/reportage1 – et. al : Call For Proposals, https://indieweb.org/2019/Vlissingen :: add ideas …
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
An Indieweb Podcast – Episode 11 – Four IWCs Later – David Shanske https://huffduffer.com/mrkrndvs/511523
[Vincent] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
hm, people keep moving their user profiles...
does that break anything in the login logic etc?
It shouldn’t. It just isn’t going to be your actual user page. Every time you login the wiki still treats you as your domain-as-username
I wonder *why* people even move that page
Personally I do have another login name now because my 1&1 virtual server is in a "recovery mode" and they don't do support for virtual servers (didn't know before). They have also sent me a big letter today but this is just saying they are changing their brand name to "Ionos" now (guess they need a new name because they are ashamed). Much dead trees but they refuse to transfer my domain "sebastianlasse.de" to INWX and I couldn't fi
Had another idea. At @IndieWebCamp Berlin @sonniesedge proposed using the property attribute from RDFa for microformats rather than class attribute. So many themes or plugins style classes or use the p- and u- prefix in CSS... Will ask in chat of worth… https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2018/11/14/had-another-idea-at-indiewebcamp-berlin-sonniesedge
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
@sl007 looking at your camp and ideas for planning. Do you think it might be easier to not and try to plan a five day event? That is a ton of organizing. Just an idea. I am still trying to get therw
tbbrown joined the channel
[@jgmac1106] I booked the location for the week and I have got all the equipment and needed "presentation materials" (from IndieWebCamps before) ready and the other rooms by the city are organized. Day1 + Day2 + the half day 5 is like every other IWC, isn't it? Just longer sessions. Same capacity than Berlin.
But I could also use it for holidays. But 2 people arrive in Amsterdam the sunday before from US.
Proposal for an alternate schedule ?
no proposal, just a thought, I could never stick around for an IndieWeb week and then a week of FOSDEM...so if people wanted to pick a 2-3 day window better at the beginning or the end?
But FOSDEM is just the weekend.
ahhhh okay, now I am understanding more....how many registrations so far?
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
Still 3 ;( The reason for the 2 car shuttles were that Christopher Lemmer arrives in Amsterdam where I'll catch him up and a friend of mine is going from Düsseldorf by car anyway. But him (no. 4) can only attend on Monday and could coorganize thursday (his 3rd son was just born). Cities are very close together in the area.
There are still 4-5 cost-free sleeping rooms.
I was looking at attending, but it doesn't look like I will be able to make it. Got a busy December-January coming up ...
can't say yet either :/
!tell sebsel ^ how about you ?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
edited /litepub (+25) "Replaced link to litepub proposal summary with the published definition of the protocol."
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When is next vHWC?
in 62 minutes
I know you set a timer Loqi
Phew. I thought it might be in 2 minutes
sl007: !tells should really have text that makes sense without the context....
We are doing live site demos in my class... Had time not moved was gonna bring bunch of folks. I will still record those willing
!tell sebsel about you and Vlissingen
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
per-event reminders of some kind is another thing we possibly gain from restructuring the meetup pages :)
(might actually be a few minutes late for vHWC due to dinner, but the mumble server is up and running)
And I will have to leave even sooner than I thought, after just 15 minutes! But I will pop in to say hello
tantek__ joined the channel
edited /events/2018-11-14-homebrew-website-club-sf (+33) "move RSVPs from generic page"
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edited /events/2018-11-14-homebrew-website-club (+368) "+Baltimore link to yesterday, + NYC link to its page, + SF RSVPs to its own page"
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The "Welcome to http://Micro.blog" video is a great introduction. However, for a closer look you can also watch the talk Manton and Jean gave at IndieWeb Summit 2018, "http://Micro.blog Community and Progress": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0nj3k4MYBMs
[tantek], [kevinmarks] and jackjamieson joined the channel
Yep, im running late :/
dougbeal|imac joined the channel
edited /Health (+68) "should be apple health"
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moved /Health to /Apple_Health "scope since Apple specific, make room for generic health page"
created /health (+200) "stub related to existing posts, broader area"
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edited /health (+103) "expand, see also"
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edited /Health (-6) "lowercase generic instead of apple app"
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sebsel joined the channel
edited /events/2018-11-14-homebrew-website-club (+16) "/* Virtual European Time */ add dougbeal"
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edited /events/2018-11-14-homebrew-website-club (+15) "/* Virtual Americas */ add self"
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jackjamieson, [jgmac1106], [eddie] and tantek__ joined the channel
Just published: Implementing the #Indieweb on a static website. Using @jekyllrb @Netlify @github and @nodejs on @heroku This is big article. It took me a long time to write! https://vincentp.me/articles/2018/11/14/20-00/ #Indieweb #Webmention #Micropub
tbbrown, [Vincent] and [eddie] joined the channel
edited /AutoAuth (+121) "sknebel added "a "post" that returns what user you obtained a token for: https://www.svenknebel.de/testing/autoauth/" to "See Also""
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gRegorLove and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
edited /AutoAuth (+129) "/* open questions */ polling"
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[kevinmarks] joined the channel
what is autoauth?
AutoAuth is the working title of an extension to IndieAuth that allows clients to authorize to other servers in the name of their user, without the user being present to confirm each individual authorization flow https://indieweb.org/AutoAuth
[jgmac1106], swentel, [tantek] and j12t joined the channel
[jgmac1106] not rather / instead of but in addition to. sorry I forgot to correct this misconception re: microformats and property and class
we're not ditching class - to be very clear
this is only as a compat thing for sites that are stuck with a sloppy CSS framework (all of which were developed after mf2)
[eddie] joined the channel
edited /weather (+243) "/* Brainstorming */ subsections, home page, add mine"
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Thx didn't know if it was gonna move forward... Was lurking only on etherpad during session
But this could be really helpful for WP folks who don't want to worry about theme and plugin conflicts
[jgmac1106] point being please don't misframe it as property *instead of* or *replacing* class because that's not what we discussed nor concluded
that is, the way you're stating it is overstating it and will likely lead to misinterpretation
it's an option to use "property" *in addition to* class, and have parsers check it before checking class attribute, but still always check both
not sure it helps for the WP issues too, unless a theme has bad conflicts with the u-* class names (which I haven't seen yet in practice), from my understanding (I wasn't at the session) that was more an authoring concern?
right that was not a concern raised
this was only about a few CSS "frameworks" that a few large companies are stuck with using
[jgmac1106] this won't make any difference with WP TBH because unless you can override on the same element, you won't be able to do anything different
I still feel mixed on `property`
But if a parser just looked to property class and found microformats there could what a theme or plugin does to CSS not matter? I get the bootstrap problem as well. p- used a lot
but worth experimenting
[jgmac1106] no because if there are elements inside that use class (because of core or theme or other plugins) they will still contribute to the objects in the page that are parsed
iirc, bootstrap p- (padding) classes have numbers, so parsers won't catch them.
bootstrap is dying, I wouldn't worry too much about it
that too
all CSS frameworks are ephemeral
Thank you CSS Grid
to some extent all we have to do is keep providing and encouraging better CSS (framework) solutions
and let the bad ones decay away
Well gotta go set up for HWC and hope attendance >1
hey schmarty did you chat about 2019-01-01-commitments at HWC Baltimore?
how about you [jgmac1106]? do you plan to announce / discuss 2019-01-01-commitments
what is 2019-01-01-commitments
2019-01-01-commitments are implementation and launch commitments publicly made by the IndieWeb community to ship on their personal sites by 2019-01-01 00:00 local time https://indieweb.org/2019-01-01-commitments
makes a note to mention it on tonight's vHWC Americas
[schmarty] joined the channel
time to soft launch it then
[tantek] we did not!
should I add mine before or after posting about it?
thinking before
votes for post first, then wiki
interesting. I feel bad with a "no one yet" there though
hmm I didn't have one last year. oops
time to be bold then
I like "add yourself!" for those stub sections
edited /2019-01-01-commitments (+97) "adding specifics of publicly blog about first"
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[Vincent] joined the channel
[tantek] has 18 karma in this channel over the last year (81 in all channels)
[gRegorLove] I think I better understand you now
post your commitment on your own site first
then add to wiki
(which is what I just added to the wiki)
as a thing
yeah, I was answering just for you in the moment, though I think that's a fine direction on the wiki too.
edited /Organizers/event_pages (+122) "/* ToDos */ explicit note that manual sections should be possible"
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Maybe we can get a hashtag going, like last year we kinda joined in with #newwwyear
if you can think of a clever hashtag sure! I'm just going to use #indieweb for now
ooh did anyone take notes during IWC BER demos?
edited /2018/Berlin (+163) "/* Blog posts */ sublists for tweets and logs"
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I might just do #newwwyear again (and #indieweb of course).
created /2018/Berlin/Demos (+533) "stub, dfn, to -do"
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we (well, mostly Zegnat) did chat notes
good point that those should be page-ified
600 minutes until sknebel consider wikifiying Demo notes for BER and NUR
I added a countdown scheduled for 2018-11-15 9:36am CET (#6423)
[tantek], no we are focusing on separating your feeds into custom menus using wordpress.com
593 minutes until for wikifying Demo notes for BER see https://indieweb.org/2018/Berlin/Demos
I added a countdown scheduled for 2018-11-15 12:36am PST (#6424)
Tip: attach a URL to a countdown to provide a clear path to action
since it's for me it's fine :D
j12t joined the channel
maybe we encourage people who demo live, to do a demo post and embed the YouTube video with their start time after the fact
My 2019-001 #indieweb commitment: build on my @IndieWebCamp Berlin coding, improve archive pages, more nav & pagination, e.g. home stream to prev day(s). Details: https://indieweb.org/Falcon#archive_pages What’s your 2019-01-01 personal site commitment? Previously: http://tantek.com/t4xV1
edited /2019-01-01-commitments (+290) "add myself, let's do this!"
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edited /2019-01-01-commitments (+32) "link project page"
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alright, kicked off the 2019-01-01 commitments - who's going to be next?
do you have a canonical link on your website to reply to or is it a wiki page?
j12t joined the channel
↩️ My #IndieWeb 2019-001 Commitment: Finish my migration away from WordPress to new site: https://github.com/jgmac1106/homepage Archive my old site, add redirects Fix the Idno read plugin I am working on Make an Idno Listen plugin Add a universal search of all my… https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2018/11/14/my-indieweb-2019-001-commitmentfinish-my-migration-away
I still replied to you....be really cool if we could keep a long chain of webmentions going as well
ha awesome
In the new one-wiki-page-per-hwc-location world, how do I add weekly topics for everyone?
[jgmac1106]++ for 2019 commitments!
[jgmac1106] has 33 karma in this channel over the last year (74 in all channels)
"In the new one-wiki-page-per-hwc-location world, how do I add weekly topics for everyone?"-Post to meta
no - chat is ephemeral not look-upable
how/where -> on wiki?
[jgmac1106] is IWC NHV a 100% go?
moved /2019/NHV to /2019/New_Haven "primary URL should be more search friendly, indexable"
huh, none of the 2019 IWCs are on /events
edited /2019-01-01-commitments (+369) "added my committment"
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"In the new one-wiki-page-per-hwc-location world, how do I add weekly topics for everyone?" https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=53918&oldid=53910&rcid=53783
(doesn't work yet, right now the weekly pages get completely replaced on regeneration)
yes, lemme finish helping someone and will fix page....maybe a CTA on tip of events?
edited /events/2018-11-14-homebrew-website-club (+139) "/* What */ upcoming IWCs!"
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sknebel++ thank you! Until then I'll keep updating e.g. https://indieweb.org/events/2018-11-14-homebrew-website-club#What
sknebel has 19 karma in this channel over the last year (83 in all channels)
edited /Events (+460) "/* 2019 */ added new haven"
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j12t_ joined the channel
Gina up next and created a Health and Wellness blog. Created different feeds using categories and made menus to those feeds. Next goal is to do a challenge maybe like "30 days Vegan..but worried about holidays" going to do some challenge. #IndieWeb… https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2018/11/14/gina-up-next-and-created-a-health
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[tantek] 2019 commitments are to be finished by the end of 2019, right?
i thought it was a goal to launch something before jan 1 2019
↩️ Lindsey up next with: https://lindseymaesblog.wordpress.com/ uses her blog to share a story of overcoming an eating disorder and anxiety issues. She also created custom menus. Interested in learning better about how to track what she eats over time. #IndieWeb… https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2018/11/14/lindsey-up-next-with-uses-her
aaronpk, that's what I thought too, but everything sounds so ambitious, I thought I'd double check before I over committed ;)
↩️ Kate goes next at https://lifechapterbychapter.wordpress.com/ and describes how she uses her blog for #NanoWriMo which she has done every November since Middle School. She has started to explore adding widgets to her site. #IndieWeb #HWC-NewHaven (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/57wZ7)
chrisaldrich....mine is mainly done....really waiting for classes to be over as I don't wnt my kids worrying about bookmarks and feeds
↩️ Trent goes next with https://trentkaisen.wordpress.com/ and describes how he is started to customize header images and fonts. Wants to figure out how to put different header images on each page. #IndieWeb #HWC-NewHaven (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/nbdtL)
Tati is up next at: https://tatianiabond2017.wordpress.com/blog/ She has added a blog page and an About Me page, plus is having fun trying out different themes #IndieWeb #HWC-NewHaven (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/2jgfdj)